F7F Tigercat SOH Project

Tankerguy72, you have my deepest sympathy!

I has something happen along those lines, but must worse, and it happened even though I took the proper precautions to prevent it.

I had entire FS installations, two of them, and every plane, skin and scenery, including the original zip files I downloaded, all backed up on an external drive, and I took pains to make sure my backups were always complete and up to date.

Who'd ever think that my internal hard drive and my external drive would fail at the same time? I can't imagine the odds of that, but it happened.

With expensive forensic data recovery, most of my stuff was recovered, but not intact. I had to start over with FS, and I was so disheartened that it took me a few years to get started on the task. Now it's several years later I'm nowhere near finished.
F7F-3P causes CTD

I'm getting a CTD with the F7F-3P on FS9 after about 3-4 minutes of flight. Not sure what is causing this, as I originally thought it was the A-26 eng start gauge. I commented that out in the panel cfg file and that got rid of the window that showed up at start up. My next suspicion is centering on my Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 setup. I don't let the machine automatically load any updates that come down the pike, it's got to notify me before I install them and I check here to determine if anyone has run into any issues that are caused by one of these. I haven't been apprised of any that have arrived lately. Am I missing something here?
I'm getting a CTD with the F7F-3P on FS9 after about 3-4 minutes of flight. Not sure what is causing this, as I originally thought it was the A-26 eng start gauge. I commented that out in the panel cfg file and that got rid of the window that showed up at start up. My next suspicion is centering on my Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 setup. I don't let the machine automatically load any updates that come down the pike, it's got to notify me before I install them and I check here to determine if anyone has run into any issues that are caused by one of these. I haven't been apprised of any that have arrived lately. Am I missing something here?

Hmmm, I doubt its the start gauge as that has 1000's of hours of use on my system in FS9. In FSX, it would crash immediately.
So, if you have commented that out and removed the gauge, and still having the issue, that should not be a problem.

Are you running the latest version of FSUIPC.dll in the Modules folder?
Is this happening on any other version of the F7F?

The main difference for the -3 models are the fuselage and the Drop Tank although the panel has the drop tank gauges included.

If you cannot get the F7F-1, -3S, or F7F-3N to fail, then it may be a model specific. Otherwise, look outside the model to see if other aircraft fail in similar circumstances, same flight area etc.

Historically, these issues in FS are caused by gauges, sounds, or scenery.
Hi, Milton, and thanks for the suggestions. Didn't want you to think I wasn't acting on them. RW has been involving me a lot the past few days with the holiday approaching, but in spare moments I'm running what checks I can.

Results so far - I'm running the version of FSUIPC; I've been able to run the F7F-3P and F7F-3N-WIP versions of the aircraft (has natl insig. on upper right wing - I think this was released some time ago but also gave the same indication with the A-26 eng.start gauge), each of them quit at the time previously noted, after gauge comment out/removal; I ran "F7F Tigercat Bad Kitty," the original download with no updated panel, last night at same airport (Chino, CA) as the others. Was able to do an entire flight, from cold/dark start to El Toro for touch-and-gos, then back to Chino. About 2.5 hours, no problems.

As you suggested, I have visited each of the panel cfg folders, commented out the A-26 start gauge, plus placed the gauge itself into a "hold" file in the panel folder. Haven't had the chance to try a hop in a -1 yet but will get to is shortly I hope.

I will run the pns, s, and sns models of the F7F as time permits.
Hi, Milton, and thanks for the suggestions. Didn't want you to think I wasn't acting on them. RW has been involving me a lot the past few days with the holiday approaching, but in spare moments I'm running what checks I can.

Results so far - I'm running the version of FSUIPC; I've been able to run the F7F-3P and F7F-3N-WIP versions of the aircraft (has natl insig. on upper right wing - I think this was released some time ago but also gave the same indication with the A-26 eng.start gauge), each of them quit at the time previously noted, after gauge comment out/removal; I ran "F7F Tigercat Bad Kitty," the original download with no updated panel, last night at same airport (Chino, CA) as the others. Was able to do an entire flight, from cold/dark start to El Toro for touch-and-gos, then back to Chino. About 2.5 hours, no problems.

As you suggested, I have visited each of the panel cfg folders, commented out the A-26 start gauge, plus placed the gauge itself into a "hold" file in the panel folder. Haven't had the chance to try a hop in a -1 yet but will get to is shortly I hope.

I will run the pns, s, and sns models of the F7F as time permits.

I am a bit confused here.

