Dancats Polikarpov I-16 Uploaded

Another fine looking model Jon, many thanks!
A couple of questions..

1) How do you disable the autostart?
2) Do you think you'll get arouind to finishing that Fw189? :jump:

Keep up the great work! :salute:

I can confirm that I get a black prop with the Type 24. I also agree that the "as is" FM is pretty near impossible to control (climb and roll left that can't be readily trimmed out). I'll look into fixing both when I get home tonight.
The propeller issue stems from the .m3d asking for something called "lft46_i16_prop_b.dds" which doesn't exist - I replaced it with "lft46_i16_prop_s.dds" which does, and which is called for anyway. Works like a charm now.

But let there be light. My special thanks for Jon, those very well made exhaust emitters saved hours. This is for the Type 28, for the Type 24 change all shell effects to "fx_shells_s".

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_nav_green" PosX="4.5" PosZ="0.2" PosY="-0.25" MinVel="1" MaxVel="50"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_nav_red" PosX="-4.5" PosZ="0.2" PosY="-0.25" MinVel="1" MaxVel="50"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="ac_Light_gunsight_yellow" MinVel="-1" MaxVel="300" Location="emitter_site"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_exhaust_0"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_exhaust_1"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_exhaust_2"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_exhaust_3"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_exhaust_4"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_exhaust_5"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_exhaust_6"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_exhaust_7"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_exhaust_8"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" Location="emitter_exhaust_0"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" Location="emitter_exhaust_1"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" Location="emitter_exhaust_2"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" Location="emitter_exhaust_3"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" Location="emitter_exhaust_4"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" Location="emitter_exhaust_5"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" Location="emitter_exhaust_6"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" Location="emitter_exhaust_7"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" Location="emitter_exhaust_8"/>
<Effect Type="Shells0" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp0b0"/>
<Effect Type="Shells1" EffectName="fx_shells_s" Location="gun_grp1b0"/>
<Effect Type="Shells2" EffectName="fx_shells_s" Location="gun_grp2b0"/>
<Effect Type="Shells3" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp3b0"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_N_gtrail" AvH="emitter_damage_wing_tip_left" MinVel="35" MaxVel="45" PosX="-4.5" PosZ="0" PosY="-0.25"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_N_gtrail" AvH="emitter_damage_wing_tip_right" MinVel="35" MaxVel="45" PosX="4.5" PosZ="0" PosY="-0.25"/>
next time I have to remember and ask for version that has everything done and doesn't require renaming and moving files around since I can't do that without ****ing something up royally.:173go1: I think I'll stick to converting Sketchup models into 3DSmax-form..
must have forgot to update the 24 model, sorry about that.
as for trimming the plane, the I-16 didn't have trim as I recall.
Hello Jon, what with editing the .m3d for prop textures, re-enabling autostart (it's in aircraft.cfg Clive, autoignition=1 will do it, then delete the .bdp) and fiddling the .air file (good old AirWrench!), I've got the I-16 usable for a mere ham-fist like me.

Is this what we mean by the developer community?? LOLOLOL (I'll have a bash at the contact points next....)
oh well, the main reason I wanted this plane was that I could shoot it down with FAF Gladiator..:173go1: now, all we need is proper Fokker..
Thank you all for the Fixes..I have put all of this into the I-16's and everything works Great..
I am getting ready to send out missions on the Eastern Front for this great little bird..
Finished them and have 4 missions for the I-15, two Russian and two German..
I gress it's time to buld some Eastern Front stuff.. LOl..
Bravo for this Great little plane..
I shall be sending out the missions First to Dancat.. For His approval
And to the men who suffer through testing my Missions..

it is a BETA after all and I never claimed it was perfect.
as for the auto start, it has nothing to do with the autoignition.
it's done through the normalized_starter_torque in the aircraft cfg.
I have a feeling ww2 airplanes aren't like my Saab and fire up the second you hit the starter so I made it more life like but change what you will.
Clive, I have no plans to do anything with the fw-189 but if you're interested you can have it.
This is a Great little plane,,Beta or not I really think you should be given the Praise you deserve..It was your effort and work, That imspired me to build some missions on the Eastern front.
Thank You very much for all of this..
Uploaded and installed with no problems!

Jon, you did a fantastic job! Thank you very much for all of your hard work on this wonderful addition!
Awesome. Particularly nice work on the engine cooling vents (shift+e to open, ctrl+e to close) on the cowling! I have some repaints in mind already.:medals:
How do you : "The propeller issue stems from the .m3d asking for something called "lft46_i16_prop_b.dds" which doesn't exist - I replaced it with "lft46_i16_prop_s.dds" which does, and which is called for anyway" edit/change the .m3d files?

This aircraft is hard to fly .... Brutal ....it's like a Bronco :icon_lol:
I hope Dancat doesn't think we're just ganging up on him, because this is still a cracking model. As far as the Soviet flight characteristics go, I've had a closer look at the FM and it flies really well if you reduce the fuel load: at 40% it's as docile as you could wish, but agile as a house fly nonetheless.

Fully fueled, the centre of gravity moves noticeably back and constant forward pressure on the stick is needed to keep the nose level. That's where I'd look for adjustments. With AirWrench I just pushed the Repair Aerodynamic Balance button for a quick 'n dirty fix.

There's a great thing about this thread - lots of people getting together in public to sort something out. We eagerly wait for the heavyweight modellers to release their finished creations - finished, polished and ready for our admiration - but this is FUN! Few of us wannabes are as able as Ted, Stephan, Mathias etc, so it's good to pool what knowledge we have to get this model past the beta stage. Thanks, Dancat! :icon29:

@Emile - you need a hex editor to edit the aircraft's .m3d. Lots of us use XVI32, it's free and easy to use. Search for lft46_i16_prop_b.dds within the file and when you find it, change the b to an s. Took me about 10 seconds. Cheers, greycap!

Hairyspin, you are a gentleman and a scholar! Thanks for that last post, I absolutely
love DANCAT's latest creation as I have enjoyed all his stuff. So many people here are
more than willing to help out with little problems to benefit all.

I wondered why I didn't have a problem with the FM, but then, I never fly fully fueled!

I would like to thank ALL the wonderful people here at SOH, and Jon, this one's for you :icon29: :ernae: .
oh, I noticed there are already many skins for this
in just this thread! gotta check those cooling vents!
It is a Great plane to fly, abit unstable as all fighters should be..It does take a honest effort to fly..But I because of my background flying aircraft, with fighter pilots as a boy, I learned to fly in a way I gress many haven't had the chance to learn..
I am impressed very much by this little biird..And as a Beta, I think it is GREAT..
So much so, I was inspried to build some missions quickly for it.
They are in Dancats hands for his approval..I shall say any German Aircraft that faces this Bird will have their hands full.. LOL..