
  • Thread starter MustangNightFighter
  • Start date
I like that idea. The Hellcat pit isn't that great...
So far, I'm not having any problems with fit. The P-38 had a small radom installed under the nose and an extra seat added. A few made it to the theater before the end of the war but it was used largely in the Occupation of Japan.

WOW That looks interesting. Must have a go at that.
OK guys, congratulations...

But could you give a hint to an ordinary simflyer about what on earth is this RADOM thing? Is it a portable radar?

Hi N.
RADOM. Is airborne radar,which was in its infancy during the second world war, although it got more sophisticated as the war progressed, my radom unfortunatly does not do any thing its just eye candy.
Gramps, who did you donate the FM-2 source files to? That model was excellent but the more recent CFS3 wildcat that was released has a more advanced cockpit. I wanted to use that pit in the FM-2 but it does not fit. If one had the FM-2 source file, could they make wildcat cockpit fit into the FM-2? Or for that matter, make it so you could use any cockpit in the FM-2?

I made the FM-2 for CFS3 many moons ago, the pit in it ain't that great to say the least ..... lost the source file for long time ago too.

I gave the source for the newer wildcat to Ed (ground_hog), not sure if he, or if someone else converted it over to cfs3.

I made a F6F-5N long time ago too......but can't remember if I did one for cfs3 or not.
I can't remember what I made for cfs3, but most of the 1% cfs3 pacific planes I made. Gonna look here in the archive as see if there's any here too
So is there no way to hack the m3d file to modify the FM-2 so it will use the wildcat cockpit? I really like that FM-2.
Not that I know of, but like I said earlier...it's been along time since I messed with cfs3