deHavilland Dash 7

Ha! I am sure you are happily expecting this one. It should work well for you. The STOL characteristics are awesome.

Here is an old TWE paint scheme that is a "fav" of mine on the older version, and was done for the original project back in 2002-3 and worked on the FS9 version as well. I cannot find now who did it but I loved the work.
Not sure on the TWE, but at a painter named Chris Dietz has done several paints on your Dash 7 including a TWE and fictional Buffalo Airways. I have Markus Hellwig's Air Tindi paint as my personal faverite.
Yes I saw Chris' TWE paint scheme but it was a different era and scheme than this one. He may have done the earlier on back in 02-03 but I could not find it.

I agree, Markus is missed and I do not know why he left. Such a talent!
The US Army flew one or two Dash 7s in colors that looked very similar to the TWA scheme. As I recall, they lacked any military insignia.
Yes I saw Chris' TWE paint scheme but it was a different era and scheme than this one. He may have done the earlier on back in 02-03 but I could not find it.

I agree, Markus is missed and I do not know why he left. Such a talent!

I also very much miss Marcus's talent and wonderful attention to detail - let's just hope he returns to the fold and we are once again graced with his friendly interraction also.
Heh... what, a Quotter, then??

The very best kind of re-work: an already excellent model being burnished with the Full Monty...
I am very patient, and have just the place for it:


Come Christmas, there will be lots of lovely snow here, too.

Is that helicopter for FS9.
Woooohooo a new Ice recon version :salute: Can hardly wait for the new dash 7 and it looks like us canuks are getting 3 canadian planes right off the hop. De Havilland did alot of their testing at my home town airport and watching them fly the wings off the prototype cemented my love for the aircraft.
Thank you very much Milton
Ah yes FSX is waiting for the Ice reco Dash 7. See scenery is waiting to welcome Milton and team's Dash 7. For those in Fs9 here grab Roger wensly's arctic works, there excellent and go great with Sid and Pete's works. Anyone from FSX visiting this thread standby as I'm readying the Arctic. the one thing i love the most is the bond between Fs9 and FSX shares when it comes to the Canadian Arctic my home. Both are like a healthy marriage.
FSX does a better job with the converging lines of longitude in the high latitude regions. Last years RTW race we landed at the South Pole which was a little like getting sucked into a sic-fi vortex.... Really wierd!

Cheers. T
What does the condition lever do and how to use it??

There are different types of TP engines. The Dash 7 TP is a P&W PT-6A Split Shaft Free Turbine engine and works quite differently from the fixed shaft type (Garrett).

This link describes it very well:

This paragraph answers your question directly but follow the link for comprehensive information about TP management.

"Powerplant (engine and propeller) operation is achieved by three sets of controls for each engine: the power lever, propeller lever, and condition lever. [figure14-6] The power lever serves to control engine power in the range from idle through takeoff power. Forward or aft motion of the power lever increases or decreases gas generator r.p.m. (N1) and thereby increases or decreases engine power. The propeller lever is operated conventionally and controls the constant-speed propellers through the primary governor. The propeller r.p.m. range is normally from 1,500 to 1,900. The condition lever controls the flow of fuel to the engine. Like the mixture lever in a piston-powered airplane, the condition lever is located at the far right of the power quadrant. But the condition lever on a turboprop engine is really just an on/off valve for delivering fuel. There are HIGH IDLE and LOW IDLE positions for ground operations, but condition levers have no metering function. Leaning is not required in turbine engines; this function is performed automatically by a dedicated fuel control unit."

The only notable exception is that the Dash 7 has a stronger gear reduction for the props to address noise abatement. Its operating prop range is 800+RPMs to 1200 RPM's. Takeoff is at about 1240 RPM's, normal cruise at 1020 RPMs, and econo-cruise is at 900 RPMs.
Many eons ago I was a captain and instructor on the Dash 7, flying out in the Alutian Islands and other garden spots in Alaska. The props and thrust levers are managed much like a piston engine with a constant speed prop, thrust levers come back and then the props when reducing power. You will see the torque value increase as the props come back. Torque times RPM equal power, more or less, a bit like MP and RPM. Increasing power, RPM then thrust levers. The danger is over torquing the reduction gears and prop assemblies. The limit on the gas generator section is temperature....

Thanks for the replys and info. BTW I have the 7 in FSX and works great. Only problem was the props and fixed that with the file from the updated Howard 500. the 7 folder name in the sim is Dash7k2a and all the repaints for it work, at least the ones that I installed.
Thanks for the replys and info. BTW I have the 7 in FSX and works great. Only problem was the props and fixed that with the file from the updated Howard 500. the 7 folder name in the sim is Dash7k2a and all the repaints for it work, at least the ones that I installed.

That's good to hear. BTW, that is a 2002 version you are running. It's the same as teh 2004 version but exported for 2002 with minor changes to animations and some textures alphas.

This new version will not be compatible with the old ones with regard to textures or flight model. All new mapping.
As one or two people have taken the opportunity while this thread is open to ask questions about the current version, may I please do the same. I am using the Cargo version consisting of folders " dash7c1" and "dash7c9" but have only retained the NWT texture. Everything seems fine except that when I select rear cockpit view I see a passenger cabin rather than a cargo hold.No big deal and I don't need to select this view but I wondered if there is some other folder from the Dash7 page that I should have also installed.Have Googled but not found any info. Thanks.
As one or two people have taken the opportunity while this thread is open to ask questions about the current version, may I please do the same. I am using the Cargo version consisting of folders " dash7c1" and "dash7c9" but have only retained the NWT texture. Everything seems fine except that when I select rear cockpit view I see a passenger cabin rather than a cargo hold.No big deal and I don't need to select this view but I wondered if there is some other folder from the Dash7 page that I should have also installed.Have Googled but not found any info. Thanks.

Hello JP :)

Thank you for your interest. To the best of my recollection, I did not release an updated FS2004 cargo model in '06 like I did the other models. I cannot find any gmax source except the original release in the Fall of 2002. So, the Dash7c9 confuses me. Maybe I need to look around more. :)

The original Cargo model had no VC cargo area. My guess is that you are runnning the later released Dash7v9 model with teh NWT texture and that is why you see what you see.

Are you running FS9 or FSX?

We hope to have the new Dash 7 with 5 variants out before Dec 25th if you can wait.

Otherwise I will investigate what it would take to do you a revised cargo model with a full interior of cargo. That would probably take about 30-40 hours of work just guessing.

EDIT: Okay, I found the Dash7c9 and it was simply a panel/gauge update with no model change.
I have gotten the old c1 and applied the updates for FS9 to check it out. I will see if I can easily capture the original exterior model cargo hold contents and merge them into a new VC model for this aircraft.