ETO Battle of Britain campaign Mark II

Sailor Malan's ten rules:

1. Wait until you see the whites of his eyes. Fire short bursts of one or two seconds, and only when your sights are definitely "on".
2. Whilst shooting think of nothing else. Brace the whole of your body, have both hands on the stick, concentrate on your ring sight.
3. Always keep a sharp look out. "Keep you finger out!"
4. Height gives you the initiative.
5. Always turn and face the attack.
6. Make your decisions promptly. It is better to act quickly, even though your tactics are not of the best.
7. Never fly straight and level for more than thirty seconds in the combat area.
8. When diving to attack, always leave a proportion of your formation above to act as top guard.
9. Initiative, aggression, air discipline, and team-work are words that mean something in air fighting.
10. Go in quickly. Punch hard. Get out!

"Tiger Squadron"
Wing Commander Ira Jones, 1954
Those ten rules I incorporated in my beta briefing mod (as replacements for the 'flavour' text) - you'd think I'd have paid them more attention!
Note to self: must do something about the way the majority of Me109 kills are from blowing off the tail - I think air_expl_l is overkill for starters for the tailpiece!
Spoilsport! :)

But yes, they are a bit too easy to kill and while there is that famous BoB ground-to-air photo of a 109 spluttering down with its tail bent at an angle, the sim version's empennage seems to be attached by balsa stringers or something.
Damage on a Me 109

I wouldn't change the damage points, just one or two of the effects associated with the two damage boxes at the tail of the fuselage. There are crazy big flashes and bangs for the tail of the 109, when there really isn't anything flammable to cause them. Effects like FX_airexpl_l and "explode" seem like overkill.

(as an aside, other aircraft seem incredibly tough. The Boston III is an aircraft I can empty the ammo belt into and it just flies on.)

Having seen some footage on Youtube, it seems as though massed MGs can "saw off" a wing and I can certainly achieve that against the Me 109s. I enjoy the latest damage profile on Fouteman's planes, where the wing can be taken off in three places depending where the damage is occurring. (I am "testing" the 109s that Mongoose has been given permission to release). But even these 109s have pyrotechnical effects associated with the tail pieces.

But what would I know, I'm just an xml tweaker . . . :running: