A ‘cheat’ look at the bogies reveals they’re a flight of Defiants! The aircraft faintly visible above them are my own Spitfires.
Shortly afterwards, the Huns show up. At first, there’s just a single bunch…
…then others, who could be friend or foe, it’s hard to tell. Anyway the nearest bunch coincides with the TAC/Controller’s directions to the raid, so I order the boys to attack. Which they accept, confirming that they think the targets are Huns, too. With more ‘blips’ on the TAC than usual, it takes longer to ‘tab’ through them until I get the group I want. On top of that, it would be good for padlocked targets to be a more distinct colour, as pale yellow, while very different from red or blue ‘blips’, is hard to distinguish from the white variety. Which is all that anyone but the most eagle-eyed get to see most of the time. I must check to see if the ‘padlocked’ colour is editable; an amber shade would probably be good enough.
I nose down and look for a target of my own, but see nothing initially. Oh for WotR’s ‘dot mode’ for labels! Of course, I could leave target brackets switched on, but they are very arcade-like. Not for me.
I dive down after the Huns, throttle chopped so as not to build up too much of an overtaking speed. Over to my right, others are also coming down. Escorts intervening? The Defiants pitching in? The latter, I think, but it’s hard to be sure.
There they are! I can finally make out a wide wedge of maybe half-a-dozen bombers, standing out as some of them flit across the tops of the clouds. I started at just over twenty thousand, so they look to be at maybe Angels ten to fifteen. Already, other Spitfires are closing in on them.
Right then, let's be having you!
...to be continued!