First generation jets


I was watching a show on the Military channel about the ME-262. There were a lot of references to early jets developed by other countries before and during the war. Such as for example the Gloster E.28/39, the Heinkel He 280 and the Bell P-59 Airacomet.

Would anyone know of any FS2004 models out there?


I was watching a show on the Military channel about the ME-262. There were a lot of references to early jets developed by other countries before and during the war. Such as for example the Gloster E.28/39, the Heinkel He 280 and the Bell P-59 Airacomet.

Would anyone know of any FS2004 models out there?



Gloster E.28/39 is here

Heinkel He 280 is at (

Bell P-59 Airacomet is also at Flightsim ( &

You may also be interested in the Heinkel He 178 (here) and the Campini Caproni CC1 (here), the latter not strictly speaking being a jet, but pretty close to one.

Hope that helps.
An early jet with an Italian flair, look in the Warbirds Archive for Bismark13's Re-2007. Work on this first gen Italian jet fighter began in 1943 but did not come to fruition due to lack of a useful jet engine. It's a CFS2 model, but works pretty darn well in FS9...needs some paint work, but that's easy enough to do.

Mr. Ito blessed us with a P-59. It can be found on The package is called

Don't forget Rick Piper's Meteor (granted a later t-bird
but an all-time classic) ; and Alphasim's free Heinkel 162 'Salamander' either!



Ps just remembered Wozza's Me-163 Komet too (ok not a jet!!)
There was an Arado 234 and a He 162 in the old WoP Heavy Bombers and Jets pack. It's payware and I don't know if it's even still available, but they were very well done. The only problem I've had with them is the 162 wanting to blow the nose gear on landing and that could just be my handling of it. But they both fly real nice

(Can't believe that I'm pushing a WoP product and kerosine burners to boot....)

AlphaSim also did a Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star that's on their free list now too. Another favorite of mine.

ETA: It might be a little newer than what you are looking for, but I'm also very fond of the Aeroplane Heaven F9F Panther which is has been freeware from their site for a good while now. Also get the Real Old Salt upgrade for it here under his name.
Don't forget Rick Piper's Meteor (granted a later t-bird
but an all-time classic) ; and Alphasim's free Heinkel 162 'Salamander' either!



Ps just remembered Wozza's Me-163 Komet too (ok not a jet!!)

Ah, if we're talking Meteors ..... Alphasim's Gloster Meteor (Mks III and 8) is now freeware; there are two other Meteors available, from JR Lucariny, a Trent Meteor (so we're talking early turboprops as well) and a Mk 4. The nt Meteor is ok, just needs a little tweaking but the Mk 4.....; the basic shape looks ok, but the FDE needs a lot of work (I'm partway through) and the supplied paint cheme is just horrible, not even close to real - when I find time I'm going to use iy as an exercise to put Smoothie's paintkit tutorial into action, hopefully resulting in some slightly nicer schemes.
There was an Arado 234 and a He 162 in the old WoP Heavy Bombers and Jets pack. It's payware and I don't know if it's even still available, but they were very well done. The only problem I've had with them is the 162 wanting to blow the nose gear on landing and that could just be my handling of it. But they both fly real nice

(Can't believe that I'm pushing a WoP product and kerosine burners to boot....)


The Heavy Bombers and Jets payware package has not been available for quite a while. At least a couple of years, I 'm sure. I found mine on, where else?, ebay. Although severel years old all of the included aircraft, both Bombers AND Jets, are superb! After all, they are A2A products. Hope you can find it.


PS - If you have a copmputer games store in your local area check that out. Lots of good finds to be had.
Another early jet by Mr. Ito...the Yak-23. Very odd looking bird. And let's not forget the F-86D he produced.

To go along with the Alphasim P-80, there's Piglet's T-33....a work of art for sure.

There is the Alphasim F-84 series.

The SectionF8 F-86...lovely plane, but I can't fly has to be flown by the book and I'm wait, I'm illiterate.

Razbam did the F2H-2 Banshee.....not sure if the FS9 package is still available though.

There's a superb Mig15 by's in our library.

Piglet's J-29 Tunnan...and early 50's Swedish jet produced by Saab.

For some early French jet fuel burning...check out the Mystere IVA by Restaurvia.

