Decision time approaching


Ok so I collected my new PC rig this morning from Wired2Fire. My new monitor is wrapped and hidden in the house somewhere : )

Meanwhile 2020 is behaving beautifully and looking great on my old PC....

Having devoured all the Utube reviews and followed every thread on every 2024 forum I'm still not getting clear and unconditional endorsement of the new sim.

This is particularly in relation to the graphical depiction of the simulated world. Yes I can see that for the bush pilots there are rocks and pebbles to enjoy but I was led to believe from all the trailers from MS/ASOBO that there would be a real step up in the detail of the scenescape generally. As someone who spends most of my time at low/medium level this was the real attraction of the new sim. I'm hearing that actually there is little to choose between the two sims in this area.

So what to do..maybe hang on until the promised Bing update drops maybe...
For what it's worth, in FS24 I can identify actual buildings in my (very small) home town such as apartment blocks, churches and factories which were merely generic buildings in FS20.
Bridges are better modelled and the traffic drives OVER them too. There is more traffic on more roads in FS24 than in FS20. The "We Love VFR" freeware mods are now included as default and these include smokestacks, cooling towers, radio masts, radomes and all kinds of other Air Navigation Obstacles around the world. There are more local landmarks in the default FS24 which makes VFR flying more enjoyable and more realistic.
Have you considered running MSFS 2020 on 1 SSD & MSFS 2024 on another SSD?
I am doing that but since MSFS 2024 launched I have only flown once in 2020.
I find in 2024 I am running a mix of Med/High graphics, essentially the same as I was in 2020. FPS is on average similar, around 30fps to 40fps, depending on location.
The 2024 ground does have more detail as regards shrubbery, stones & so on, but the trees can be a bit skeletal, depending on where you are flying. The main + I notice that 2024 has over 2020 are the lighting & clouds.
Standard/Live Clouds have more variety and the lighting is more ethereal, especially at dawn & dusk.
Ok so I collected my new PC rig this morning from Wired2Fire. My new monitor is wrapped and hidden in the house somewhere : )

Meanwhile 2020 is behaving beautifully and looking great on my old PC....

Having devoured all the Utube reviews and followed every thread on every 2024 forum I'm still not getting clear and unconditional endorsement of the new sim.

This is particularly in relation to the graphical depiction of the simulated world. Yes I can see that for the bush pilots there are rocks and pebbles to enjoy but I was led to believe from all the trailers from MS/ASOBO that there would be a real step up in the detail of the scenescape generally. As someone who spends most of my time at low/medium level this was the real attraction of the new sim. I'm hearing that actually there is little to choose between the two sims in this area.

So what to do..maybe hang on until the promised Bing update drops maybe...
The question is "What are "you" looking for differently" in 2024 over 2020? Myself, I was after the more stable FPS, which I definitely am getting. No stutters, especially in the cities and around larger airports. My FR are averaging 50-65 in heavy areas. Worst I have seen is 40 FPS. Yes, I have upgraded my CPU, but no other changes. I have tried 2020 twice, since I upgraded, and my stutters in my original home town of San Diego, were still bad. Average FPS in the single digits. I don't know how the Bing update is going to change things, until the vegetation ai is fixed, other than updating the scenery to closer to present time.

The scenery down low is very much more detailed and realistic. Individual stones and grass types are visible, and do affect the aircraft as it rolls over, as well as increased drag in rolling resistance.
For me, the flight dynamics are greatly improved, especially on tire traction. There were very few taildraggers I could take off without sliding sideways off the runway. Have not had that happen, yet, in 2024.

The UI will frustrate you until you figure it out. That part is the biggest guarantee. However, that also occured with 2020, so, your mileage may vary.

Strictly MHO.
Priller - is that because you now feel more confident in it after the slew of patches ?
Actually it's because I now have three weeks off. So in between the festivities, I'll have ample time to get to know the sim.


