deHavilland Dash 7

Okay, Mike has the technician settled in, right at home with his equipment, so it looks like this weekend is a "Go", if all goes well. :)
The bloke has a David Clark headset that looks just like the set I have... hmmm. Naw, can't be, I left mine in the Turbo Stoof lastnight.

"I received my education, on the airports of the nation, in the 'Dash 7'".

BB686 :unitedstates: (Sumbuddy STOLE my other flag).
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Okay, Mike Kelley has sent the final textures for the CIR for FS9 and FSX so I will be testing and finalizing the packages for a Friday or Saturday release. I am also quieting down the VC nighttime back-lighting for better dark vision.

The bright one is the original with 2 shots of the new quieter version.
Uploaded and awaiting approval - The DeHavilland Dash 7 Canadian Ice Recon unit for FS9 and a separate FSX Port Over package.

by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, Mike Kelly, Bernt Stolle, Tom Falley, and sounds by Nigel Richards.

Pkg incl one model, custom panel and gauges, custom sounds, two Flight Model options, and the CIR livery.

Dash 7 IR (ice reconnaissance) entered service with the Department of Environment (Canada) in 1986. This aircraft is a modified example of the Dash 7 Series 150, modified for use in surveying sea ice and icebergs in the shipping and oil drilling regions of the Labrador coast and the Gulf of St Lawrence.
Been training for this release since the new models came out.Off to CYYT to do so iceberg spotting.Thank you for what is sure to be a great weekend of flying.
DHC-7 version 3

Thanks to all of the team for another great a/c. Lovely to hand fly and able to put into the shortest of strips and get out again. The choice of flt models from two captains of the DHC-7 is really impressive. Difficult to choose between them, never having flown anything bigger than a PX-7. Compromised by using one on the pax a/c and t'other on the ice recon bird.

Tried to install smoke for the paraffin burners but it will not show. Is there an engines controlled smoke gauge in there already?

Thanks again for a really great a/c for FS2004.

Thanks on behalf of the team: Mike Kelley, Nigel, Tom Falley, Bernt Stolle, and Scott Thomas.

Minor updates as well to the panel, Nigel improved on the sound fidelity a bit, and I darkened the night time panel gauge back lighting. If you like these changes you can alias your other Dash 7 download to this panel and sounds (or copy over). If you prefer the darker panel back lighting, you can copy those textures to the other model's texture folders. They are: vcleft_L.bmp, vcright_L.bmp, vcecu_L.bmp, and vcovhd_L.bmp. (In FSX, these textures go to the shared folder.)

The flight model is tweaked specifically for this model with lower weight so you should keep this model separate from the others.

Unfortunately, I just discovered I left three old _L's in the texture folder. They are vcright_Lx.bmp, vcleft_Lx.bmp, and vcovhd_Lx.bmp. These can be deleted. (Only applies to the FS9 release)

If you check out the Images folder, you will see some neat screenshots Mike took. All the images (screenshots) were taken while flying in Aerosoft Antarctica X scenery.
Thanks to all of the team for another great a/c. Lovely to hand fly and able to put into the shortest of strips and get out again. The choice of flt models from two captains of the DHC-7 is really impressive. Difficult to choose between them, never having flown anything bigger than a PX-7. Compromised by using one on the pax a/c and t'other on the ice recon bird.

Tried to install smoke for the paraffin burners but it will not show. Is there an engines controlled smoke gauge in there already?

Thanks again for a really great a/c for FS2004.


Hi Mal, thanks and happy that you are enjoying the Dash 7.

There is no gauge controlling engine exhaust. One of the best I have seen came out several years ago, I believe at Flightsim, for a C-130 package. This was a standalone smoke package for FS9. Here is a picture of that implementation as I recall but I do not have the smoke package.
Dhc-7 smoke

Thanks for that info Milton. I am not looking at installing an engine revs related gauge to control the smoke, just a plain insertion of some smoke effect into the '[smoke]' section - controlled, on or off by the 'I' keystroke.

Set the effect up but no smoke unless I hold the 'I' key down. This normally indicates that there is a gauge installed that already controls smoke effects. Hence the question.

I will continue to look at it.

Thanks again for a great Dash-7.

Thanks for that info Milton. I am not looking at installing an engine revs related gauge to control the smoke, just a plain insertion of some smoke effect into the '[smoke]' section - controlled, on or off by the 'I' keystroke.

Set the effect up but no smoke unless I hold the 'I' key down. This normally indicates that there is a gauge installed that already controls smoke effects. Hence the question.

I will continue to look at it.

Thanks again for a great Dash-7.


Yes, that is what I understood Mal. And AFAIK, the smoke I referred to is just that, a smoke effect. It came out in around 2003-4.

