Damage simulation

Maybe if less of the engine was labeled as such in the hierarchy in gmax you could get away with little or nothing dropping away. You'd still have to get rid of the prop disk somehow, and also make sure emitters were not part of what was dropping away.
Try not deleting an engine and instead give it a fuel flow of 0.

Example: engine.2 = 0, 0, 0

Experiment, experiment, experiment!

I learn more by screwing things up on purpose than I do trying to fix them!

So, your Alpha worked?
Those are the xyz parameters for the location of the engine in the FM. Used for calculating where the thrust is coming from and also helps the FM determine which contact point triggers a prop strike. I don't think fuel flow or other engine parameters can be adjusted individually.
Well Foo Fighter's idea is interesting if one wants a model with already stopped engines, which I want for my B17F_CR representing a crippled B17. The issue seems to be that if I want only 1 or 2 engines, they must be starboard ones; don't know why. As it is, my first attempt of making a damaged _t.dds show up in a game in spite of, I think, following F F's suggestion for making a new alpha for a damaged _t.dds.
I think this has to do with the part naming in the m3d file. Maybe look for engine3 and 4 or prop3 and 4. If you rename engines 1 and 2 (or prop 1 and 2, I don't really know) as engines 3 and 4 and vice versa with a hex editor, or shuffle those numbers some other way, I think you will see different engines stopped.
I think that if you change the hierarchy to have engine0 a helper node, with the props attached to it, then make a endcap with a new set of props that are feathered. That should work. This way the engine emitters are still in place doing their thing and the feathered prop will display. What needs to be considered in this case is the loss of thrust and if the break code will trigger that. The only draw back is the engine will not fall off. Which I always thought was a just for show anyway. If you really want to be creative, just make several endcaps for each engine. One that has a feathered prop, another with falling engine, others still with varing degrees of damage.

I did the helper thing with the HE177, two engines driving one prop.
I must be missing something here, or maybe we're on different tracks. Clive, are your effects only after damage made by the Spitfire? If so, that would also be good for missions, but what I am after is an already damaged aircraft to use in a mission where the Luftwaffe attacks already damaged or crippled B17s; and maybe something I could use in TOW for NJ vs. BC. In any case I might try that on some ai B17 versions.
Re "
f you want it to appear somewhere other than a emitter you can use the statements
PosX="XX" PosZ="ZZ" PosY="YY" (values must be numbers) instead of the Location="emitter_eng0_exh_r"
X = Fuselage Centreline
X+ = Wing Span Right
X- = Wing Span Left

Y = Wing Height Centrline
Y+ = Above Wing
Y- = Below Wing

Z = Wing Centreline
Z+ = Forward of wing
Z- = Rear of wing"

So I tried to add these lines to the xdp effects but ac wouldn't load.

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_engdebris_m____" Location="emitter_PosX="-0.275" PosZ="-2.25" PosY="0.00"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_engdebris_m____" Location="emitter_PosX="-0.175" PosZ="-1.25" PosY="0.00"/>
So I tried to add these lines to the xdp effects but ac wouldn't load.

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_engdebris_m____" Location="emitter_PosX="-0.275" PosZ="-2.25" PosY="0.00"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_engdebris_m____" Location="emitter_PosX="-0.175" PosZ="-1.25" PosY="0.00"/>
You need to get rid of the Location="emitter_
Change to
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_engdebris_m____" PosX="-0.275" PosZ="-2.25" PosY="0.00"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_engdebris_m____" PosX="-0.175" PosZ="-1.25" PosY="0.00"/>
@Clive - I aim to please! Glad it helped you along.(y)

@gecko - I knew that! Once upon a time, anyway. The older I get the more experience is lost.:(
Just looked at that again. Old ideas revisited; hopefully we'll get more possibilities this time, but I'll try the old effect as well.
Just another quick test, it was known for LW bombers to drop their u/carts when the hydraulics were hit.
Using the endcap method that can be portrayed as well.

JU88 damage3.png
but what I am after is an already damaged aircraft to use in a mission where the Luftwaffe attacks already damaged or crippled B17s; and maybe something I could use in TOW for NJ vs. BC. In any case I might try that on some ai B17 versions

James, if you want to have an already feathered engine just delete one from the cfg file.

It doesn't seem to affect the aircraft though, even though the gauges for the 'dead' engine are not working. You'd have to alter the FM to make it slower or lose altitude I guess.

JU88 damage4.png
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@Clive - The stock Ju-88 in your screenshot I presume? What exactly did you edit to achieve this? Some playing around with the source model in Gmax to create the desired endcap or picking/choosing pre existing model parts and causing them to display somehow?
@Clive - The stock Ju-88 in your screenshot I presume? What exactly did you edit to achieve this? Some playing around with the source model in Gmax to create the desired endcap or picking/choosing pre existing model parts and causing them to display somehow?
Yes Barry, it's the SDK model. I copied the existing engine and gear parts, deleted the original endcap and renamed the copied parts as 'endcap0_engine1' whilst keeping the hierarchy in place.
I've attached the gmax, m3d and xdp files for it.


  • JU_88.zip
    1.2 MB · Views: 5
Yeah, I had the engines stopped and smoke, etc. although I might change those. If only I could get the damaged texture to show! Excuse the BBC in the background!


  • B_17F_CR 2 damage.mp4
    4.7 MB
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I think to get the flight model to reflect a dead engine you'll need to go into the airfile and edit there. The cfg is one place but the airfile may need to be edited as well.
Removing engines as has been done in the CFG should remove their performance contribution from the FM.
I can't see anything in the air file relating to a specific engine, nor anywhere else in the cfg file. I tried this and no effect.

engine_type = 0
fuel_flow_scalar = 0.00
engine.0 = 10.600, -21.000, 0.000
engine.3 = 10.600, 21.000, 0.000
engine_type = 0
fuel_flow_scalar = 1.000
engine.1 = 12.400, -10.000, -0.800
engine.2 = 12.400, 10.000, -0.800
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