Corsair inbound!

With regard to the N-number on N700G, it is a bit of a mystery how it was applied, if at all?


If there are some specific stencils you're in need of, I can work to try and find more detail - the most difficult would of course be those around the top of the fuselage in front of the windscreen. It is interesting to note that on N700G, which is restored as close to original as possible, the Non-Specular Sea Blue paint was applied after the stencils were applied to the Glossy Sea Blue overall paint, as you can see that the stencils within the region of the anti-glare have been masked off.

Here are some stencil/decal photos from a couple other extremely authentic FG-1D restorations, which are for the most part all the same. I will also look through my photos tonight to see if I have anything of use stored on my computer. - all of the little decals around the flaps say PUSH
Hi Jankees,

I've taken a number of pics of the plane, but alas they're from an airshow distance and generally at a pretty low shutter speed so that I can capture prop blur, so the stencils detail ends up a bit blurry. I think the 523 is a bit smaller than on your paint -- in my pics, it's very close to the size of the insignia bar next to it. (Note bottom pic, which doesn't have angle distortion.)

Here's a zip file of three sharpest pics I have, from different angles (so you can see stuff like the markings on the gear doors too). This Zip file has lossless PNGs in it, at full 20MP resolution: on Google Drive

Here are thumbnails of the pics in the Zip. (The ZIP pics are much higher resolution so you can zoom in on the details:





Allow me to interject a little something in here... Like a certain bodily orifice, everyone has an opinion, and all opinions are valid. What counts is how you present them. If a certain thing isn't "your thing," you can put that across without being snarky. If your opinion differs from someone else's, you can express that without also showing off that corresponding bodily orifice.

We don't always have to agree, but we do need to be civil.
Those having problems taking off and landing, watch this 10 minute video. This guy's advice worked for me, I can now take off and land without being virtually killed or maimed. It still requires more focus than any other airplane I've flown in the sim - but then, that's probably true of the Corsair in real life. "Ensign Eliminator" indeed. If all else fails, you can turn on "takeoff assistance" in the MSFS general options/assistance menu and get off the ground, but that won't help you land.

This was pure gold CEO! Thanks for sharing. The half full ruder right at the application of power really helps! I have found that if you put the rudder in after you start to see a swing, you are already too late to save it...
Thanks CEO, wish I had seen the video before learning how to take off from the school of hard knocks.
Jan, civilian or military, coming from you they'll all be great. But I have to admit, I am smitten by that red and white paint scheme. Very cool.
I know it's a stupid question, but how do you remove the tanks from him?

Not stupid at all! (had to look for it for weeks myself and eventually had to ask the good people over here)

When selecting the aircraft, in the menu on the left hand side, you'll see a button saying "fuel and payload" or something like that. There you can change the fuel of the auxiliary tanks. O weight = no tanks.


What Priller said.

Last two tanks are the side ones. The 3rd from bottom is the centerline one. While you are there use also the slider for CG and bring it back to about half to reach an acceptable figure. It helps with flight properties.
With the latest update 1.5.8, I am not able to open the cowl flaps. The lever moved fore and aft, but nothing happens.