I like that idea. The Hellcat pit isn't that great...
So far, I'm not having any problems with fit. The P-38 had a small radom installed under the nose and an extra seat added. A few made it to the theater before the end of the war but it was used largely in the Occupation of Japan.
Hi N.OK guys, congratulations...
But could you give a hint to an ordinary simflyer about what on earth is this RADOM thing? Is it a portable radar?
Gramps, who did you donate the FM-2 source files to? That model was excellent but the more recent CFS3 wildcat that was released has a more advanced cockpit. I wanted to use that pit in the FM-2 but it does not fit. If one had the FM-2 source file, could they make wildcat cockpit fit into the FM-2? Or for that matter, make it so you could use any cockpit in the FM-2?