Deeply depressing

whether or not I understand it, I love the Greek alphabet, it's artistically beautiful to look at. At the airport or otherwise...

Hence we digress again, as we normally do, this place has a life of it's own. It's why we come here, and, full circle, we return to the OP's point.

The OH is a living breathing entity all on it's own, we who visit only do so to join it's essence and hopefully be better for it.

peace out,
When I found myself redundant in 2009 it seemed after 5 months that I too would end up taking a call centre job. I decided that if this became the case that I would sell-up and find a smaller place with some income from the residual to tide me over until I could find something better.
My experience from the receiving end of telesales made me deeply suspicious of this type of employment and nothing would find me employed in that sector. Fortunately for me I didn't have to face that decision and my previous employers took me back on at my previous salary and I have been there ever since.
I'm posting this here, in the FS9 forums, because I feel I may be among friends.

I am seriously considering 'quitting' SOH. Although things are fine here in the FS9 forum, we all seem to be civilised people, I am growing increasingly depressed at the levels of unpleasantness exhibited elsewhere. One particular thread has brought me to this point, where people are actively revelling in how unpleasant they can be to a group of people largely just doing their jobs; my attempts to defend this group has got me labelled as "judgmental".

However, this is not an isolated incident; I have seen people flamed and howled down for expressing an opinion that did not please some people - I have had that 'pleasure' myself on more than one occasion. I stop using another forum because it became too cliquey, and people were not allowed to have alternative opinions; it will be sad to leave the Outhouse, but I have to really think if I want to be associated with these levels of abuse, nastiness & unpleasantness.

Thanks for listening.

Andy - We will be saddened by the loss should you decide to leave SOH. I, too, have problems with a few of the things I have seen as I navigate around the site. So I am judicious about where I go and what I say. I’ve decided that discretion is the better part of not letting myself get too tee’d off.

So, like you, I spend most of my time right here with my FS9 friends. I only really ever go to a couple of other places here. Think of it as if you are watching television. If you don’t like what you are watching, turn the channel. But you don’t need to turn off the TV.

I sincerely hope that we will continue to see your smiling (virtual) face and hear your (virtual) voice here in the Outhouse.


I was going to send this as a PM but I feel it would be better to voice my opinions out loud...

As Has been Said repeatedly on this thread the decision to leave must be yours of course, but I urge you to stay. Not so long ago as I started out as an SOH 'Newbie' I was very Daunted at the prospect of joining a Forum and releasing my mods to the wider world. I didn't know where to start, whether my work would be accepted, or even if I would find any support at all. All have been very kind to me since I've started and I am eternally grateful to the friends I've have made on this forum. But you sir, in particular have always been very encouraging and supportive of my work. Indeed if it weren't for the frequent help and support of both yourself and Ian (and yes you too Nigel!) then the 'Retro RNAS' project would have remained mothballed on my HDD never to be finished and the other projects that have now found a home in the 'Warbirds' library would not have come to be. During my time here your kind comments and advice have given me the strength and confidence to continue releasing my stuff and I could not have you leave without saying thank you. that goes for the rest of you too.

Also I Sympathize with you my friend on the Job front, the job i have found myself in for the last 5 years has bought me nothing but depression and misery and occasionally abuse at the hands of other people and yet i am forced to grin and bear it in the hope that something else is going to turn up I only hope that something does change for you and you shall find some measure of peace and happiness.

If you should decide to go we would have lost a respected modder and a friend.

Kindest Regards

As Always

The things that happen between logins! Looks like everything's been said that needs to be said, but I'll at least agree that some of the other sections can try one's patience. 1 stay here, the Staff forum, and once in a while, I venture into the Newshawks. It's not that I don't have a thick skin, I just like being where it's quiet. :kilroy:
....... I just like being where it's quiet. :kilroy:

Well said Tom. That is why I am staying here, and here only.