I could have sworn someone did a Mig-9.....searched and searched but could not find a trace of it, so maybe I was just being delusional again.

Well...that pretty much wraps up all the early (40s/50s) jets that I am aware of.

Well...that pretty much wraps up all the early (40s/50s) jets that I am aware of.


For shame!! :kilroy:

De Havilland Vampire - FSFrance FB5 at Flightsim, T11 (payware) from Alphasim/Virtavia.

There is also a much older version of the Vampire, as well as the DH Venom, by Roger Hardy - they are not really up to modern standards, but could work as AI. And the source files are available at Free Flight Design, if anybody feels like trying to update them.

Messerschmitt Me 262 - payware from Flight Replicas, freeware from FSFrance (I miss those guys) at Flightsim, nightfighter from A.F. Scrub.

If we're looking into the 1950's:
  • Hawker Seahawk from Nazca Steve, linked via Flying Stations
  • EE Canberra from Steve again, at Flying Stations, a very few pennies only and worth them all
  • Steve did repaints for the Paul Foster 'fighter canopy' Canberras, at his old website.
  • There is a lovely Ilyushin Il-28 & Il-28U at Periskop - that is a gem of a site, well worth digging around.
  • Frank's site is worth checking out too, plenty of early French hardware. And a dig around on Simviation will find other French exotica.
  • And an interesting pair - the Saab J21 was originally piston engined, and then jet powered.
Both versions have been modelled, the early version by Piglet, the later by the inimitable Itosan. Both can be found here.
Also don't forget Philippe Penot's SNCASO SO-4050 Vautour IIN, available at (!

The old Alphasim freeware archive ( includes gems like the A-3 Skywarrior, B-66 Destroyer, F3D Skyknight (Be careful with those underpowered engines!), CF-100 Canuck and Tu-16 Badger (If you like 'em big!)
Well...that pretty much wraps up all the early (40s/50s) jets that I am aware of.

Has anyone mentioned the freeware F9F Panther by Aeroplane Heaven - with various mods and skins here and there?

Has anyone mentioned the freeware F9F Panther by Aeroplane Heaven - with various mods and skins here and there?


Yes. :icon_lol: Willy mentioned it, along with the 'Old Salt' mods.

Strictly speaking that would be 2nd generation I would have thought; if we're talking 2nd gen stuff, then I have to give a big shout for Dave Garwood's Hunters, a beautiful rendition of one of my favourite aircraft of all time. :applause:
Has anyone mentioned the freeware F9F Panther by Aeroplane Heaven - with various mods and skins here and there?


Great aircraft Warhorse!

So is Rick Piper's excellent 'Meatwagon' and the Vampire recommended by Andy. Good on you Andy! Did anyone ever do anything with the Vampire's air file? I seem to recall a slightly 'odd' flight envelope...but maybe that's just me :icon_lol:
I could have sworn someone did a Mig-9.....searched and searched but could not find a trace of it, so maybe I was just being delusional again.

Rings bells with me too, speaking of early Russians, dont forget this one from Ito, one of his vc models

FS2002 - FS2002 AircraftFS2002/FS2004 Yakovlev Yak-23 "Flora"
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 3,274,689 Date: 05-21-2008 Downloads: 1,953
FS2002/FS2004 Yakovlev Yak-23 "Flora". This was the final iteration of the post-war turbojet designs beginning with the Yak-15 and continuing in the Yak-17 aircraft series. This was a single-engine, single-crew jet-powered light-weight day fighter designed on a rudimentary fuselage. Two kinds of models (clean and with wingtip tanks) and two kinds of paint examples (Russia and Poland) are included. By Kazunori Ito.

This is a great thread, long may it keep going :icon29::icon29:
cheers ian

Oh, and i forgot to mention, Morton did some great repaints for this model too.
I could have sworn someone did a Mig-9.....searched and searched but could not find a trace of it, so maybe I was just being delusional again.

Not delusional, but thinking of the wrong sim I think - there is a MiG 9 in Il-2 1946. I seem to remember a model of the P1101, but that may just be me being delusional

The Wings of Power pack also had/has a Focke Wulf Ta 183; strictly speaking a 'what if', but there is evidence to suggest that it influenced the design of the MiG 15, and it definitely was the precursor of the Argentinian Pulqui II. I think there may also be a freeware 183 over at Simviation.