Dash 7


Actually I have a newer version of a Dash 7-103 coming, nearly done.

I almost missed this great news!
Assuming that the texture mapping will be the same as for the 100 version, I'll wait with the release of the AIR TINDI livery until the cargo hauler is available.

Taking it for granted that the cargo door will open, their door frames of course have to be in correct position.

Sorry for the AIT TINDI lovers, but I think it's worth waiting until you can get your cargo way up north...


Although the new Dash 7 is likely 100 hours (of my time) of being released, it is on hold awaiting textures and paint kit.

The paint kit is different as most of the exterior model has been redone, improved, and the cargo door is a bit different. It will likely be early 2010 at best before it is ready.

I show it here with André Folkers cargo paint from the early version and although the fuselage is close (I tried to get it as close as possible) it is still different. Note that the nacelles, rear nacelle wing attachment, and wing cap as well as the fuse are all different. Any work you do on the existing will mostly be easily portable in your graphics program with minor changes and touch ups I think.
"Now that I know what TLI CHO means, I can paste it with good conscience. Readers of the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" or admirers of Monty Python's should know something about interlangual embarrassment - always good to avoid it... :engel016:"

Ah, now I understand how your paints turn out so great/ You are using the Improbability Drive to create them:icon_lol: That way you can avoid those pesky slaps in the face when you have a thought:jump:
... Any work you do on the existing will mostly be easily portable in your graphics program with minor changes and touch ups I think.

O.K. - you got me!
I'll release the paint for the 100 series but will omit the cargo door frames. So it will be a 'semi-fictional' paint just to bridge over the time to the 103 model's release. We'll just have to avoid bulky cargo...

I don't know when I can return to the paint hut: Currently, I'm suffering from some nasty gastric flu and on tuesday, I'll be off to Turkey to a quick one-week vacation. So please be patient!

Thank you, racarton!
Yes, the Improbability Drive is a fine thing once you can handle it. I just don't have any idea what to do with all those petunia pots... :icon_lol:

Allright, folks - she's almost done:






Just have to pack her (tomorrow) and up she goes!

Sidney Schwartz was at avsim awhile ago looking into updating his scenery. I pm him and offered any help I can offer. Hopefully i'll hear something and have good news otherwise I'll campaign for a new updated Yellowknife in Fs9.
Well, now there is a work of art for which you can be proud.
Thank you so much, Milton!
But your DASH7 is the work of art, I just added some handicraft... :kilroy:

She just went over to flightsim and the Outhouse.


Pausing at Ft. Resolution CYFR (Pete & Sid's Viva Scenery Volume 1 by Peter Ham and Sidney Schwartz).

For FSX users (Jon - ya hear me?):
This repaint was also tested in FSX SP1 and seems to work quite well with it (besides the usual gauge issues...). FSX thumbnail and altered 'spinprop_t.bmp' file (recommendation by Milton) included:


(FSX Yellowknife)

I hope you don't mind the little artistic license I allowed concerning the 'invasion stripes' at the wing's upper side. I don't know if the exhaust touched areas are really painted black, but it made sense to me...

Have fun!

On some liveries they are painted black but there is no consistent pattern even within a given livery. Greenland Air (before Air Greenland) had some of both as did Tyrolean.
On some liveries they are painted black but there is no consistent pattern even within a given livery.

Good to hear this!
The pics of the Tindi C-GCEV do show that the engine nacelle's upper sides are painted black, so I thought this was a good reason to do it with the wings also.
One more riddle is still to be solved:
The "L" letter at the rudder (whatever it should mean...) was flipped at the starboard side - at least one photo of the (early Tindi livery) C-FASC at airliners.net shows this. Couldn't get any pic of the C-GCEV starboard rudder, so I flipped it either. "It's not a bug - it's a feature!" :jump:
Thank you, Google Earth!

Well, I think I found some confirmation concerning the 'invasion stripes':
If I'm not too wrong, this pic of Yellowknife shows a white DASH7 with black exhaust areas:


Note the several DC-3, Canadair water bombers and some more immortal propliners (DC-6?) at the boneyard!
Maybe CG_1976 ("our man at Yellowknife") could confirm my findings...? :icon_lol:

The new paint looks great Markus and I can't wait to try it out :jump:

It's nice to see you're using our Ft. Resolution CYFR scenery.

There has been an update for Sid's Yellowknife scenery but it hasn't been released yet.


Where Where linky please to Ft. Resolution CYFR scenery:jump:. Bone Yard?? what bone yard lol, dont let the bush pilots up here hear that. That area is the mechanical area for Buffalo and Tindi and well the CL's just park were they feel like it. That Dash 7 I can confirm today has black invasion stripes.
Where Where linky please to Ft. Resolution CYFR scenery:jump:.........

Ft. Resolution CYFR (Pete & Sid's Viva Scenery Volume 1 by Peter Ham and Sidney Schwartz).

Do a search at Flightsim for ' Pete & Sid's Scenery ' .... there's 6 entries.
