Dash 7

...Actually I have a newer version of a Dash 7-103 coming, nearly done. With that updated version, I can easily add the CIR...

You know there was a time when this thing was my almost exclusive flightsim pastime.
I can see why...it's worse than eating peanuts...:kilroy:
Any updates will be like candy to the kids!

And, thanks for the lights, Loup :ernae:
The Canadian Ice Recon aircraft was updated for FS9 there ... but does not have a VC (other than VC engine views) in the 2D pans.

Milton, you did do a Canadian Ice Recon update for the VC'd Dash7. It was available here in the SOH library, but the download was lost in the crash. Even though it is for the 100 model, it looks and works great.
BTW, I thought it was at one time available at avsim and flightsim, but a search came up empty.

I still have the zipped file... perhaps Milton still has it, too. (???)

This is an update for the FS2004 (or FS2002) Dash 7 VC model (dash7v2a.zip) adding a model and texture update to your existing Dash 7. Canadian Ice Recon textures by Bill Womack.
by Milton Shupe
Sorry for the delay, guys!
I just had a few days away from the paint shack, performing some real good (and exhausting...) railroading.
Now back to business:

Went down to the Float base here and chatted with a Tindi pilot and a couple bush pilots. Here is a pic the Tindi pilot gave me to post.
That's great!
Interesting, how 'neat and tidy' a hard working cargo hauler can appear.
AIR TINDI seems to have some variations concerning the lettering - does anyone know what "TLI CHO AIR" (found on the C-GCEV) should mean?
I didn't detect an anagram - or is it native nunavut language?

@ Jon:
I somehow had the notion that you'd like this one, although it's no piston twin...

@ Milton:
The Maple Leaf factory livery looks good too - we'll see if I can deal with this one either. Just got started...

Milton, you did do a Canadian Ice Recon update for the VC'd Dash7. It was available here in the SOH library, but the download was lost in the crash. Even though it is for the 100 model, it looks and works great.
BTW, I thought it was at one time available at avsim and flightsim, but a search came up empty.

I still have the zipped file... perhaps Milton still has it, too. (???)

This is an update for the FS2004 (or FS2002) Dash 7 VC model (dash7v2a.zip) adding a model and texture update to your existing Dash 7. Canadian Ice Recon textures by Bill Womack.
by Milton Shupe

EDIT: Found the zip on my website. This is an update to your existing Dash 7 folder that adds a Model and Texture folder and provides an update to your aircraft cfg fltsim section.

You can download it here: http://www.flightsimonline.com/downloads/d7v2aice.zip

Thanks Brent.
AIR TINDI seems to have some variations concerning the lettering - does anyone know what "TLI CHO AIR" (found on the C-GCEV) should mean?
I didn't detect an anagram - or is it native nunavut language?

The Tłįchǫ First Nation, formerly known as the Dogrib, are a DeneAboriginal Canadian people living in the Northwest Territories (NWT), Canada.
On August 25, 2003, they signed a land claims agreement, also called Tłįchǫ, as the Tlicho Government, with the Government of Canada. The agreement will cede a 39,000 square kilometres (15,100 sq mi) area between Great Bear Lake and Great Slave Lake in the NWT to Tłįchǫ ownership. The territory includes the communities of Behchoko, Gamèti, Wekweeti and Whatì along with Diavik Diamond Mine and Ekati Diamond Mine.

As most of Tindi's operation is in and around the NWT and services the aboriginal communities, Tindi has formed partnerships with the local nations. It gives them investment opportunities and business contacts as well as a say in how the services are operated. So, barring further info, it's safe to assume it's something like "Air Tindi, in partnership with Tli Cho Air".
Other examples are Canadian North and First Air which are owned in whole or part by First Nations groups.

BTW, Nunavut is the eastern side, the NWT is the western side of what was, before the division, the Northwest Territories.

I heard of this place "Diavik Diamond Mine" and the dangers during the long winters up here.
Just loaded the ole gal up myself in FSX ... looking good there with a couple minor changes; Gauge cabs to the panel folder and changing the prop alpha to 15,15,15.
Just loaded the ole gal up myself in FSX ... looking good there with a couple minor changes; Gauge cabs to the panel folder and changing the prop alpha to 15,15,15.

Milton, thats great news. I love having both Sims with the Dash 7, but im not that good with prop alpha's or gauges. Would you be willing to share the fixes for us Dual simmers to bask in Dash 7 Glory.
You bet.

Find the two gauge cab files, one named Annun.cab, the other ST_Dash.cab likely in your FS9/Gauges folder.

After you copy the Dash7 folder to your FSX/SimObjects/Airplanes folder, then copy those two cab files to the Dash7v2a/Panel folder.

I'll try to attach the spinprop.bmp here for you to copy to each of your texture folders. (Basically, all I did to the alpha was reduce it to 15,15.15)

That's it.

I'm having intermittent ISP outages here so it may take awhile.
Prop works me in SP2 FSX and no Gauge issues, just a few alpha area's in the VC overhead panel and near the nose. Otherwise very strong FPS performance then most ports. Me thinks I'll circumnavigate Canada in Both Sims to show Fs9 and FSX's beauty:ernae:.
Thank you for the explanation, Rob! :ernae:
Now that I know what TLI CHO means, I can paste it with good conscience. Readers of the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" or admirers of Monty Python's should know something about interlangual embarrassment - always good to avoid it... :engel016:

Yes Sir! You have that correct. Innsbruck is one of my favorite departure points for Alps flying. There are many beautiful hours of flying available just hitting the Austrian airports, a wonderously awesome place.

As I life in Austria and 1/2 of my realtives are from Tyrol I can agree .But knowing the mountains I fly usually out of Santa Barbara (KSBA)

Entertaining is coming from East(Vienna) and landing to the east(Wind) then you fly 180°turn with a kind of knife-flight(direct translation to english,dont know how it is called in fact a 90°roll) 400 m over the cliffs of the North chain mountains.It always frightens the passengers to death

Not circling...

...but some 8.000 ft above Skagway (Holger's incredible Glacier Bay area):


Quick&dirty of course, but I think this repaint will turn out very nice...
(Shockwave 3D lights and the new HDE cloud set applied)
Gettin' closer:


Holy maloney, these new high-def clouds are awesome! :jump:
Thanks to LouP for providing the 3Dlights parameters! :applause:

The only bummer we have to live with is that the port foreward windows of the series 100 model don't align with the cargo door of the 103...
Thanks, Milton! :ernae:

Yes, I use the layered PSP set.
The "full length" fuselage texture is great for applying the stripes, but some kind of hard to cut and paste the merged set to the real mapping. I created some adjustment marks to get it going.

I hope I can have her ready this weekend...
