I've started to clean up a photo of the "King Of The Cats" nose art. It's going to take a while, but I think I can do it. If I can finish it without making myself crazy, I'll paint the plane.
I don't really know if this is the missing plane. It might just be an earlier livery of one we already have.
Hi Mick et all,
These are the
six airworthy Tigercats I could find:
1) F7F-3N Tigercat NX379AK (To Tigercat N379AK LLC)
Built an F7F-3 Tigercat in Bethpage, NY, in 1945. C/n C.117. Del to US Navy as BuNo 80375. Converted to F7F-3N (two-seat night fighter). Military career unknown. Stored ca. 1954? To USMC Museum, MCAS Quantico, VA in 1976. To Pima Air & Space Museum, Tucson, AZ, Oct 1987-1988 for outside display. Registered NX379AK by unknown in 2009. To WestPac Restorations Inc., Colorado Springs, CO, in 20 April 2011. Nose F7F-3N replaced by nose F7F-3P. Airworthiness Date 22 May 2013. To William R. Klaers DBA, Colorado Springs, CO, on 22 May 2013. Certification Issue Date 29 Aug 2013 (Expiration Date 31 Aug 2016, Classification: Experimental, Category: Racing, Exhibition). To Tigercat NX379AK LLC, Bellevue, WA, on 31 Aug 2013. Current in Nov 2015.
2) F7F-3P Tigercat N6178C "Bad Kitty" (Historic Flight Foundation)
Built an F7F-3 Tigercat in Bethpage, NY, in 1945. C/n C.225. Del to US Navy as BuNo 80483. Converted to F7F-3P (one-seat photo reconnaissance) in 1945. Military career unknown. Stored ca. 1954? Converted to fire tanker ca 1964. To Cal-Nat Airways, Grass Valley, CA, in 1964 as N6178C. Flew as tanker E43. Wheels up landing at Ukiah Municipal Airport, Ukiah, CA, on 7 Aug 1966 after having hit trees on cropduster run. Stored. To Sis-Q Flying Service, Santa Rosa, CA, in 1969. Flew as tanker E43. To unknown owner on 21 May 1975. Following malfunctioning or failure of one engine crashlanded at Sonoma County Airport, Santa Rosa, CA, on 21 May 1975. To Macavia International Corp, Santa Rosa, CA, in Jun 1985. Flew as tanker E43. To Weeks Air Museum, Tamiami, FL, in 1987. Stored at Santa Rosa, CA. Airworthiness Date 28 Oct 1988. To Lea Aviation (US) Inc, Tampa, FL in 1988. Ferried to Duxford, UK, arriving on 13 Nov 1988. Operated by Plane Sailing Air Displays, flying as USN JW-483. Returned to USA in 1993. To Richard Bertea, Chino, CA, in 1993. Stored in 2002. Restored. To Historic Flight Foundation, Mukilteo, Snohomish, WA, in March 2006. Certification Issue Date 3 Oct 2006 (Expiration Date 30 Apr 2017, Classification: Standard-Restricted, Category: Agriculture and Pest Control, Forest, Aerial Advertising). Current in Nov 2015.
3) F7F-3P Tigercat NX700F "Here Kitty, Kitty!" (Lewis Racing LLC)
Built an F7F-3 Tigercat in Bethpage, NY, in 1945. C/n C.132. Del to US Navy as BuNo 80390. Converted to F7F-3N Tigercat (two-seat night fighter), then to F7F-3P (one-seat photo reconnaissance). Military career unknown. Stored at NAS Litchfield Park, AZ, in Apr 1949. To Kreitzberg Aviation, Salem, OR, 1958 as N6129C. To Wayne B. Fowler, Shaw Island, WA, on 25 May 1959. To Aero Enterprises, Elkhart, IN, in 1960. To Johnson Flying Service, Missoula, MT, in 1961. Converted to fire tanker at Salem, OR, in 1961. To Calvin J. Butler/Butler Farm Air Service, Redmond, OR, in 1963. Flew as tanker F 16, later tanker 16. Wfu 1969. To TBM Inc., Tulare, CA, in 1969. Flew as tanker E62. To Harold Beal/On Mark Aviation, Knoxville, TN, in Nov 1978. To Preston Parish/Kalamazoo Aviation History Museum, Kalamazoo, MI, in Mar 1980 as N700F. To Air Training Inc, Knoxville, TN, in Jan 1981. Reg N700FM reserved but ntu. Kalamazoo Aviation History Museum, Kalamazoo, MI, in 1981 as N700F. Delivered from Knoxville in Mar 1985. Flown as 80390/D3. Wfu in 2006. Airworthiness Date 29 Sep 2010. To Lewis Racing LLC, San Antonio, TX, in Nov 2010 as NX700F "Here Kitty, Kitty!". Certification Issue Date 9 Nov 2010 (Expiration Date 20 Nov 2016, Classification: Experimental, Category: Racing, Exhibition). Current in Nov 2015.
