F7F Tigercat SOH Project

Thanks for the comments ... it takes a lot of patience for you to kinda hang out while we try to get through all the efforts here. We do appreciate that.

I was out testing all the models to add to the to-do list. Wanting gray skies for background took its toll on my video card and gave me a chrome nacelle and cowl ... or maybe the speed blew off the fresh paint. :)

The -3 variant pictures were just for fun.

Hello milton
i have been sitting on the fence watching how you do this wonderful plane,
i take my hat off to all your work you put in them and to others who do it to as i have your a26 great stuff to hope one day i can get to fly this wonderful aircraft
:salute: nige
ooooooh, I like the chrome look there Milton, lol. It has real possibilities!!
Thanks for your efforts Milton, you have done a masterful job as always. Looking forward to future updates.:salute:
Well thank you Jan. Seems it was the beautiful work of Fred and his Beavers (plus Yannick Lavigne), and your excellent work from years ago that got me interested in doing this. Those were the days. :)

Funny, isn't it?
It was Jan's (and the SF8 team's) Sabre for me - not so long ago... :d
OK, now I gotta go get some towels to wip the drool off my desk!!! I can't wait to take her through the Grand Canyon!

On a side note, I've been playing with the old Alpha Cat a little. I still have a copy of the old FS2002 Pro corsair and used the sounds from that and it sounds good. But I know dang-well it won't hold a candle to this one when it's released!
Back from overseas (finally). Milton sent me som e more good data on the F7F series, especially with regards to engine operation, fuel consumption, stall and control speeds etc. I think we should be able to doa good job on this one. First to get the Dash one worked through in detail, and then to modify to specs of the other aircraft.

For the RTW racer types, I think we will have a pretty nice plane, probably with two 150 gallon underwing "bags".

Cheers: Tom
Back from overseas (finally). Milton sent me som e more good data on the F7F series, especially with regards to engine operation, fuel consumption, stall and control speeds etc. I think we should be able to doa good job on this one. First to get the Dash one worked through in detail, and then to modify to specs of the other aircraft.

For the RTW racer types, I think we will have a pretty nice plane, probably with two 150 gallon underwing "bags".

Cheers: Tom
thanks Tom, this is most welcome news.
the ALPHA F7F with your update
was my choice as a RTW racer.

I wait with great anticipation for this new beauty.

"wing bags" instead of rockets
do seem more appropriate on a racer.
Back from overseas (finally). Milton sent me som e more good data on the F7F series, especially with regards to engine operation, fuel consumption, stall and control speeds etc. I think we should be able to doa good job on this one. First to get the Dash one worked through in detail, and then to modify to specs of the other aircraft.

For the RTW racer types, I think we will have a pretty nice plane, probably with two 150 gallon underwing "bags".

Cheers: Tom

Speaking of the tanks, I just completed adding the 300 gallon tank to the F7F-3N. Todays focus has been updating the -3 fighter, the -3P and the -3N from the base model -1. Some shots of the -3 series.
Milton,....it seems like you've really created a Pavlovian conditioning effect as your beauty takes shape. Excuse me,....while I reach for some handy wipes.........:applause:
Milton any chance you can clip/shorten the wings for a race version? :icon_lol: she looks faaaaan-tastic, i still can't find my jaw after seeing the first set of images, she's looking sweet, can't wait to throw some race schemes on her :jump:
Wow. This plane is starting to look great. Heck, not "starting" to, it has been since the first screen shot. I'm getting all excited-like to jump in the cockpit of this beastie!
Serious Stuff Happening Now

Thanks ... having too much fun here ... added a few rockets, fuel tanks for that long distance menace. :)
Oh dear ... I may have found my new favorite plane for the RTW race ("long distance menace" ... hehe) Don't tell dcc!! :icon_lol:
This is just awesome....ive gone to FSX,so ill have to wait until this goes FSX,as i understand it is going,but i just am having a heck of a time allready and i just learned of this project today..9-13..the F7F is prolly one of my all time favorite ac....i grew up watching them as fire fighting aircraft in northern california.a nieghbor of ours was a Forest service employee and at that time the airtankers were on a forest service contract..not CDF..the nighbor was a dispatcher at the grass valley air attack base for years and he would take me to work with him in the summer..i got to sit in the shack with the pilots and listen to them talk about women and watch them play cards...LOL...this brings back tons of memories for me....Dave
This is just awesome....ive gone to FSX,so ill have to wait until this goes FSX,as i understand it is going,but i just am having a heck of a time allready and i just learned of this project today..9-13..the F7F is prolly one of my all time favorite ac....i grew up watching them as fire fighting aircraft in northern california.a nieghbor of ours was a Forest service employee and at that time the airtankers were on a forest service contract..not CDF..the nighbor was a dispatcher at the grass valley air attack base for years and he would take me to work with him in the summer..i got to sit in the shack with the pilots and listen to them talk about women and watch them play cards...LOL...this brings back tons of memories for me....Dave

Hey Dave ... how cool is that. Great shots. :)
LOL Thanks for correcting that spelling.

Milton, my sincere apologies. I did not intend to correct your spelling. Heck, I am not qualified to correct anything of yours, the least of which would be your spelling of “menace”. I didn't even notice that the word was miss-spelled in the first place, in your post. My point was to acknowledge the humor in referring to the RTW Race as a menace, which it surely is! I just banged out that response, and, by some accident of nature, managed to spell menace correctly in the process (I think) ...

Those may have been the planes I was referring to in my first reply in the thread that asked if anybody was interested in seeing this plane done for FS...

For me the Tigercat was the first plane that I remember as a kid many years ago. We were at the airport in Ramona, Ca. which is a base for the firebombers. There was a fire at the time, and I remember watching the Tigercats that they were using at the time take off to do battle. I might have been 5 at the time.

Even at that young age modeling was in my blood, as I promptly rendered them at home using tinkertoys :d
This would have occurred in the late 60's :eek: