FLAK Attack!

Explosion Sounds

jep. I have made it so. Maybe a matter of my soundsettings? Can't hear any flak in or outside the aircraft.

View attachment 4908

I finally figured out the lack of "explosion sounds" that you, and perhaps others, are missing out on.

The calls for the sounds are within the structure of the effects installed. Surprisingly, they are not calling the wav files provided, but what once was default sounds. FS9 no longer provides the necessary wavs.

Three wav files are called up at random by FS. They are:

I just happen to have had these on board in the sound folder, so am enjoying the rock, rattle, and roll of the blasts of exploding flak.
These wav files can be found in the main sound folder of Combat Flight Simulator 2 and I believe in either fs2000/fs2002.

If you, or anyone else, can't find a copy of these three .wav files to put into your main FS9 Sound folder.....let me know.
Sound Update

The necessary sound files for the flak explosions are now included in the scenery package.
Thanks to you Dog knot and Mr. Strogen for the Flak files they are pretty dog gone good!:ernae::ernae:

Good thing there aren't any damage files with them. I'd have been hit a few times.:icon_lol:
Hi,Dogknot I have come across the same sound problems with Yancos WWII Midway battle scenery,it seems that after a while of hearing explosions from the flak,aircraft and carrier guns the sound disappears.Wonder if this is the same problem,and perhaps can be fixed the same way.Thanks
Hey Guy's sorry to bug again,but what are the best,and most realistic bombers to use with this addon?Also which aircraft models were actualy used in those runs.Thanks:salute:
Hi PP,
IMHO if you want an excellent payware pack and great value for money then get the A2A Simulations ex-Wings of Power WWII Heavy Bombers and Jets. Unfortunately I've just checked and it's now 'Out of Print' which is a real shame...It had a B17F and G, B24D and J, Lanc BIII, B29, PB4Y-2, Arado 234, He162 and a Ta183.

If you can get it then you would have the daytime ac to use, B17s and B24s and at night time the Lanc BIII.

Still there are plenty of freebies to fill in for you. No doubt people will suggest one or two. If you look through the archives here at SOH or go over to Simviation and through their FS2004 section there's more than enough.


Agree with Shessi, great pack. Also like the FCS Wellington, ALPHA Hampden & the Plane Design Lancastrian is real nice, so I'm sure their Lanc is as good (don't have it).

For Freeware:

Former Donationware B17 & B25 by FDG2 here at OH
Alpha or Krystof Malinowski B24
daviator/David Eckert Marauder
HerbieG Forts

Dave Garwoods Fs8 Lancs with FS9 update & Sopwith Chameleons paints
Ed Cooks Hampden, Wellington, Whitley & Manchester
Alpha Halifax, Wellington & Whitley

All have their good points,
Hi,found them all except the Dave Garwoods Fs8 Lancs with FS9 update & Sopwith Chameleons paints,and couldn't find HerbieG Forts was he part of the making of the Marauder by Dave Eckart? If you could please link me to these I would be very greatful.Thanks again.
I got Dave Garwood's Lancaster lancbiii.zip on Monday from flightsim.com and the update fs9lanc3ud11.zip from avsim.com. There is also a repaint lanc_mki.zip at flightsim.com.
Sopwiths paints are here in the OH. I did a couple myself too.

Herbie G is here...


Grab the little Stinsons while your there.

The DW lancs are a self assembly kit, the FS8 plane, FS9 update & updates are all separate downloads, search Flightsim/Avsim for Dave Garwood and here for more paints.


PS. most of the bomb-doors open on spoiler command.
Thanks a ton dhasdell,and jamie got em downloaded,and your right JD those are nice little stinsons I grabbed them also.JD have a look at that FSX panel for the marauder, I gave a link to, and see if it would work with fs9,it has some nice features.:jump::icon_lol:
Sorry to bug again, but ,Jamie I still can"t find the Sopwith Chameleons paints ,I looked in the repaints section of SOH, but no luck.

sorry, probably because they were done for the CFS2 conversion, must be listed in the CFS2 section,

here they are anyway...
there's one on that page and several more on the following. There's also some nice paints for many other bombers in his collection, worth a good look IMHO. Most will work on the FS9 equivalent models.

Don't have the Marauder installed at the moment, will have to dig her out and give it a try, it depends on what type of gauges are used.
