Damage simulation

There isn't. Removing an engine from the cfg file removes it from the FM.

It may be hard to tell a difference if just watching the AI fly it, but I suspect that compared to an AI with four engines, it will maintain altitude at a lower speed, most easily seen by it flying slightly more nose high than an aircraft will all engines functional.
I think this has to do with the part naming in the m3d file. Maybe look for engine3 and 4 or prop3 and 4. If you rename engines 1 and 2 (or prop 1 and 2, I don't really know) as engines 3 and 4 and vice versa with a hex editor, or shuffle those numbers some other way, I think you will see different engines stopped.
You don't have to.worry about the hex stuff. Just change the engine (or prop?) numbers. It is pretty easy using a replace, or replace all function in your hex editor. The first engine will need to be changed to an unused designation first, so the swap can occur. For example, making engines 1 and 3 swap places:
1. Replace all engine1 references with engineX.
2. Replace all engine3 references with engine1.
3. Replace all engineX references with engine3.

EDIT: This doesn't actually seem to work. I'm not sure why. Sorry to mislead you.
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You don't have to.worry about the hex stuff. Just change the engine (or prop?) numbers. It is pretty easy using a replace, or replace all function in your hex editor. The first engine will need to be changed to an unused designation first, so the swap can occur. For example, making engines 1 and 3 swap places:
1. Replace all engine1 references with engineX.
2. Replace all engine3 references with engine1.
3. Replace all engineX references with engine3.

EDIT: This doesn't actually seem to work. I'm not sure why. Sorry to mislead you.
So does this sort of imply it's hard wired in CFS3 programme? I don't think WOFF/WOTR have ever needed to deal with this, so no answer there.
I don't think so. I still think there is a solution out there, and I am quite surprised that the above didn't work, given that I've done similar things hex editing part names in m3d files and the changes I made showed up. That was my first attempt doing it with engines, so maybe I did it wrong.
I will look at the airfile later today or tomorrow. I am sure (said that before) that editing the airfile to have two engines and editing the cfg to do the same will have the desired effect.
I will look at the airfile later today or tomorrow. I am sure (said that before) that editing the airfile to have two engines and editing the cfg to do the same will have the desired effect.
Will that deal with the problem of not being able to stop just any (1 or 2) engine without dealing with sequential and cumulative order as is now?