As far as flying skill is concerned when you start down the runway with your stick full forward, and the plane pulls straight up into a low altitude stall anyway, I'm not sure what more masterful flying you could have done to save yourself. 
The 40% fuel tidbit is much appreciated, as she now flies quite nicely.
Looking in the air file I see two fuel tanks. One is located at +1.0 (41.7 gal) and the other is at -5.0 (57.5 gal). From the above diagram the two fuel tanks appear to be over and under, and not fore and aft of each other. They also appear to be positioned at the center of lift of the wing to minimize trim changes as they drain out.
One simple way to fix the black prop if you don't have a hex editor is to make a copy of the existing dds prop file and give it the other name.
The 40% fuel tidbit is much appreciated, as she now flies quite nicely.

Looking in the air file I see two fuel tanks. One is located at +1.0 (41.7 gal) and the other is at -5.0 (57.5 gal). From the above diagram the two fuel tanks appear to be over and under, and not fore and aft of each other. They also appear to be positioned at the center of lift of the wing to minimize trim changes as they drain out.
One simple way to fix the black prop if you don't have a hex editor is to make a copy of the existing dds prop file and give it the other name.