F-4 Phantoms back at Alphasim

Only have Pack 1 but over the years this has to be an MVP of all time for me in FS. Just love this old bird to bits. A real discovery/treat (maybe was just me?) was finding there is "model.5" in Pack 1 to give the USN Navair birds the great looking triple tanks - with a little tweaking of the textures. :ernae:
Nice models, but can the next painter to work on these please slap some alpha channel shine on them (specifcally the RN version) Just a touch of gloss would really soup them up a bit.
there is "model.5" in Pack 1 to give the USN Navair birds the great looking triple tanks

Apologies, checked my air.cfg this a.m. and it is actually - at least for me - MODEL.4 that gives the triple tanks in Pack 1 . .
Good news -thanks Alphasim. Lots of repaints on the usual flightsim websites too.
I might purchase Pack 2 now that it's back up on the site.
I think that the re-release will give a lot of folks a chance to fly one of the most versatile aircraft in history. Fortunately I was able to work on the F-4N,S and RF-4B variants in the Marine Corps during the 1980's. I tweaked the flap config to represent the 2 position flaps on the non-slatted versions and will share this if anyone is interested. Semper Fi and Long Live The Rhino!!

On he subject of Alphasim Phantoms does anybody have a problem with the Greek RF4E.When i bought the RF4 package the Greek repaint has three untextured rectangles on the centre upper fuselage.
From my very limited understanding i think it might be a wrongly identified texture BMP. Does anybody have a solution to this issue?

Regards Paul Day.
On he subject of Alphasim Phantoms does anybody have a problem with the Greek RF4E.When i bought the RF4 package the Greek repaint has three untextured rectangles on the centre upper fuselage.
From my very limited understanding i think it might be a wrongly identified texture BMP. Does anybody have a solution to this issue?

Regards Paul Day.
Can you post a screenshot showing the problem? I don't recall seeing anything like that.
Hmmmmm - a decent Luftverteidigungsdiesel/Eisenschwein is still missing in my hangar... :wiggle:

Any chance of a layered paint kit? ('cause if I can't paint it, it's not worth getting... :d )
On the subject of Alphasim phantoms, seeing there are so many models,does anybody have a list of model descriptions, ie model 1= clean
model 2= pylons
model 3= 3 tanks
In the Phantom pack 1 there is a model 4 but there is no repaint included for model 4. By the way i am talking about all three packs.

Regards Paul Day.
i am talking about all three packs.

Four packs. :isadizzy:
I found it easiest to split the FG.1/FGR.2 models out of Pack 3 - as the AB effects were in completely the wrong place for the mighty Speys.

Don't forget to download the paintkit for Pack 3. There are extra models included.

Thanks for the recomendation Dave, i have done as suggested, but i would still like the model descriptions if possible.

On the subject of Alphasim phantoms, seeing there are so many models,does anybody have a list of model descriptions, ie model 1= clean
model 2= pylons
model 3= 3 tanks
In the Phantom pack 1 there is a model 4 but there is no repaint included for model 4. By the way i am talking about all three packs.

Regards Paul Day.

USN pack:
0 F-4J bellytank, Sparrows, Sidewinders, bombs on inner racks
1 F-4J bellytank, Sparrows, Sidewinders, bombs on outer racks
2 F-4B Sparrows, Sidewinders
3 F-4B Sidewinders
4 F-4D
5 F-4J clean

Pack 2:
0 F-4C
1 F-4D
2 F-4E hard wing
3 F-4E slatted wing
4 F-4F
5 F-4EJ
6 F-4G

Pack 3:
1 RF-4E
2 FGR.1 (F-4K) Royal Navy
3 FGR.2 gunpod
4 RF-4C wingtanks
5 F-4J UK travelpods, wingtanks
6 RF-4C supposedly clean but I get wingtanks (!)
7 FGR.2 wingtanks
8 F-4J UK clean
9 RF-4E supposedly clean but I get wingtanks (!)

I have not yet checked out the extra versions in the paintkit, never knew it existed - thank you Dave for your advice :jump:

regards, Henk
Thank's for the info Henk, save,s me a lot of loading and unloading aircraft, more time to fly.

Regards Paul Day.
There are three extra models with the Pack 3 paintkit. One is for a late-model RF-4B/C, one is for another F-4J and the last is for the early Spey variant without the RWR pod on the tail. Unfortunately, the TACAN aerials are still on the tail in this model, but you can't have everything.

BTW, I think someone's complained about lack of sheen/shine. You might find that the alpha channel is set for transparency.

I will send the flap config. Just don't know how. E-mail perhaps. Please advise.

If it is just the flaps section of the "aircraft.cfg" file why not paste it in a reply message here
and wrap it in CODE tags (the pound sign above when replying) to keep it formatted.
Alphasim Phantom Flaps Config for Packs 1 and 2

Good idea, just didn't know how to do it. Here you are.

type= 2
span-outboard= 0.000
extending-time= 4.000
system_type= 0
damaging-speed= 350.000
blowout-speed= 500.000
lift_scalar= 0.250
drag_scalar= 0.250
pitch_scalar= 0.250
flaps-position.0= 0.000, 0.000
flaps-position.1= 18.000, 0.000
flaps-position.2= 18.000, 0.000
type= 2
span-outboard= 0.000
extending-time= 4.000
system_type= 0
damaging-speed= 350.000
blowout-speed= 500.000
lift_scalar= 0.250
drag_scalar= 0.250
pitch_scalar= 0.250
flaps-position.0= 0.000, 0.000
flaps-position.1= 18.000, 0.000
flaps-position.2= 18.000, 0.000
type= 1
span-outboard= 0.500
extending-time= 6.000
system_type= 0
damaging-speed= 350.000
blowout-speed= 500.000
lift_scalar= 0.500
drag_scalar= 1.000
pitch_scalar= 0.500
flaps-position.0= 0.000, 0.000
flaps-position.1= 18.000, 0.000
flaps-position.2= 36.000, 0.000