Dash 7 Panel Fix to Correct Streaming Gauge
Thanks for bringing this issue to my attention.
This offending streaming event gauge affects ability to open cargo door and possibly AP altitude adjustments.
(You can comment them out with slashes or delete the lines)
Open the panel.cfg and replace these gauges with these statements as follows:
gauge82=//annun3!Surfacefx, 776,20,5,5
gauge37=//annun3!Surfacefx, 777,279,5,5
gauge100=//annun3!Surfacefx, 450,101,5,5
EDIT: I just want to say thank you again to Doug Dawson and all his great contributions to the community. It was his gauge, the event logger, that helped me find the issue. It is available as freeware at major sites for FS9 and FSX. Got mine at Flightsim as I could not get my old one to work as I lost the instructions.