My FPS ranges from 40s to 70s depending on location, weather, and whether on ground or not. In NYC get a high of 60s FPS. However I've had significant stutters when beginning to fly a new plane. It got better in time. Other significant stuttering on occasion I attribute to network or sim problems. Still very pleased with FS2024.
I find the trees look much more realistic when flying low. Also, and this is a BIG plus for me, 2024 has the Cypremort Point area below KARA (my home airfield) correct. FS2020 had it totally wrong. Now, when I fly over it on approach I see the correct terrain. Also, the water colors are better. The local bayous aren't the real mocha brown, but they aren't cobalt blue either.
I find the trees look much more realistic when flying low. Also, and this is a BIG plus for me, 2024 has the Cypremort Point area below KARA (my home airfield) correct. FS2020 had it totally wrong. Now, when I fly over it on approach I see the correct terrain. Also, the water colors are better. The local bayous aren't the real mocha brown, but they aren't cobalt blue either.
John - we heard a lot pre-launch about the planned different varieties of trees so it's good to hear that they have delivered on that. I'm more curious about the more general landscape where in the past we have just had plain block coloured graphic tiles for much of the scenery especially at airports around the runways and taxiways. Things like mountain rock faces and valley walls were typically blurry and indistinct. Are these any better in 2024?
Have you considered running MSFS 2020 on 1 SSD & MSFS 2024 on another SSD?
I am doing that but since MSFS 2024 launched I have only flown once in 2020.
I find in 2024 I am running a mix of Med/High graphics, essentially the same as I was in 2020. FPS is on average similar, around 30fps to 40fps, depending on location.
The 2024 ground does have more detail as regards shrubbery, stones & so on, but the trees can be a bit skeletal, depending on where you are flying. The main + I notice that 2024 has over 2020 are the lighting & clouds.
Standard/Live Clouds have more variety and the lighting is more ethereal, especially at dawn & dusk.
Having both Sims running on the new PC is an option. I did that with the P3D / MSFS 2020 transition. Like you though I quickly left P3D behind. That said the P3D transition to 2020 was a huge step change in Sim capability and technology. I see 2020 / 2024 transition less of a step change and more of an evolution. You are correct though, running both in parallel is an option and I would be really interested to see how 2020 runs with my new PC (going from a 1070Ti to a 3070Ti Super) and with a bigger and better monitor.
Having both Sims running on the new PC is an option. I did that with the P3D / MSFS 2020 transition. Like you though I quickly left P3D behind. That said the P3D transition to 2020 was a huge step change in Sim capability and technology. I see 2020 / 2024 transition less of a step change and more of an evolution. You are correct though, running both in parallel is an option and I would be really interested to see how 2020 runs with my new PC (going from a 1070Ti to a 3070Ti Super) and with a bigger and better monitor.
Your new PC specs are more than up to the job mate! You should have brilliant performance. Looking forward to your screenshots of both sims!

Question about those specs though, the signature says 407 TI Super, and your post says 3070 TI Super. Typo somewhere?


Having both Sims running on the new PC is an option. I did that with the P3D / MSFS 2020 transition. Like you though I quickly left P3D behind. That said the P3D transition to 2020 was a huge step change in Sim capability and technology. I see 2020 / 2024 transition less of a step change and more of an evolution. You are correct though, running both in parallel is an option and I would be really interested to see how 2020 runs with my new PC (going from a 1070Ti to a 3070Ti Super) and with a bigger and better monitor.
Your new PC specs are more than up to the job mate! You should have brilliant performance. Looking forward to your screenshots of both sims!

Question about those specs though, the signature says 407 TI Super, and your post says 3070 TI Super. Typo somewhere?


Sorry, my bad - its an RTX 4070Ti Super
Good thing that the new site software allows for corrections a lot more flexible than the old one. You should see the number of typos that I make! ;)

But, back on topic. I'm waiting until tomorrow morning to install 2024. I've learned (the hard way) that installing MSFS, whatever version, when the Americas are awake is a bad thing. Those servers get hammered when they're awake.

Reporting back tomorrow on the progress and the experience!

As regards installing MSFS 2024, I would expect it to be quicker now than earlier.
One thing to watch out for & it will probably take a fair bit of your time - the Controls allocations/ setups.
Re the Keyboard, you can import your MSFS 2020 settings, takes a bit of sifting to find how to do that.
Wah hail! This morning it took four tries and two computer re boots to get the sim to get past 0%. When it finally loaded it decided I was a new user and had to go through all the setup stuff and of course it forgot all my control bindings. Howzabout we get to keep our control bindings on our own computer?