'Dark' theme available?


Mayor Emeritus of Taco City
I really like the new look and I'm sure it was no picnic getting the migration done - but my eyes can't take these bright white backgrounds once the sun goes down
+1 !

Wonderful new look ! Wonderful work, Dave & Co ! 👏👍

(true, gonna miss the smilies ;-)
heywooood: SOH Alt 3 or Outhouse Dark should help. You can change Styles at the bottom left. I have also suggested a thicker font if possible for this text.
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Something more like this? Note some text is almost unreadable as it just about the same gray as the background.

You can increase page zoom, but anything else will need to be addressed by Dave. I'll pass it along.
heywooood: SOH Alt 3 or Outhouse Dark should help. You can change Styles at the bottom left. I have also suggested a thicker font if possible for this text.
Yeah, none of these are actual "dark" themes, though, with white text on black. I'm the opposite of Tom, I find white text on black much easier on the eyes.

Something more akin to this:
Unfortunately every theme is flashbang white but for CombatFS since they are all now edge to edge white text boxes.