deHavilland Dash 7

Since we're on the subject of effects, paint kits, and mods for this superb Dash-7, I found Bob Rivera's (Banana Bob) prop mod that he did for an earlier Dash-7 release. It works very nice with the new Ice Recon Dash-7 as well as the recent re-release of the Dash-7 by Milton and the Team. It's in the "Latest Uploads" here at SOH, if you are interested.

Since we're on the subject of effects, paint kits, and mods for this superb Dash-7, I found Bob Rivera's (Banana Bob) prop mod that he did for an earlier Dash-7 release. It works very nice with the new Ice Recon Dash-7 as well as the recent re-release of the Dash-7 by Milton and the Team. It's in the "Latest Uploads" here at SOH, if you are interested.


Thanks for the link to this cosmetic update BB!
For best result you might want to cross out the 'prop_anim_ratio=1.025' line in the [fltsim.x] section.

More effects...
Shockwave landing and taxi configuration

light.xx=5, 0.5, -34.4, 3.0, fx_shockwave_landing_light_small_old ,
light.xx=5, 0.5, 34.4, 3.0, fx_shockwave_landing_light_small_old ,
light.xx=6, 23.0, 0.0, -7.7, fx_shockwave_landing_light_small_old ,

50 resized.jpg

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Thanks for those contributions BB686 and Stuart; we appreciate all that improves the in-sim experience. :)
This might sound like a stupid question... but did the cargo version get released yet? I thought I read something along those lines, but I can't for the life of me find it.
Does anybody know if it's possible to find a "Rocky Mountain" livery somewhere online? Compliments again for the wonderful bird!!!
Does anybody know if it's possible to find a "Rocky Mountain" livery somewhere online? Compliments again for the wonderful bird!!!

Sorry that RMA was only available for the earlier model Dash 7.
That livery was done in 2002:

De Havilland Dash 7 Rocky Mountain Airways
Repaint by Bob Patton

There are a bunch of liveries done for that model (over 100) but I do not see that happening for this model until possibly after it goes FSX native.