So are you going to do any of the other raids old chap! An interesting choice of mission if I may say so. Wasn't it virtually unapposed by the Luftwaffe? As you can see the BC raid was only one of the eight raids on the city by the Allies.
Table of the air raids on Dresden by the Allies during World War II.
------------------------------------------No. of Aircraft
7 October 1944 Marshalling Yards 8th AF ....30
16 January 1945 Marshalling Yards 8th AF ...133
14 February 1945 City Area RAF BC ............772
14 February 1945 Marshalling Yards 8th AF ..316
15 February 1945 Marshalling Yards 8th AF ..211
2 March 1945 Marshalling Yards 8th AF .......406
17 April 1945 Marshalling Yards 8th AF ........572
17 April 1945 Industrial Area 8th AF ............8
Notice who paid the most visits to Dresden, not something you hear a great deal of when the matter is discussed in the UK.
I'm very curious why you chose this mission apart frim it's infamy. From a sim point of view what do you see are the challenges of the mission? I'm not having a go but I'm interested.