Mind you, it is not so quiet these days, thanks to the talents of Mr Nigel Richards! Cheers mate. :guinness: And cheers all, thanks again for the support. :guinness:
I'm not sure what thread in FSX was the subject of the original post, but I can tell you that the FSX Forums are far better now than they were a year or two ago. There was a period there where it seemed every thread became argumentative, and things were close to anarchy. The Admin/Mods got it under control, the instigators left, never to return and quite honestly, while apparently this one thread has offended some, overall I don't think the FSX Forum has returned at all to what it was. There will always be someone, who either in their fervor to make a point that they know to be correct (as opposed to many who "think" they are correct, lol), or simply to get under someone elses skin will push and push until they are asked to cease and desist or in some cases are exiled by the mods. It's inevitable and it can happen here in the FS9 forums just as easily and I suspect it has. So contemplating leaving because of how you might have been treated in a thread, when weighed against how much you get from or give to the forums overall, of course is your choice, but you would return eventually anyway, because this is home.
No need to quit completely. Just walk away for a bit and come back. It may help to avoid the problematic section, conversations can become ugly in that other section, and by avoiding it you'll avoid some of the mods as well. I just came back from almost a year absence from SOH, during that time I realized that game discussions go on here, RL discussions are to be had on other sites. Don't confuse the two.
Whoa Andy, there's too few Luddites out there.

Hi Andy,

I'm sorry you've been treated unfairly, I have also received unwarranted ill treatment on a forum but I find far more individuals who are glad to help and make this a better experience.

Last week I was astounded by the heartfelt outpouring of compassion for a member going through a difficult time. I saw clearly how so many memebers are genuinely concerned for one-another and want to make this forum a place to feel safe and connected to caring people.

I am pretty new to simming ( 4 years) and still benefitting greatly from the help and advice I've found in forums. I look for ways I can "give back" and plan to be active in this and forums for many years. I really enjoy flight simming even though I find little time for it, and hope to share my enjoyment with others as they discover it and want to make it better. I hope you'll stay.

good flights, Cal
Oh, great! That means I have to invite you and Smoothie to the family reunion :isadizzy: So much for the :icon29: supply!


Just prop 'em up in a corner with some thick coffee in little cups, some glasses and a couple of bottle of ouzo - they'll be fine, just setting the world to rights.

Don't go Nigel! ....Nigel don't go.

Well....Alright! Leave then...Good Bye. You look better going than you do coming anyway.

No wait! .....I didn't mean it Nigel ......Stay Nigel!

We may be right. You may be crazy, You just may be the lunatic we've been looking for!
I'm just yer regular little angel!

Oh, great! That means I have to invite you and Smoothie to the family reunion :isadizzy: So much for the :icon29: supply!


Well O, you don't have to invite us, but we'd be terribly hurt and disappointed if you don't.

We'll bring a good supply with us buddy, just waiting for Mr. Matt (alias Smoothie?) Wynn to finish some 'TESTING!!!' for me, get the Grumman S-2HAF tanker textures finished (he pretended he wasn't home, but I could heer his airbrush compressor going), then we'll fly in in style, with a tankerload of ouzo.

W.I.P. Grumman S-2HAF tanker textures: Would someone be so kind to explain to Matt, that WIP doesn't mean 'Wrrest in peace', Saturday mornings.

Just prop 'em up in a corner with some thick coffee in little cups, some glasses and a couple of bottle of ouzo - they'll be fine, just setting the world to rights.

Yeah, but we'll put you up on stag duties to keep an eye out for Nurse JDTinballs.
Tell him Matt; while on 'stag', you aint gettin' a whiff of the 'good stuff'.

And rumour has it that Racartron has secured an awesome supply of genuine, Deep South Moonshine!!!


Don't go Nigel! ....Nigel don't go.

Well....Alright! Leave then...Good Bye. You look better going than you do coming anyway.

No wait! .....I didn't mean it Nigel ......Stay Nigel!

We may be right. You may be crazy, You just may be the lunatic we've been looking for!

Its folk like you who keep getting me into trouble here, then everyone starts yacking; Nigel's potty, stark ravin' plain loco, and waaaaay off track and topic.

You're right about one thing though; I do look better 'going'. Its because my little bald patch sometimes catches a glint from the sun and produces a halo effect.

I'm a regular little angel! :icon_lol:
Saturday morning funny farm corner...?

"Wrrrest in peace". Laughing my head off! :icon_lol:

Good morning to you Sir.

Yep! And I think he's still wrrresting, bless his heart.

On reflection, perhaps this thread should wrrreally be renamed;

Saturday morning funny farm corner. Not wrrreally depwrrressing at all.