Hey All,
F1 needs to find it's identity and stick to it. If it's:
1) a race what you bring technology show where drivers are secondary - then be that - and whoever brings the most money will win and the "losers" will probably pack up and go home. I think F1 would likely die a slow death this way.
2) a parity based event with more emphasis on drivers and teams than technology then do it and call it NASCAR without fenders on curvy tracks and watch the "big money" guys be all ticked off cause money doesn't guarantee the wins it used to although it still helps. Like NASCAR I think this is the future of F1.
Either way just make up your mind and do it.
A couple more notes.
1) Interesting to see Lewis Hamilton showing his true colors and character. Most drivers I think are honoured just to have a ride.
2) A race what you bring series commonly won't work - cars are too fast for the tracks and the subsequent insurance risks/costs won't allow it. It surprises me that insurance concerns hasn't shut down rally racing but I'm sure glad it hasn't - yet. It has forced NASCAR to slow the cars down from their potential.
F1 needs to find it's identity and stick to it. If it's:
1) a race what you bring technology show where drivers are secondary - then be that - and whoever brings the most money will win and the "losers" will probably pack up and go home. I think F1 would likely die a slow death this way.
2) a parity based event with more emphasis on drivers and teams than technology then do it and call it NASCAR without fenders on curvy tracks and watch the "big money" guys be all ticked off cause money doesn't guarantee the wins it used to although it still helps. Like NASCAR I think this is the future of F1.
Either way just make up your mind and do it.
A couple more notes.
1) Interesting to see Lewis Hamilton showing his true colors and character. Most drivers I think are honoured just to have a ride.
2) A race what you bring series commonly won't work - cars are too fast for the tracks and the subsequent insurance risks/costs won't allow it. It surprises me that insurance concerns hasn't shut down rally racing but I'm sure glad it hasn't - yet. It has forced NASCAR to slow the cars down from their potential.