
Fun flight to Key West from the Bahamas. Right after we left, we ran into a line of thunderstorms which shook things up pretty good, so I climbed up higher than normal to try and go over them. Once we got to the keys, I was going to do a "dive buzz" on the tower at NAS Key West, but when I flipped over and nosed down, I lost sight of all the buildings and did a lot of twisting and turning on the way down trying to reacquire the target. Never did see them again until I pulled out of the dive at about 400ft above the ground. Then it was on to Key West Intl to get ready for tomorrow's fun.

Pics are in reverse order...
:wiggle: A little rough weather, and by george, we did get bounced around some what, but the old B-26 brought us thru. We was kind of watching, and hopping, that we would come up upon some drug running submarines, but didn't see a dogone one. Maybe we couldn't do a heck of a lot of damage to them, but those empty beer bottles sounds like big bombs coming down, and more than likely would have scared the you know what out of them. :USA-flag:
During the flight up to Key West, I managed to get a shot of Willy's dive bombing run on the NAS. I'd hoped to be a bit closer when he pushed over, but still a cool shot!
Well that was a fun and interesting flight. We left Key West and flew to Havana. I climbed up to over 12,000 feet to get a good dive in. I selected a fort at the mouth of the harbor as a target for "dive bombing" and nosed over to head down. Got a real good run in on that one although if I had got just a couple of feet lower I'd have gotten tangled up in some telephone wires in the pull out.

I flew low over the city to the airport which I proceeded to buzz. We formed back up and proceed on at our normal cruise altitude towards Cancun for a little R&R. But before we got out of Cuba, MM and Taco disappeared. I'm hoping those Cuban AA gunners didn't get them. I flew on to Cancun in the dusk and have got their first round of drinks waiting on them.

Pics are in backwards order again.
:icon_eek: Shucks, I got booted off last night and couldn't get logged on again! But anyway, it wasn't a total lost here are a few photos. Hehe, we did get to drop all those empty bottles! Going to be one heck of an effort to get all that glass picked up! After our drop we got the heck out of Dodge before those gunners got our range. Huh, I wonder is thats what happen causing be to get bumped off. Anyway, in Cancun checking out some of the local cuisine. Photos are backward.
:wiggle: Whoa! This bird sure looks interesting looks like this bugger is built for going real fast. hehe. Now I need to do a little sneaking around in order to find the keys. Who knows, this just be my next ride.

We had a nice stealthy flight from Cancun to Guatemala. This thing has more buttons than Carter has peanuts. Anyway, it looks like we'll be heading south for a while.
Wow! kind of felt out of place with those flying wing things. Lost sight of flight 19 during the flight , and of course, couldn't pick them up on the in plane radar, so we went balls to the wall put the wings back, and ridem cowboy! We finally caught up with flight 19 and their B-2s. Missed the landing due to R/L issues.
LOL Willy! Never heard or saw this expression before but it's a brilliant one.


Actually, the expression is "....than Carter has pills", a reference to Carter's Liver Pills. :icon_lol:

No relation to the _____* from Georgia.

- H52

* Insert your favorite description :icon_eek:
Went to the Guatamalan open air black market and found a slightly used Bone that I got a deal on. Sure came in handy too. Seems "otto' tried to kill me just after take off (had a major poof) and I had to restart the flight and then catch up with the others. At least, everything acted right after that. I did end up going full throttle for quite a while to catch up with the rest of Flight 19.

I homed in on a carrier just off the Panama Canal and did a very quick low level over flight of it. I bet them boys on the old Lexington thought Buck Rogers had come to town. From there, it was time to run the canal....

Pics are in reverse order (again)
Found the canal and then flew up it at low level and fast (Aint that what a Bone's for?). Actually I'm liking this one much better than the B-2. Just have to watch your fuel as it sure is thirsty when you've got it in go fast.

At our post mission debrief at Howard AFB, there was talk of the South Pacific being really nice this time of year.....

Pics are reversed (again)
Filed the serial numbers off of the Bone and added the usual Merc Air stuff :d