deHavilland Dash 7

Milton Shupe

Staff Contributor
Staff member
It's been a long time coming and will be a bit longer while the remaining textures are completed.

Mike Kelly has been diligently after the intricate details and we are trying to get this to fruition. But patience is yet required.

There are 5 more liveries in progress to complement these three.

Maybe we can get this out by Christmas.
The quad Otter was my first Captains ride and my first Milton Airplane. A great niche airplane for more than average adventure flying!

:applause: Thanks Milton for continuing with this one...!! i-ve been watching this for awhile now..

t creed


Your Dash 7 has always been a favourite of mine - now you have made a very good model excellent. What with the new sound decibels being cooked up by sound-meister Nigel, Christmas is looking very rosy indeed.

Thanks for your amazing commitment to FS free-ware and your un-ending excellence!

Rgds Mal
The quad Otter was my first Captains ride and my first Milton Airplane. A great niche airplane for more than average adventure flying!T
Heh... what, a Quotter, then??

The very best kind of re-work: an already excellent model being burnished with the Full Monty...
I am very patient, and have just the place for it:


Come Christmas, there will be lots of lovely snow here, too.
Thanks to the team on the updated Dash 7.

I flew in Dash Sevens a few times in the 80s. It'll be fun to duplicate some of those flights in and around the Rocky Mountains.
Thank you Milton for the Dash7 update status. Looking forward to her. I remember flying seval times on Air Tindi's Dash7 out YZF to many remote communities.
For this particular project, it has been harder than pushing a rope to make progress.
Fortunately Mike Kelly inspired me to totally remap the aircraft for lots of details so that unbound a lot of constraints for me.

In addition to the 3 liveries posted in the original post, Mike Kelly is working on the following:

London City Airways
Eurocity Express
Allegheny Commuter
DeHavilland Dash 7 factory scheme
Excellent Milton:salute: I just got news Air Tindi purchased another Dash 7 recently, they now have three Dash 7's. Seems there is a call for Dash 7 Combi's.
The combi's were a godsend to many remote villages. The aft baggage on this sized plane was just not big enough for any cargo in addition to pax dunnage and a lot of things had to be ordered and shipped in. Usually a decent crowd to meet the "mail plane"! It would get into many tight places in bad conditions that would defeat other planes.

On the downside, a four holer cost more to operate, it wasn't that fast and was probably over engineered, requiring a lot of maintainance. But I always enjoyed flying it and found it challenging as an airman!

The combi's were a godsend to many remote villages. The aft baggage on this sized plane was just not big enough for any cargo in addition to pax dunnage and a lot of things had to be ordered and shipped in. Usually a decent crowd to meet the "mail plane"! It would get into many tight places in bad conditions that would defeat other planes.

On the downside, a four holer cost more to operate, it wasn't that fast and was probably over engineered, requiring a lot of maintainance. But I always enjoyed flying it and found it challenging as an airman!



The Dash 7's in my view were an engineering marvel for exactly the kind of purposes that Canada, Greenland, and Austria needed, not forgetting those small island airports either. Somebody has to address these remote places of civilization and no one does it better than the old de Havilland.
The most memorable moment i had with the Dash 7 was flying into Polaris on Little Cornwallis Island in the dead of winter midnight sun and a phase 2 blow. If there was a aircraft I trust with my life in Phase 2 blow conditions it is the Dash 7. She is a critical element of the Canadian Arctic Lifeline to communities and mining operations and NWS stations. It's also the reason why on my Virtual Airline I keep the Dash 7 in the Fleet.
The Cargo version was the first to get done, now the all-passenger version is reconstructed and ready for Mike Kelly to do his magic. Next up is the "Combi" and I hope to have that ready this weekend for Mike. Textures already in progress for all of them.
I rode the Rio Airways Dash 7 from Dallas to Texarkana and back a couple of times. We called it the "Flying Banana" because of the bright yellow paint.
And just today I was using your Dash 7 in Tindi colors constructing Port Radium CYIX Scenery and CYLT Alert and converting Sid and Pete's CYCB. dont worry CYIX will come in Fs9 flaver too. Cant fork over CYLT, FS9 makes the runway go goofy and nails,and Duck tape don't work to hold it down:icon_lol:. I'm licking my chops for the Combi:icon29:
@ Milton,

I downloaded the Dash 7 from your site yesterday after reading this post about it and am amazed to think that you are re-doing's a beauty as it is!
In 2013 the Flight Sim Community ought to allow you a day off from all this creative work :medals:. Well, maybe a couple of hours anyway.

Thank you and the Team for all your magnificent aircraft, textures, sounds and panels that together make such a fascinating experience for us in the virtual skies:applause::applause:

@ Milton,

I downloaded the Dash 7 from your site yesterday after reading this post about it and am amazed to think that you are re-doing's a beauty as it is!
In 2013 the Flight Sim Community ought to allow you a day off from all this creative work :medals:. Well, maybe a couple of hours anyway.

Thank you and the Team for all your magnificent aircraft, textures, sounds and panels that together make such a fascinating experience for us in the virtual skies:applause::applause:


Well, thank you Andy. The pleasure is ours to give.

The new release Dash 7 is all new except the panel and gauges. The refreshing was neccessary to improve the model accuracy and details, the flight model, and the to give painters more flexibility in their work.

The project current includes the following models:

1) Passenger only version
2) Cargo only version
3) "Combi" passenger seats and cargo
4) An Empty cabin version
5) The Canadian Ice Recon version

It is good that the older release is still well liked and used as there are over 100 repaints done for those models.

The new release requires an all new paint kit with lots more details and therefore the older repaints are not compatible. It is being developed and tested on both sides of FS9 and FSX (as a portover). Nothing fancy here, just another basic Shupe team package.

Yes, we have put out a few aircraft this year ... actually had to summarize for myself last week as I lost track of the things I released and that are a WIP now. Here is what I came up with but I may have overlooked a few, and did not include assistance for other projects in tutorials, flight models, or panel/gauge works.

Retirement really is treating me well. :)

EDIT: I really should try to list all the SOH contributors that made this possible. There are so many involved and it is what makes it so much fun and varied. The involvement and enthusiasm by SOH members is truly what makes it possible.