F7F Tigercat SOH Project

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FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Modern Military FS2004 USMC Grumman F7F-3P Tigercat 80457
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Name: grumman_f7f-3p_buno80457.zip
Size: 9,234,006 Date: 11-09-2015 Downloads: 4


FS2004 USMC Grumman F7F-3P Tigercat 80457. These textures represent the Grumman F7F-3P Tigercat BuNo 80457 of the US Marine Corps, Marine Photo Squadron VMP-354 at MCAS Cherry Point in 1949. You will require the FS2004 Grumman F7F Tigercat (F7FFS9.ZIP) by Milton Shupe and Team. Repaint by Maarten Brouwer.

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FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Modern Military FS2004 Gruman F7F-3 Tigercat Warbirds V3
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Name: grumman_f7f-3_warbirds_v3.zip
Size: 50,010,104 Date: 11-09-2015 Downloads: 5


FS2004 Gruman F7F-3 Tigercat Warbirds V3. This package contains five liveries for the Grumman F7F3 Tigercat, which you will find in Milton Shupe and Team's FS2004 Grumman F7F-1, -3, -3N Series (F7FFS9.ZIP) package. These liveries feature four out of the six Tigercats which are currently registered by the FAA as being airworthy. The original textures were made by Gordon "Gman 5250" Madison. The repaints are made by Maarten Brouwer.

Very nice work, Maarten. Did I read one of your posts stating you were going to re-do the skin for "Bad Kitty" at some point?

Thanks for the paints, mate! :encouragement:

Fantastic work but...

there is a small problem... the wing numbers and the flight suit!!! That seven as it is depicted in the right wing
was never used in official US Navy stenciling... Just block letters... as per regulations (no little tail on the seven)
and the flight suit grade... US NAVY flight suits use the normal insignia of rank on shoulders and abbreviations (like LT, LT (jg), CPT etc) on the leather tag
with the pilot wings... in those days... regular gold and silver.. embroidered or metal insignia
i.e.: today... subdued rank.. with brown for gold and black for silver...embroidered... bars for Ensign and LT jr. grade, black for full LT.. equivalent of a Marine or Army Captain... MAPLE LEAFT BROWN for LTCDR.. (MAJOR) and Black for full CDR.... AND A BLACK BIRD for CAPTAIN (EQUIVALENT OF full COLONEL in Marines or Army or USAF.

Otherwise... the repaints are superb!!
small stuff to correct actually... Kudos!

Very nice work, Maarten. Did I read one of your posts stating you were going to re-do the skin for "Bad Kitty" at some point?

Thanks for the paints, mate! :encouragement:


Hi Blackbird,

You're very welcome!

In the Tigercat Warbirds package you'll find the revised skins of the three Tigercats I initially posted at FlightSim.com ("Bad Kitty", "Here Kitty, Kitty!" and the Historic Flight Foundation example) and later had deleted, as well as the "Here Kitty, Kitty!" with race numbers and Avstar's Tigercat.
I have no further plans for "Bad Kitty" or other cats, at least not for the moment. RW priorities.

there is a small problem... the wing numbers and the flight suit!!! That seven as it is depicted in the right wing
was never used in official US Navy stenciling... Just block letters... as per regulations (no little tail on the seven)
and the flight suit grade... US NAVY flight suits use the normal insignia of rank on shoulders and abbreviations (like LT, LT (jg), CPT etc) on the leather tag
with the pilot wings... in those days... regular gold and silver.. embroidered or metal insignia
i.e.: today... subdued rank.. with brown for gold and black for silver...embroidered... bars for Ensign and LT jr. grade, black for full LT.. equivalent of a Marine or Army Captain... MAPLE LEAFT BROWN for LTCDR.. (MAJOR) and Black for full CDR.... AND A BLACK BIRD for CAPTAIN (EQUIVALENT OF full COLONEL in Marines or Army or USAF.

Otherwise... the repaints are superb!!
small stuff to correct actually... Kudos!


Hi Gaucho,

As for the little tail on the 7: the photo of the real plane I used for making this skin tells a different story. ;)
As for the uniforms, I really have to leave that to the taylors.

But nevertheless, thank you very much for your kind words. Much appreciated.

This is an excellent example of Tigercat marking oddities.

First, the Tigercat's service life was mainly in the mid- to late-1940s, which was the period when the Navy's Marines markings standards changed more often than any other time in Navair history. The Marines markings changed even ore than the Navy's during that period. A good source to illustrate this in detail is Maj. John Elliott's fantastic Official Monogram U.S. Navy & Marine Corps Color Guide series, Volumes 2 and 3. Elliott provides the official markings bulletins issued as the standards evolved, illustrated by official drawings and many photos.

In addition, for unknown reasons the F7F very often displayed non-standard markings, also illustrated in Elliott's books and in other sources, such as the Squadron/Signal "F7F In Action" booklet. In fact, markings variations seem to just as common, perhaps more common, than standard applications.

Not only were the markings sometimes non-standard in their content and location (for example, wing markings applied with their tops at the trailing edge [rare], nose markings on the cowlings [common]) they were often applied in non-standard characters (or fonts, as we call them in the digital age.) Many, perhaps most, Tigercats had their markings applied in Army/Air Force style 45*-corner characters, rather than Navy/Marine 60*-corner "LongBeach" characters. This was fairly common on Navy planes and very common on Marine planes, and most common of all, it seems, on Tigercats, perhaps because the narrower width gave a better fit on the Tigercat's relatively low-aspect outer wing panels.

If that's not enough to generate confusion, photos often show characters that are in neither 45* Army/Air Force "Amarillo" nor 60* Navy/Marines "Long Beach" characters. In researching my series of paints I found photos showing markings with 60* corners but the thinner aspect ratio of Amarillo characters, and the opposite, 45* characters with the fatter aspect ratio of Long Beach style. And I say photos of characters that varied in more than aspect ratio or corner angle - the 7 on the plane Maarten painted is only one example.

The more you learn about the service marking standards of the day, and the more photos you see of Tigercats, the more non-standard applications jump out and poke you in the eye.
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Here is the other texture you sent...

I did over the panel you sent me... here it is... as to the other two black and white pics... I am not sure what you want me to do with them...
Let me know... If this one is what you wanted... I have the bmp ready...




Here is the finished one on the viewfinder...
Please let me know whether you want me to send you BMPs... it only takes a moment to convert them from
the layered originals... but it would be a waste of my time to convert and send them if they are not what
you are looking for... The reason I post here is that you can actually see the stuff... make suggestions or
approve, etc. Via emai, as it is "sight unseen"... it is a terrible waste of time and effort...

Hallo Gaucho,
oh fine !
the last one would be very fine if you will send it to me.
For the main panel, as you can see I have published the F-3 2d panel.
As I got a lot of new docs I had to change some details from the dashboard and the main panel bmp is now a bit different.
@Mick what do you think about the reco panel?
I'm sure it would be very good to use it for a reco version. But in this case for the moment I can not any longer use the
possibility for the rear seat. But that might not be a problem I believe.
Hi there,

Changing browsers can result in small miracles. :jump:
Available now, at long last, on their homebase SOH in the Warbirds Library:

FS2004 Grumman F7F-3P Tigercat US Marine Corps BuNo 80467
FS2004 Grumman F7F-3 Tigercat warbirds v3
