[FS2004] Freeware RAF Gutersloh - PREVIEW

Looking real good Manschy.
Zsolt, there is the DSB/Iris Harrier, and I want to say that ukmil did one for fs9 (could be wrong)


UKMIL have done many Harrier variants for FS9, including:

  • Prototype
  • GR.1
  • GR.3
  • GR.7
  • GR.9
  • T.4
  • T.10
  • FRS.1
  • FA.2
All available at their site.



This the sort of thing you're wanting?

Hi chaps,

yes, it is a neverending story about good Harrier GR3 models - I agree with Zsolt. Only GR3 model for this era is definitely the UKMIL with its different versions, but very filthy modelled - no VC, wrong textures, no landing lights etc. But you can live with, Zsolt. It is freeware and I pimped it with new sound files and reworked aircraft.cfg with nice ground behaviour. Can send you, if you like.

The IRIS/Sigma looks fine, but is a no go - because it is modelled in a wrong scale! It is aprox 1.3 to 1, so wingspan and length much bigger than reality!

So if your dissatisfaction goes on, please wait for the FSX version (RAF Gutersloh and the Hides that should start after the FS9 Hides releases). I got the Razbam for the GR7 version and - maybe I will buy the Wilco GR3....That's for hope...
Hi chaps,

yes, it is a neverending story about good Harrier GR3 models - I agree with Zsolt. Only GR3 model for this era is definitely the UKMIL with its different versions, but very filthy modelled - no VC, wrong textures, no landing lights etc. But you can live with, Zsolt. It is freeware and I pimped it with new sound files and reworked aircraft.cfg with nice ground behaviour. Can send you, if you like.

The IRIS/Sigma looks fine, but is a no go - because it is modelled in a wrong scale! It is aprox 1.3 to 1, so wingspan and length much bigger than reality!

So if your dissatisfaction goes on, please wait for the FSX version (RAF Gutersloh and the Hides that should start after the FS9 Hides releases). I got the Razbam for the GR7 version and - maybe I will buy the Wilco GR3....That's for hope...

Hi Manschy,

Yes, I am interested in your Harrier pack :applause:

Thank you!

I for one am really looking forward to your hides. And while I will use the GR9 version even if it bigger then scale I will enjoy having someplace new and exciting to fly from. Now if somebody could build a good Lusty, Ark Royal or Cavour with a ski jump Ill be Harrier Happy :)

Thank you, Sean. But bear in mind, that the Hides are built for wingspan of the GR3 AI models of John Young only! Incidentally, the UKMIL Harrier is acurately built in scale, it fits exactly the JY AI Harriers wingspan.
Using a GR5/7/9 may cause disappointment because they wont fit into the Hides....
The FSX version will probably get two sets of Hides for using with the GR3 and GR7....
@ Zsolt: Will do the package this weekend...
I for one am really looking forward to your hides. And while I will use the GR9 version even if it bigger then scale I will enjoy having someplace new and exciting to fly from. Now if somebody could build a good Lusty, Ark Royal or Cavour with a ski jump Ill be Harrier Happy :)


There is a Cavour over at FS-Shipyards; and, just today at Flightsim, the Italian CVL Giuseppe Garibaldi - not had a chance to install it yet, but has to be worth checking out.
Hi chaps,

yes, it is a neverending story about good Harrier GR3 models - I agree with Zsolt. Only GR3 model for this era is definitely the UKMIL with its different versions, but very filthy modelled - no VC, wrong textures, no landing lights etc. But you can live with, Zsolt. It is freeware and I pimped it with new sound files and reworked aircraft.cfg with nice ground behaviour. Can send you, if you like.

The IRIS/Sigma looks fine, but is a no go - because it is modelled in a wrong scale! It is aprox 1.3 to 1, so wingspan and length much bigger than reality!

So if your dissatisfaction goes on, please wait for the FSX version (RAF Gutersloh and the Hides that should start after the FS9 Hides releases). I got the Razbam for the GR7 version and - maybe I will buy the Wilco GR3....That's for hope...

What have you done to the UKMIL GR3 aircraft.cfg file.
Hi Tom,

there are following improvements:

1. Revised steering behaviour on ground:
- closer radius for better movements into the hides or in front of HAS - you now can almost spot turn
- Bigger range of spring - now you have the realistic Harrier nodding when stopping

2. Added "Soundlabs" awesome sound - among others you can hear the characteristic "discharging" jet whine sound after touchdown

3. Added weapon effects:

Cannon fire on the Aden Gun Pods on fuselage

It also comes with sound and animated bullit casings...

Drop effect of 500lbs Hunting BL 755 bombs

After some trials of altitude, you can see them explode on ground. Odd: Because it is a "rotate to user" texture-effect, bombs are fixed to the users view :banghead:

But I'm satisfied :applause:

Both effects are downloaded third party freeware you can get at i. e. flightsim or avsim. But I reworked the textures and positions to adjust it to the Harrier...
well I spent the evening playing around with Harriers on the Cavour as well as at Gutersloh and here are my thoughts. The size difference between the gr7/9 and the gr1/3 is very noticeable especially trying to maneuver on the carrier. the gr1/3 seemed to fit better on the deck. the gr1/3 however handled really weird on the ground it was like the main gear wasnt firmly on the ground it just kinda wallowed around. Already noted but there is no VC in the gr1/3. Are ther solutions for these issues? Also the Carvour doesnt have any kind of deck equipment on the main deck. Anybody know how to put some extra aircraft on it?

Sorry if this is way off topic but I cant wait for the hides to come out :)

Also the Carvour doesnt have any kind of deck equipment on the main deck. Anybody know how to put some extra aircraft on it?


Search for "italian_sh-3d_ai_libg.zip" (possibly "libg" will be all you need); this is a set of Italian repaints and flightplans for the Sea King by Giorgio Perotti ('Bismarck', for those of you who hang out at MAIW). When I get some time I'm going to try to add some extra flights to the MAIW Italian Harriers plans to populate them (and the Garibaldi) even further.