F7F Tigercat SOH Project

F7F Tigercat SOH Project reco panel

Hallo Gaucho, Hallo Mick,
here is a screeny about the photo reco panel.
I took Gaucho's bmp and tried to bring it "at life".
I must say that I'm not really glad about the outcome.
The perspective is not very well I think.
What do you think about both?

mmm... I wonder...

Hallo Gaucho, Hallo Mick,
here is a screeny about the photo reco panel.
I took Gaucho's bmp and tried to bring it "at life".
I must say that I'm not really glad about the outcome.
The perspective is not very well I think.
What do you think about both?


I don't know what you do Michael...
1. The bmp was very sharp.. and it looks washed out... and lacking in both detail and the perspective of the gauges...
2. As a pop up, it could work... to see the terrain below... but not as a main panel... one can't see anything ahead!

Actually, I don't think this viewfinder thing can be used because it is at the foot of the panel... practically on the floor...
It would require a whole different panel perspective... with a weird aspect ratio... tall and skinny...
At any rate... I am curious as to WHY the bmp looks so "poor" visually.. since the original I sent you was very crisp... mmm I wonder...
Did you change the original to a lower color definition??

Hallo Gaucho, Hallo Mick,
here is a screeny about the photo reco panel.
I took Gaucho's bmp and tried to bring it "at life".
I must say that I'm not really glad about the outcome.
The perspective is not very well I think.
What do you think about both?


Hi Papi,

I agree with Gaucho; it's not a good view angle for a main panel view. A real pilot in a real Tigercat wouldn't have the viewfinder in his field of vision unless the looked down at he floor. So I don't think you can have the viewfinder in the 2D panel.

I know you posted a picture of it like that earlier and I said I liked it, but I must have forgotten that not everything that might be visible when looking around in the VC can be seen in the limited field of vision in the 2D panel.

It would work as a pop-up though. You could have just enough visible in the viewfinder's surroundings so that it would be clear that the viewfinder is down on the floor. And that way, the viewfinder would almost fill the screen when we look through it.

I thought you were planning to do the viewfinder as a pop-up anyway, weren't you?

In fact, if the viewfinder was a pop-up it wouldn't even need to be visible in the main 2D panel view. Then it could be an add-on to your regular -3 panel.

I wonder if it would be possible to make the viewfinder visible in the VC panel view when we look down towards the floor. Maybe that would require making the recce panel separate from the regular -3 panel. But maybe having it visible in the VC would require putting it into the model file...?

This is getting far outside my knowledge and expertise. I don't know much about making panels, so I don't know if my suggestions are any good, or if they even make sense to someone who knows about these matters.
F7F Tigercat SOH Project reco panel

@ Hallo Gaucho,

the bmp you sended me is in 1024 x 512.
Now my problem is :
a) to use it as working pop up that replaces the main panel by changing the view it must be in 1024 X 768.
I use the same solution as to "jump freom the pilots cockpit to the rear cockpit.
b) as your bmp had 512 of heigh I tried to integrate your bmp into an image that showed the mirro by looking downwards as the pilot certainly did.
c) I had to try to make to match with my F-3 main panel (dashboard, center and right console)
I will yoin the picture I used.
I did post what I did here in the forum and not as finished work as I am not really glad with what I did!
So what I want is when flying with my F-3 panel by clicking on an specific icon I will get the perspective as if the pilot looks down and see the mirror,
and the mirror shows what will und and in front of the aircraft.
That is my aproauch of the whole thing, perhaps there are other possibilities to make the mirror operational.

I tell you what...

I will increase the size and crop the picture to fit the measurements.....
no frontal view.... just like looking down towards the pilots feet... and
keep the good resolution... See what you can do with it...
Like.. you are flying looking forward... and with the push of an icon...
you look toward your feet..

Here it is...

I will increase the size and crop the picture to fit the measurements.....
no frontal view.... just like looking down towards the pilots feet... and
keep the good resolution... See what you can do with it...
Like.. you are flying looking forward... and with the push of an icon...
you look toward your feet..


I've just sent it to you via email.

This might do it..


Maybe something like this?

If it was a pop-up, all that need be visible around the viewfinder would be enough of the cockpit to show where the viewfinder is located, down on the floor.