EDIT: Downloaded the smoke effect from Flightsim for Mike Stone's C130, page 4 of FS2004 Misc; installed and tested. Changed Smoke parameters to:

smoke.0=0.00, -08.00, 23.50, FX_C130_SMOKE.fx
smoke.1=0.00, -08.00, 12.00, FX_C130_SMOKE.fx
smoke.2=0.00, -08.00, -12.00, FX_C130_SMOKE.fx
smoke.3=0.00, -08.00, -23.50, FX_C130_SMOKE.fx

Tested and I can verify that it will work ... but something in the panel does prohibit constant running smoke.
If you rename your panel.cfg you will see the smoke effect continuously. I have reviewed all the gauges in the panel.cfg for the culprit but I see nothing that I would recognize as causing this. AFAIK and can see, we use no gauges to control effects. I do not know what event of action in a panel that would restrict this so I will write to Hans-Joerg Naegele for his view on this.


Delete (or comment out) the following gauge entries:
In Window00: gauge82=annun3!Surfacefx, 776,20,5,5
In Window04: gauge37=annun3!Surfacefx, 777,279,5,5
In vcockpit03, Delete Gauge100 of the same Surfacefx

EDIT 3: I re-uploaded the FS9 zip after removing the 3 unneeded textures and the 3 gauge entries above effective Dec 8th 1600 GMT.

If you are interested in using this effect, download from Flightsim By Michael Hoestrup in the FS2004 Misc section, page 4, and remove the aforementioned gauge entries from your panel.cfg. Use the Smokesystem aircraft.cfg entries I posted above. Use the "I" key to invoke.
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Very nice Uncle Milton. Anxiously awaiting the final layers for the nacelles from Mike to round off the bump maps for the native FSX model ;)
Very nice Uncle Milton. Anxiously awaiting the final layers for the nacelles from Mike to round off the bump maps for the native FSX model ;)

Thanks eurostar350. I have passed the message on to mike. He has been busy wrapping up this CIR livery I suspect. His available time should improve over the next 4 weeks.

We do look forward the the native version for the FSX folks. :)
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I've had the pleasure of flying this beautiful aircraft just about an hour ago. Normally when I load an aircraft into the F-Sim, I boot it up just to
check her out. But this time I couldn't put her down. I was having to much fun! I was even hangin' out in the observation seat for a while.
Beautiful job to all you guys. Thank you very much for yet another Class A No.1 aircraft. It ain't going to be parked for to long let me tell ya.:chuncky:
I really love the sound pack to Mr.Nigel Richards. especially the exterior. Very powerful! Nice!

Model Designer: Milton Shupe ]---------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you!
Exterior Textures FS9 and FSX: Copyright by Mike Kelly ]--------------------------------------- Thank you!
Flight Model Designers: Two sets: Bernt Stolle and Tom Falley ]--------------------------------- Thank you!
FDE Advisor's: Bernt Stolle and Tom Falley, both former Dash 7 pilots. ]-------------------------- Thank you!
Technical Advisors: Bernt Stolle, Tom Falley ]-------------------------------------------------- Thank you!
Tested: Sim-Outhouse Membership ]----------------------------------------------------------- Thank you!
Panel and Gauges: Copyright by Scott Thomas, Microsoft, and other authors as noted ]-----------Thank you!
Sounds: Copyright by Nigel Richards ]---------------------------------------------------------- Thank you!
Special Effects: Cabin Lights: Brian Cook, wing night light effects(Newll) by Kaveh Payandeh ]---- Thank you!
What do ya think? I think I got everyone. :ernaehrung004:
Thanks Blaze; happy you are enjoying it.

We try to keep the interior sounds down a bit to simulate having a headset on. It's actually very noisy and loud in the cockpit otherwise.

Effects wise, I chose to not include the snow/rain wisps off the gear when on a snowy/icy/wet runway and also took out the wing nacelle light effects. If you like those light effects, you can copy them from the last release.
Paint Kit Released for de Havilland Dash 7

1. Scope

This paint kit is for the Milton Shupe de Havilland Canada DHC-7 (Dash7) and was created using
Adobe Photoshop CS6 and saved as a layered Photoshop PSD. File dimensions are 2048 pixels x
2048 pixels at 300 ppi resolution. For FSX texture save as a BMP or DDS at 2048 x 2048 or
smaller. For FS9 texture save as a BMP at 1024 x 1024 or smaller.

2. Required Files

The following files are required to be used in conjunction with this kit:
• FS9 (MS2004) base aircraft:
• FSX base aircraft:

Thanks to Mike Kelley who put a lot of time in this paint kit.