Afterburner ignition sound not playing in the external views was done as the dsd_xml_sound3.gau dosen't bind the sound to the source. This means no matter how close or far way the plane is from the cam the dsd_xml_sound3.gau would play the sound at full volume...
I'd be OK with that. I'd rather have that than no sound. No sound might be better for the release version - that's your call - but for my own copy I'd like the sound, even though it wouldn't lose volume with distance.
When I go into the Panel and open the Afterburner.cab file I find an xml file (a gauge, I suppose) named AB_sound.xml. When I open that in Notepad it looks like what I've patched in at the end of this post. There are two places with Comments: "AB Sound Kill for Spot" and "AB Sound Kill for Tower" that must keep the sound from sounding in those views. My guess is that simply deleting the lines that those comments refer to would let the sound be heard in those views.
Alas, I can't figure out which lines those comments do and don't apply to, and I'm sure that removing too few or too many lines, or the wrong ones, would make a mess of the gauge. I could experiment for hours and not get it right.
Can you tell me which lines to delete and which ones to leave alone?
This is the gauge as it opens in Notepad:
<Gauge Name="AB_Sound"> Version="1.0">
"AB Sound On Throttle"
(A:GENERAL ENG1 THROTTLE LEVER POSITION,part) 0.98 > (A:ENG1 N1 RPM,percent) 50 > (A:LIGHT LOGO,number) 0 == ; && && if{ 2 (>L:AB_Flame, enum) }
"AB Sound Off Throttle"
(A:ENG1 N1 RPM,percent) 50 < (A:GENERAL ENG1 THROTTLE LEVER POSITION,part) 0.98 < || (A:LIGHT LOGO,number) 1 == ; && if{ 0 (>L:AB_Flame, enum) }
"AB Sound Kill for Tower"
<On Event="VIEW_MODE">
1 (>G:Var1)
<On Event="VIEW_MODE_REV">
0 (>G:Var1)
(P:ACTIVE VIEW MODE,enum) 3 ==
if{ 0 (>L:AB_Flame, enum) }
els{ 2 (>L:AB_Flame, enum) }
"AB Sound Kill for Spot"
<On Event="VIEW_MODE">
1 (>G:Var1)
<On Event="VIEW_MODE_REV">
0 (>G:Var1)
(P:ACTIVE VIEW MODE,enum) 4 ==
if{ 0 (>L:AB_Flame, enum) }
els{ 2 (>L:AB_Flame, enum) }
"AB Start Sound On Throttle"
(A:GENERAL ENG1 THROTTLE LEVER POSITION,part) 0.98 > (A:ENG1 N1 RPM,percent) 50 > (A:LIGHT LOGO,bool) 0 == ; && && if{ 1 (>L:AB_Start, enum) }
"AB Start Sound Kill for Tower"
<On Event="VIEW_MODE">
1 (>G:Var1)
<On Event="VIEW_MODE_REV">
0 (>G:Var1)
(P:ACTIVE VIEW MODE,enum) 3 ==
if{ 0 (>L:AB_Start, enum) }
els{ 2 (>L:AB_Start, enum) }
"AB Start Sound Kill for Spot"
<On Event="VIEW_MODE">
1 (>G:Var1)
<On Event="VIEW_MODE_REV">
0 (>G:Var1)
(P:ACTIVE VIEW MODE,enum) 4 ==
if{ 0 (>L:AB_Start, enum) }
els{ 2 (>L:AB_Start, enum) }