Maybe something like one of these images:

F7F Tigercat SOH Project reco panel

Hallo friends

Gaucho you are fantastic!
yes this is it. I had a look on the bmp you sended me,
it is what I wanted.
Now I must include it into my panel.
Mick, there are to possibilities to work with this panel,
a) as a second panel that replaces the main panel as same as we have it on certain aircrafts where you can change the seat from the left seat to the right seat, or as I did for the F-3 two seater option from front to rear
this option can include working gauges
b) or as a new view that replaces the view to the main panel (as on the B-25 briefing time to have the sight from the glas nose)
but than we wont have any gauge on this panel.
this view can be activated by the front position of the coolie hut for example.
As it is just the view forward I believe it would be the better solution.
What do you think about?
Gaucho, thank you again for your work and your "patience" (litararly in french, LOL)

...there are two possibilities to work with this panel,

a) as a second panel that replaces the main panel ... as I did for the F-3 two seater option from front to rear...

b) or as a new view that replaces the view to the main panel ...[that] can be activated by the front position of the coolie hat...

Hi Papi,

I like option B better. That way the pilot can quickly look down for a moment and look back up instantly. The process of going from one view to the other would be as quick and easy as moving a thumb on the coolie hat switch, just as in the real plane the pilot only had to lower and raise his head. It doesn't matter if there are no gauges in the viewfinder view, because we wouldn't be looking at any gauges when we look at the viewfinder.
F7F Tigercat SOH Project Reco panel

Hallo Mick,

I'm sure you would be the only one interested by this little add on - seen that my F-3 panel does not interest too much.
Allright here is a beta.
Please have a look on it.

Hallo Mick,
... Please have a look on it.

Hi Papi,
Nice job! :ernaehrung004:

My only suggestion is to have less of the cockpit visible around the the viewfinder mirror, so the mirror would be larger in the view.

There is one glitch that you might not be able to fix, as it might be the way FS behaves. When I move the hat switch I see the viewfinder, but unless I hold pressure on the switch I don't see the ground through the viewfinder - I just see part of the main panel. I only see the ground while I maintain pressure on the switch. When I release pressure the view doesn't go back to the normal straight ahead panel view - it keeps looking down at he viewfinder, but the viewfinder doesn't show the ground unless I put pressure on the switch again.

It will still be a good feature of this can't be fixed, but it will be even better if it can be fixed.
F7F Tigercat SOH Project reco panel

Hallo Mick,

I have the same problems as you encountered.
So when I want to see via the mirror I hold pressio on it.
Ans when I want to "come back" to the main view I just push the coolie hut to a side view very shortly and hopp
I have again my cocpit view.
As soon as I have time I will see if there can be done something via the fs9 views configutation.
What cincerns the size I believ that Gaucho did the job very well. Dont forget that in reality it is just a little mirror!
So what are the poportions of this Gauch juust found the good compromiss but I have a little idea of how with the same
view it might be possible to see a largr part of the scene. I will try that next week end.
Hallo Mick,

I have the same problems as you encountered.
So when I want to see via the mirror I hold pressio on it.
Ans when I want to "come back" to the main view I just push the coolie hut to a side view very shortly and hopp
I have again my cocpit view.
As soon as I have time I will see if there can be done something via the fs9 views configutation.
What cincerns the size I believ that Gaucho did the job very well. Dont forget that in reality it is just a little mirror!
So what are the poportions of this Gauch juust found the good compromiss but I have a little idea of how with the same
view it might be possible to see a largr part of the scene. I will try that next week end.

Hi Papi,

I don't know much about panels, but I have a feeling that the way the view acts might have to do with how FS9 works, and it might not be avoidable. If that's the case, it would be OK. The way it works now might not be perfect, but it's still very good.

I cropped some of the surroundings from my own copy of the bitmap for the mirror view, to make the mirror bigger on the monitor screen. It's not a glitch, it's just a matter of personal taste.

I'm very happy with the panel as it is. If you can make it even better, that would be great, but as it is, it's very good indeed.
F7F Tigercat SOH Project 2d panel

Hallo Mick,
please write me your suggestions about what could be done better with this panel, apart the mirrors size.
For the views switching I will see if I can resolve the problem this week-end.
I will mow finish the night fighter version with the radar equipment. For the radar I will use Eric marciano's payware radar.
If there are any suggestions about to use a freeware radar please tell me.
Well.... I went to package up the three other airtanker textures I had done and realized they all got wiped out. The whole paint kit I had made with all the textures is gone. :banghead:
Nope. I was moving everything back to FSX from FSXsteam and I guess the files didnt copy and apparently I didnt add the pk to my pk folder. Should have gone through the checklist. lessons learned the hard way.
Hallo Mick,
... If there are any suggestions about to use a freeware radar please tell me.

Hi Papi,

Sorry to be slow to reply. I didn't see your post until just now.

Don't put too much time or effort into the view switching. It isn't a real problem, and it might not be possible to change it.

I can think of no other improvements for your panels.

As for radar, go to FlightSim.com and on the search page select FS2004 All Files from the menu, and in the search box type "working radar." You will get three pages of hits. Most of them don't seem to offer much, but there are several aircraft and panels that feature working radar of various types. One of them might be right for the Tigercat.