F7F Tigercat SOH Project

I'd like to be a Godfather to your newborn Milton ... Beta testing or otherwhise ... just so happy you are modeling this Grumman beauty! Mike :jump:
Ya see a Gmax simulated aircraft created my Milton and Crew take shape, it's like watchin' a child grow. :d

Please, show us progress shots here and there. I second what these gentlemen have said; I'm so glad to see another durable and venerable Grumman get the justice it deserves. As I said, I'm gonna fly the engines apart on this one. :)

Do any of your dimension specs give the inside width of the cockpit? Viewed head on she sure looks skinny, requiring a very thin pilot. Or perhaps its just an illusion.
Thanks for starting this project.

Do any of your dimension specs give the inside width of the cockpit? Viewed head on she sure looks skinny, requiring a very thin pilot. Or perhaps its just an illusion...

Terry, the aircraft was first designed as a twin engined fighter, thus the very narrow front profile -- Google shall provide. Great choice Milton, git'er done!:salute:
Hey thanks everyone. Will be happy to post progress shots as we move forward. The painstaking work now is just getting the fuselage body shape just right before moving on to the canopy and empennage.

Good news on the expansion side is we have a quality modeling volunteer to do the VC and the native FSX work. :applause: I'll let him announce that when the time comes.

Also, just wanted to post the original thread link here in case that falls to the bottom of things:
Wow you've even got someone to make it FSX native. Awesome news!!! Since I saw the plane at EAA in 2007, I've really wanted one for FS. It is such a cool plane! :jump:

I'd also be honored to beta test this one when the time comes. (The FSX version)

Not sure if the F7F that Steve Hinton and his son fly on occasion is parked at KCNO or only visits on occasion. But as a member of the museum I might be able to get info or pics from the museum / airplane if need be.
KCNO is only a few miles away from my home base and Flo's is always a good breakfast destination :D

Thanks for taking this on Milton...and like many others if you do need test pilots later on...I am willing and able.
Thanks again everyone. At this point we have lots of manuals and reference data and pictures to sort through, both exterior and interior including the rear cockpit of most models. Until we get in closer, I am not sure exactly what else we need but we really appreciate all the offers to get pictures. I am certain we will be calling on you for help at some point.

As for beta testers, we will open that up likely to those who participate in these F7F threads with an interest when the time comes.