For the hardcore P-51 fans.... my kowledge these aircraft are designed only for use in FS9 (we gotta have something left for us lol)....But if you drop by the MAIW forum, we have a dedicated FSX users forum where someone may be able to help you; They are a friendly bunch of people. I know many have had success porting over the other models, so why not check it out?
On another note, Kevin Jarvis of MAIW has posted flightplans and a modified afcad for KCLK to get the 'stangs flying....drop by the forum and go to the 'projects and packages' page...:applause:
they should work ok but might have canopy issues if you visit MAIW there is a forum for installing FS9 stuff into FSX including a canopy fix.
hi wing z

i will keep those in mind but at the moment i have more than enough to keep me going. plus 4 new models to work on......ooops i never said that.

Heh next week will do...
Love your stuff, so it's good to know there are not 4 more not being worked on :monkies:
hello everyone, my first time on these forum's, first of many visit's i hope. Don H. if you like your vintage shall we say AI stuff then you are in for some real treat's over the next couple of week's or month's. check out my web page for hints and clue's :icon_lol:. thanks to felixthreeone for the head's up.:salute:


Ray, welcome to the Outhouse, hope to see you around more often. Great bunch of guys here, too.

Your's is a very nice site, and I do have all your packages. Keep up the great work. I will get over to your site whenever possible. It's added to my Favorites.

I try to download everything that pops up, especially AI, but I do miss quite a bit. Sites like yours always help. Looking forward to your new packages.
Thanks for the link to Eric's site, too. I didn't have any of those.

I've tried and tried, but I just can't get the hang of modeling (on the puter) and painting, but I have been able to get my ai aircraft flying pretty well, so I like to get all I can find so I can experiment. R/L issues keep me from getting the time to really put anything serious together, so I really appreciate the work you guys put into these.

Thanks again
here's a pre Xmas teaser for you all, its the new multi lod P47 Thunderbolt from JAI to be released real soon.
