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One thing about large formations - I've read that the maximum number of aircraft able to be specified in a spawn formation is 16, and that for many formation types (strangely some are better than others) you can more reliably get only 8. Hence I've been experimenting with three spawn files listed for a single die roll entry in a spawn table. The trouble is, there is a random element to where exactly the formations of 8 planes appear. I can give two bomber formations on the one line of the spawn table, identical spawning parameters and they can be 100s of meters, or separated by 30 seconds, apart.
It is only with missions as opposed to campaign missions that big BoB-type formations can reliably be assembled, it seems.
Two or even three formations 8 bombers within 100m of each other would be ok if they could stay that way, more or less. It would represent two or three slightly under-strength staffels. A gruppe was the LW's normal operational unit and they might put up two or three staffels for a particular raid. In real life the staffels might have a bit of trouble maintaining close formation with each other, and anyway, the gruppe formation would likely change en route, at least from transit to bomb run, so a rigid 'parade ground' formation of 20 or so bombers all in close formation would not always be what you'd see.
Rince33 managed to get this in the ETO BoB campaign; they were flying a bit low (about seven thousand feet) but it was still quite convincing, for a CFS3 bomber formation:

This is how a gruppe formation can look in BoB2; I think this was on the way home after bombing...

By the time I was making my second attack, the staffeln had closed up with one another again (in BoB2 campaigns, there are ten in a bomber staffel, flying this double-wedge).

The individual staffel formations are much tighter and better kept than I expect CFS3 campaigns (or maybe even missions) will ever be able to do, but if a CFS3 bomber formation can have two or better still three groups of eight operating fairly consistently in even the sort of formation shown in the first BoB2 pic, that would be a huge step forward in realism!
To finish the story, I ran into the bomber I was attacking and tore off most of a wing, but managed to get out. The Dornier is now missing from the right of the formation, for similar reasons