[FS2004] Freeware RAF Gutersloh - PREVIEW

After taking such a long while, we are thinking about a seperate release of the Riege Operation Area first (ETUH).
Dear community: Please let me tell you, the project isn't dead and still ongoing. But due to the real life and simultaneous work at a native FSX version of both - RAF Gutersloh_X and the Harrier Hides - unfortunately this project has come into a standstill for a while.
I have to say thank you for patience again.
We currently are working on the AI traffic that take such a lot of time to work properly because it is so tricky to let the Harrier do their vertical job correctly!
You have to know, this traffic (adjusted AI Harrier of John Young for the RAF Gutersloh scenery) now have to work for all three sites together. With release, you will get a complete and reworked traffic that offers spotting pleasure for hours....
I feel so positive about that my development partner Michael will get it right. About months, he also is the one-man-testing group and man, I have to tell you he find each missing numberplate or wrong tweaked groundcrew member - I hate him! :a1310: But after all effort I have to say, it is well worth the wait!
Finally I can say, one of the two sites - the Riege operation area nearby my hometown (ETUH) is completely finished and proofed hidden in a vault. The second site is still a tough nut: Imagine you have an operation site where the Harrier are landing vertically on a plate, taxi across a concrete street, drives along a small path to park correctly inside their hides. Then they have to move straight forward in drive-through-methode by taking a complete other path back to the VTOL pad for take-off. That's only one half of the trick. At the same time, some other Harriers that are landing to the other side of the operation site are landing on another VTOL pad and while taxiing back to the hides, they should NOT clash with Harriers which are taxiing to the pad for take-off. Because the difficulty is the Harriers only have the runway to taxi - in both directions simultaneously! So a hard work to do the perfect timing in the flightplans....
So again, the project is still ongoing - a little slowly because of the explained reasons though. But believe me, we are anxious to get the users feedback when these addons are ready. So: Stay tuned!!!
Thanks for the update Manfred, REALLY looking forward to this one. And possibly the FSX too one day.

Well if it's just a question of manpower...

In my mind the project is actually as good as dead

This is not meant to sound discouraging, just that I've done enough projects to know that resurrecting a cold job can be a real mission in itself.
Three years on... it's cold.

If you are distracted by the other sims, have you considered:
SOH is one of the best repositories of highly skilled and experienced makers of all sorts that you can get under one umbrella.
You might think about "subcontracting" some of the work!
Milton has demonstrated how good this can be, right in this very forum.
Never say never, just ask Rami about a little Hampden I was working on, lol. Can't specify how long it took me, but it was longer than this fine project by a good bit. It did see the light of day eventually.

Wing_Z, I can understand all your objections! I think the same when watching the FSDeveloper threats with all their projects in progress. But please bear in mind:

1. You have to distinguish between payware, in this case the user has a claim to get an announced product sometime, otherwise the company crashes - and freeware, in this case only the developers decide when or whenever they share their work with the community.

Don't misunderstand me: I totally agree when users are on edge after a project is teased and teased and teased and seems not to be finished anytime... That's the point of annoyance I feel responsible for and have to explain myself....
But unfortunately, as against payware developer, we are spending our spare time to create addons we are satisfied with - and nothing else matters. To speak in my behalf, due to my job, my family (no more other hobbies lol) I might have found it easier to create just a simple AFCAD file with some default ADE objects - done! Fine for the users, but boring to me....
Look, it is comparable with a model railway: Some are satisfied with a simple "0" to let the train move, some are satisfied not before each tree or car is in its right place....

Exclusively, today I will add the English Manual for the Hides FS9 for you have a look at. I think it will speak in favour of a detailed scenery....Okay, date and minor details (Airfield Construction Group exists no longer...) has to be corrected...

2. Subconstracting is a good approach! That's what happened with the AI traffic so far, because I spent too many time with senseless experiments. Now Michael is the man for it - you must consider that the traffic should have to be reworked COMPLETELY also for the released RAF Gutersloh so far to work properly with the Hides as well...


Wing_Z, I have to thank you for this additional kind of motivation and it is not discouraging at all! For though I / we like compliments at all (that's what freeware designer are subsisting on), sometimes an alarmcall is valid!

So again: We are currently adjusting the final AI traffic - and if Christmas is approaching, Christmas is approaching, but the Hides will be released :ernaehrung004: !


  • Harrier_Hides_Manual_ENGLISH.pdf
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Hi Manschy,

Just read though the manual. Oh Holy Heck!! This is going to be amazing!!! I will keep waiting. I understand that this is a labour of love so I look forward to it when you are done. You guys are awesome and I cant wait.

Thanks For keeping FS9 alive!

Just had to go fly at Gutersloh. I still love this place even though I have never been there in real life.




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Hang in there Manschy - Wing_Z has it right:

There IS immense interest for your awesome work on this superbly detailed Project.

One of the most AWESOME scenery projects I've ever had the delight of seeing! :encouragement:
Exactly -

1. Operating area Riege
2. The rest area training site 1987 (Autobahn...)
3. Operating area Senne Range

...around 25 kilometres to the east of former RAF Gutersloh....

Just to say, Michael did a great job on adding some few more models to the VTOL-Harriers recent days. We needed some, because in John Young's AI RAF Gutersloh Harrier Package, there currently are only two VTOLs. So no more new models were added but the consisting ones got some new paints to appear with other identity. Thanks again John for these outstanding aircraft and all your support with our project.
All Harriers will get own Call Signs adapted to the areas.

I will also remind you we are using Pete Beebys great trees that makes these sceneries that enormously real for a FS9 addon! They are worth waiting...

Furthermore, Michael is still working hard at the AFCAD to manage the taxi movements of the Harrier like they did those days. Means using only the landing pads for touch down and not the trees around :applause: . Okay, and meanwhile I got managed to fix all missing car plates, cut the lawn around and scavenge the street. Means designing is done, still some technical conditions remaining....

Important: I have to point to the fact again that both areas (ETUH and ETUS) will come adjusted to the Aerosoft Addon Scenery Germany 3. Users of the default FS9 will find end of some roads in the middle of nowhere. Finding some proper connections that won't work in practise. That's for now, we are close to the end....
Incredible RAF Gutersloh!

This will be awesome!!!!

I have to add my gratitude to all of the others who have posted to this thread. ETUO is the most engaging addon I have experienced in thirteen years of fs9. While there are several other great ones, The Gutersloh scenery, even in its current form is amazing. The Harrier hides expansion looks to be another whole level of involvement. Thanks go to those who are creating it.
Happy new year, chaps - and real good news this evening. The Harriers finally found their playground!
Mmpf, you'll think. What's the difference between these shots and those apprx two years ago?

Let me explain.

My shots those days show the consisting AI traffic of the Harriers I managed by my own - just to show the progress of the operation areas.
The todays pics show Michaels traffic, first movements they use to behave - taxiing correctly and with a significant traffic density WITHOUT plopping away or clashing - they even find their Hides without wrecking environment. On the screens you can see the Harriers take-off in an opposite direction. The PAD in front to the left is used by the VTOL aircraft only for take-off and landing, while the default runway is used by the normal STOL and VTOL Harriers. Michael considered to set the legs as short as possible but barely in a state of flux. There is still some fine tuning regarding wind direction and wind force, also the behaviour with upcoming traffic when other former NATO aircraft visit RAF Gutersloh - don't forget - that's just the home base of these Harriers they arrive from or departe back daily.
