Ford Trimotor Project

Good morning Jorge,
thank you
Martin, do you think you can use this one from Jorge to make a rolling map out of it?
Best regards
Michael, Klein,

Thank you both!

I'll take a look at this more in depth during the weekend.

Miami, FL
Hallo Martin,
I just tried out your Nord Map and I believe I vae not understood very well.
I wanted to introduce the map in a pop up window with the following
input of the panel:
window_size= 0.299, 0.336
window_pos= 0.695, 0.665

gauge00=Nord_Map!Nord_Map, 1,1,455,377

the panel is in 1024 X 768
What have I wrong?
The only outcome with all what I tried is a thumbnail great image of the card


  • implantation de la carte voulue.jpg
    implantation de la carte voulue.jpg
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Hallo again,
I tried to use the GeoLibre chart and it works perfectly
as we say in german "Wo liegt der Hund begraben?" (Where the dog has been been put in earth)or Where is the rub
Hello Michael
If your screen resolution is 1024 X 768, the window in your panel.cfg might be:

window_size= 0.293, 0.390 // your window width you want on screen divided by your X screen resolution, the same divided by your Y screen resolution
window_pos= 0.707, 0.610 // 1 - your window size X, 1 - your window size Y

gauge00=Nord_Map!Nord_Map, 0,0,500,500

and don't forget you must be somewhere in the north of France for the map to show ;)
Hope it will work, cheers
And hello again Michael and Jorge
Yes, I believe I can use Jorge's map to work with, but the problem for me is actually to open a so huge file in an image editor, as IrfanView 64 or other, cause with GeoViewer I didn't found the way to truncate the large file to be re-worked in an image editor.
My computers are a bit weak for it.

Good evening Martin,
my pc screen is 1440 x 900
I have two different panels for the He 111C
one is in 1440 x 900 resoulution
the other is in 1024 x 768 resolution (on my pc panels in that resoltion makes the panel look a bit extendet to the sides but it is not very important.
I just a copy and paste with the input you gave in the post
nein, nada njiet no
I have almost a "timbre poste"
Doesn't matter as the north is not so much the region where the He 111C will fly
But for an upcoming german chart it would be fine that I understand to make it work as it should


  • timbre poste.jpg
    timbre poste.jpg
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Good evening Michael

I don't understand too much where is the problem with your panel, my laptop is 1600 X 900, and here is a screenshot in FS2004, the nord_map fitted on the Rumpler D1 panel, in vc vue, I am on north of Lille in Marcq en Baroeul, full screen:


and the values on the panel.cfg are:

window_size= 0.187, 0.333
window_pos= 0.813, 0.667

gauge00=Nord_Map!Nord_Map, 0,0,500

Hope you'll solve it

Small update to the response.

I figured "scale" may possibly be referring to the meters per degree on the map. If you take 3,000 pixels and divide it by a 4 degree spread, it comes out to 750, while 3,300 pixels divided by a 2.5 degree spread comes out to 1,320.

Maybe the author wanted to introduce a level of inaccuracy to the gauge by rounding to 1,000 and 700?

When Tom and I worked on the LORAN gauge we did some map work, but that was to plot a set of consecutive stationary points instead of a moving map. If you would like, I can go through the code and materials I have and see how he did that and I can get back to you. If it's good with him I can probably recycle the code.

The gauge would not be as in-depth as what Tom was able to work out, but something more simple where you just got a dot or a set of dots on a stationary map or set of maps, depending on the location of the aircraft.

Would you folks be willing to go that type of route instead? It may take a while, but it's another possibility.

I'll look more into the moving map gauge this weekend.


Miami, FL
Good morning friends,
allright now it seems I have understood "where the dog lays in the pepper",
I tried as I did with the GeoLibre and the Flanders chart gauges to adapte them
in height and width to what I wanted to have.
But this time this new gauge does not accept it.
I tried her out on the Rumpler C1 and yuhu it goes well. then with absolute the same
parameters I transfered to my He 111C - and it worked fine.
On the 1024x768 panel the gauge is in the fourth place and persists to show under the main (first)
panel . Hmmm must read again the docs of the SDK'S and the fsps docs where the problem is.
It surely do not come from the gauge. I certainly have a fault somewhere.
Have a nice day
Hallo friends
Allright now the problems are fixed.
The venerable He 111 C from Hauke Keitel would certainly
support some overhauling. Especialy the textures and some details.
I almost have tweeked a bit the flight dynamics, for me the are right now.
But his will be a new thread I think
Best regards
Hallo Jorge
Hallo friends
here are some fonts that might perhaps interest you
Best Regards


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Thanks Michael!

I'll take a look at these as well as the other stuff you sent. I've also sent you updated maps and xml so that the map now functions with "luminous" as well as with "nonlinearity" so things are not all over the place and you don't have a bright mess at night.

More over the weekend!

Miami, FL