FLAK Attack!

Thanks Jamie, your a great help as always those paints are awsome,probably start the bombing run sometime tonight,when things settle down.Yeah that would be great to get that panel working it would improve the realism even more so.BOOB BOOM out go the lights.Pete:salute:
Hi Jamie SOH file library is claiming not to find the files 404 error for the paints.DOH,and dmaloof,I don't know if the flak in this mod inflicts dammage I haven"t had time to set it up ,and look yet.I will let you know soon.

which ones? all? I'll mail James and ask if he can re-upload those that don't work. I've had the same problem with some of my paints since the hack (Dornier 26, can't find the original files either, D'oh). I know there was a mass effort to re-upload the CFS2 files, they may have been fixed already. If so they would be under CFS2 repaints or something (as opposed to the archives)

will investigate,

PS. meanwhile try mine, http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforu...loads&FileUploadName=JDTinballs&ammm=15&pap=3
I think I'm going to have to give up until the sopwith camel paints are back on
SOH I am getting an error on his website,and it won't open. thanks Jamie
Thanks Jamie ,I got the sopwith paints, and now, they look great,and this mod rocks, If anybody else has some cool mods ,or addons to go with this, such as extra effects flightplans ,WWII Europe era scenery, AI planes,or planes, ECT,ECT please link.:applause::applause::applause::applause::applause::salute: AWSOME!. thanks Gypsy Barren,and Dogknot.
Hi,Sopwith camelon I don"t know why but everytime. I go to your webpage it crashes out,I am still on WinXP proSP2.I don"t have a problem with all other websites.Is your website in flash,or java?maybe I am not updated on those two.But I would like to figure this out.Thanks
For period airbases, search in our files and/or archives for these guys:

our very own Cees Donker
Ian Elliot
Try the old hanger downloads.
maybe some others I forget

OK.Sopwith cameleon I have your webage working now.I had to open all the dowload pages in a seperate window don"t know what could cause this, BTW,your paints are goegeous.and Hello Jamie thanks for the links for the airfields,any bomb dropping addons for the planes or german AI.I might have a look at the effect SDK,and see if I can have a hand in making one.:salute:
OK.Sopwith cameleon I have your webage working now.I had to open all the dowload pages in a seperate window don"t know what could cause this, BTW,your paints are goegeous.and Hello Jamie thanks for the links for the airfields,any bomb dropping addons for the planes or german AI.I might have a look at the effect SDK,and see if I can have a hand in making one.:salute:

:jump: ............Glad you got it fixed - thanks for your interest
