DHC-6 Twin Otter for MSFS!

Tom, to remove baked registration, you can edit DHC6_EX_300_SKI_CARGO_DECAL_LABEL_ALBEDO.PNG.DDS. Its a DXT5. Pure white for main and pure black for apha will do the job. To change registration the same way,

Aerosoft is usung their old model, so main textures of old extended versions are the same. Makes it very easy for Jan or YoYo to update the very old repaints. You can also use old repaintkit for the main textures.

Tom, to remove baked registration, you can edit DHC6_EX_300_SKI_CARGO_DECAL_LABEL_ALBEDO.PNG.DDS. Its a DXT5. Pure white for main and pure black for apha will do the job. To change registration the same way,

Aerosoft is usung their old model, so main textures of old extended versions are the same. Makes it very easy for Jan or YoYo to update the very old repaints. You can also use old repaintkit for the main textures.

Those are the ones my Gimp won't open - doesn't like the DXT format. I may look into getting a plugin...
Those are the ones my Gimp won't open - doesn't like the DXT format. I may look into getting a plugin...

Also, Aerosoft made two versions of the DHC-6 for FSX. I bought the first one and made paints for it. Then they released a second one with a completely different "paint structure" so the paints I made for the first one were not compatible with the second one. I never bought the second one. I suspect that TiAr is referring to the second one, so I don't have that paint kit.

In any case, I went searching in the forums at Aerosoft and there was a question there about a paint kit, and the answer was a vague implication that one will be coming soon, more or less, lol. So I will be waiting for that! :)
The sounds are updated, but getting bad reviews at the official forum. There are other fixes too, but everyone wants to pile poo on just one thing. If you bought through Orbx, the update is available through the Central app.
Also, Aerosoft made two versions of the DHC-6 for FSX. I bought the first one and made paints for it. Then they released a second one with a completely different "paint structure" so the paints I made for the first one were not compatible with the second one. I never bought the second one. I suspect that TiAr is referring to the second one, so I don't have that paint kit.

In any case, I went searching in the forums at Aerosoft and there was a question there about a paint kit, and the answer was a vague implication that one will be coming soon, more or less, lol. So I will be waiting for that! :)

I still have the old paintkit, which works fine, but it is HUGE. The 300 version alone is over 1 GB, with paintkits for each different model (skis, tundra, etc.).
I don't really feel like uploading 2 Gb, but if can tell me which model you want to paint, I can maybe send you the right paintkit?
Jan Kees-If you could release a few in civilian livery that would be splendid! There seem to be none at the moment.Thanks, as ever!Carl
The sounds are updated, but getting bad reviews at the official forum. There are other fixes too, but everyone wants to pile poo on just one thing. If you bought through Orbx, the update is available through the Central app.
Yes, it is. I’m normally a HUGE ORBX fan, but this time, they were late to the party… unusual (it was Australia Day, and I was ignorant of the fact).Agreed, the update needs an update… C
I still have the old paintkit, which works fine, but it is HUGE. The 300 version alone is over 1 GB, with paintkits for each different model (skis, tundra, etc.).
I don't really feel like uploading 2 Gb, but if can tell me which model you want to paint, I can maybe send you the right paintkit?

The 300 series with normal wheels is the only one I would need. I sent you a pm. Thank you Jan!
I still have the old paintkit, which works fine, but it is HUGE. The 300 version alone is over 1 GB, with paintkits for each different model (skis, tundra, etc.).
I don't really feel like uploading 2 Gb, but if can tell me which model you want to paint, I can maybe send you the right paintkit?

I was looking at making a repaint for the 300 wheel in cayman express colors but i got discouraged with the lack of a paintkit.
The sounds are updated, but getting bad reviews at the official forum. There are other fixes too, but everyone wants to pile poo on just one thing. If you bought through Orbx, the update is available through the Central app.

Indeed, the aircraft engine sounds are different, but there are glitches. Maybe Aerosoft can reach out to the team that developed the Kodiak or the Milviz Porter? Oh well.
A recent post on the avsim forum about obscure but worthwhile MSFS YouTubers turned me on to this guy's stuff, especially this vid about the Twin Otter flight model.


I really like his approach here. He goes to the documentation and to aerodynamic formulas to find where Aerosoft got things wrong in the flight model, then fudged other things to counteract their errors rather than correcting them, ending up with the fudge layer cake that we have been experiencing. The flight model tweaks on fs.to don't really correct any of this, they just fudge more stuff.

It's interesting that devs don't do the research and read the SDK well enough to set the aerodynamic parameters correctly, and most of them miss things like the fact that the stabilizer areas are supposed to exclude the elevator and rudder, leading to excessive stability and excessive pitch and yaw authority in many MSFS planes.

I have applied his corrections to my Twin Otter along with the non-flight-model tweaks to the engines, etc. from the fs.to mod, and am still testing but so far the combination of the two appears to be the best fix I've tried.

Just seen that there is an update V1.0.3.0 for the Twotter, running at 3.86GB on the Aerosoft One platform.

Unsure what the details are as far as what has been updated as the details link still goes to v1.0.1.0

From Aerosoft's Twin Otter forum:

- Fixed: HSI OBS can be changes in GPS mode too now
- Fixed: Added VR collision panel
- Fixed: Changed HSI scale in GPS mode from 2NM per dot to 1NM per dot
- Added: Key bindings to most exterior light switches
- Changed: Door code changed to allow closing in flight
- Fixed: Inverted aileron animation code
- Removed: Elevator trim wheel sound
- Changed: Landing light switch animation extended
- Added: VR Collision panels and VR locators for the yokes
- Fixed: Cargo box belt text
- Fixed: Missing lighting on the lower main panel
- Updated: Product Manual