4) F7F-3N Tigercat NX747MX "La Patrona" (Lewis Racing LLC)
Built an F7F-3 Tigercat in Bethpage, NY, in 1945. C/n C.245. Del to US Navy as BuNo 80503. Converted to F7F-3N Tigercat (two-seat night fighter). Military career unknown. Stored ca. 1954? To TBM Inc, Sequoia, CA, in 1960. Converted to fire tanker and registered N800RW. Stored dismantled in hut, Sequoia, CA, in 1973. Rebuilt at Fort Collins, CO, from 1988 till 2002. To Lone Star Flight Museum, Galveston, TX, in Jan 1989. Flown as Marines 80503 'RW' "Big Bossman", registered N800RW. To Monique Ltd, Carson City, NV, 2003. Flown as Marines 80503 'RW' "Big Bossman", registered 800MB. To Rod Lewis in 2008. Airworthiness Date 27 Jul 2010. Sold to Lewis Racing LLC, San Antonio, TX, Nov 2010 and registered NX747MX. Named "La Patrona". Certification Issue Date 8 Nov 2010 (Expiration Date 30 Nov 2016, Classification: Experimental, Category: Racing, Exhibition). "La Patrona" is one of five flyable Tigercats as of 2015. She was the first ever to race at the National Championship Air Races in Reno, NV. Current Nov 2015.
5) F7F-3P Tigercat N909TC (Avstar Inc.)
Built an F7F-3 Tigercat in Bethpage, NY, in 1945. C/n C.167. Del to US Navy as BuNo 80425. Military career unknown. Stored ca. 1954? To Calvin J. Butler / Butler Farm Air Service, Redmond, OR, in 1963. Converted to fire tanker and registered N7235C. Flown as tanker #F17, later #17. To TBM Inc, Tulare, CA, in 1969-1979. Flew as tanker #E64. Stored in 1979. To Military Aircraft Restoration Corp, Chino, CA, in 1982. Flew as "Marines 80425". Loaned to Combat Air Museum, Topeka, KS, from 1992 till 1996. To The Fighter Collection, Duxford, UK, in Jun 1996-2011. Registered G-RUMT. Returned to USA in 2011 and rebuilt by Steve Hinton, Fighter Rebuilders, Chino, CA. Airworthiness Date 4 Apr 2011. Registered NX909TC. To Avstar Inc., Seattle, King County, WA, in 2011. Certification Issue Date 10 Jul 2007 (Expiration Date 30 Nov 2017, Classification: Experimental, Category: Exhibition). Current in Nov 2015.
6) F7F-3 Tigercat NX207F "King of the Cats" (Pond Warbirds LLC)
Built an F7F-3 Tigercat in Bethpage, NY, in 1945. C/n C.154. Del to US Navy as BuNo 80412. Military career unknown. Stored ca 1954? To Cal-Nat Airways, Grass Valley, CA, 1963 as N7628C. Flew as tanker E59. Crash landed, Ukiah, CA, Jul 1966. To Sis-Q Flying Service, Santa Rosa, CA, in 1969 who acquired wreckage. Stored at Santa Rosa, CA, in 1972. To Weeks Air Museum, Tamiami, FL, in 1988. Stored disassembled, Borrengo Springs, CA, in 1988-1989. To Planes of Fame East, Eden Prairie, MN, in 1991. Restored at Chino, CA, in 1992. Airworthiness Date: 17 Apr 2000. To Palm Springs Air Museum, Palm Springs, CA, in 2001 as N207F. Flown as USN 80411/BP7/King of the Cats". To Pond Warbirds LLC, Saint Cloud, Benton County, MN, in 20?? as NX207F. Certification Issue Date 3 Mar 2001 (Expiration Date 30 Apr 2018. Classification: Experimental. Category: Exhibition). Current in Nov 2015.
I hope this unravels the mysteries.