I assume you are running the latest release from me without any panel folder changes, and using my released textures. I want to be clear that this is an unmolested, unmodified F7F set. Otherwise, I have no clue what might be happening with any mods you may have made from other peoples add-ons.
Yes, absolutely. These are the aircraft you just released without panel mods. I flew "Bad Kitty" as a comparison per your suggestion to see if other aircraft would not function in the vicinity of KCNO, but apparently they do. Only changes to the cfg files in your releases were caused by adding a few textures (skins only) to them but as far as the "mechanics" of the aircraft, nothing was modified.

Would you like me to delete the add-on textures and retry this?

Just took the bare metal -1 with natl insignia from KCNO to KDVT without a hitch.
NO, that's fine; now I know what we're working with, I can try this. Will try this flight myself.

EDIT: Made the flight fine, did a touch and go, and on return trip

EDIT2: Just landed at KCNO to complete the round trip in the F7F-2P 2-seater without incident although the winds kicked my butt inbound. :)
I used WEP on takeoff; and dropped the tank on the return trip as I did not need the fuel.
I ran using all scalars at max settings, full throttle the whole trip (except landing of course), real weather, GPS going East, and just AP and heading hold on the west-bound trip. Flew at 17000 going and 16500 on return.
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Been doing my own thing on this end. Have taken the F7F-3s 1 seat (plain blue), F7F-3P 2 seat (plain blue), and F7F-3s 1 seat non-spec plain blue birds up from KCNO, real weather, max performance climb, varied headings but held 2,500 - 3,000 FPM climbs, about 50" MAP, 2500 RPM, until reaching from 20,000 - 24,000', throttled back and set AP wings level, and used AP to hold altitude, waiting for sim to CTD. Never happened. First problem occurred with F7F-3P 2-seat non-spec plain blue, used same flight profile; sim CTD'd but long after it did before. I did not shut down FS9 completely between flights, and this may be skewing the results a little so will restart with the last-named bird as first subject and see if it goes normally.

One thing I did before going on these flights was to open the "F7F-1" and "F7F-3" folders side by side and note differences. I changed the "sound" in F7F-3 from "nigel" to "GJ," made appropriate entries in F7F-3 aircraft cfg, thought that may have helped a little.
I asked in a different thread but the question seemed to have been lost in the answer to a3 year old topic, so I searched this thread out to ask:

Is the VHF radio in the F7F-300 supposed to NOT work ?

Is there a fix for it other than replacing it ?
I asked in a different thread but the question seemed to have been lost in the answer to a3 year old topic, so I searched this thread out to ask:

Is the VHF radio in the F7F-300 supposed to NOT work ?

Is there a fix for it other than replacing it ?

MD, I do not fly these or any other of my projects once completed, except the F7F in the RTWR, but I fly the original one, not the ones released last Summer.

So, to be clear, which release and model specifically are you talking about so I can take a look see. I have like 4 different variants of the aircraft released over the years.

EDIT: A screenshot of that radio would help as well. Thanks
MD, I do not fly these or any other of my projects once completed, except the F7F in the RTWR, but I fly the original one, not the ones released last Summer.

So, to be clear, which release and model specifically are you talking about so I can take a look see. I have like 4 different variants of the aircraft released over the years.

EDIT: A screenshot of that radio would help as well. Thanks

I have the 2013 F7F-300, the WIP tigercat put together for the RTW race.

I'm trying not to gut the panel for this years race as this is a new computer and I don't have panel studio installed on it. Am unsure if the ADF works but it can be tuned ingame, it's the NAV radio I cannot get to tune and it's rather important. :D
I have the 2013 F7F-300, the WIP tigercat put together for the RTW race.

I'm trying not to gut the panel for this years race as this is a new computer and I don't have panel studio installed on it. Am unsure if the ADF works but it can be tuned ingame, it's the NAV radio I cannot get to tune and it's rather important. :D

If you are talking about the popup ADF/VHF radio, I just confirmed it works on that version and both I tested.

It requires the ROSA26_Temp folder/cab in teh panel folder. Do you have that?

Or would you like me to zip the panel folder up for you and send a link?
If you are talking about the popup ADF/VHF radio, I just confirmed it works on that version and both I tested.

It requires the ROSA26_Temp folder/cab in teh panel folder. Do you have that?

Or would you like me to zip the panel folder up for you and send a link?

Yes, I have it in the correct location.


Dunno why I cannot tune it. Maybe it's a quirk of running FS9 under win7 in XP Sp3 mode.