[FS2004] Freeware RAF Gutersloh - PREVIEW

There are/were offerings by Iris, and there's certainly a Harrier by UKMIL.
VTOL mods/gauges are available from Rob Barendregt, from the usual places.Dave
Didn't realise there was a UKMiL one, it also appears to be the only GR3?
Haven't seen too much of it, and I'm not a member there alas, the Iris one will have to do:


But Navtech had the right idea: with a scenery this good, really one should drive it first.
Now... on an RAF base in Germany, left or right side of the road?


You also get to peep into places you wouldn't see from the air


...and because you look official, you can park where you like!
Haven't figured what triggers this popup net yet...


A simply stunning scenery - visually of course - but also for all the possibilities it opens.


Many thanks to all you guys who made this happen.
Thanks for that, Andy - funny the flightsim search engine is usually pretty good, but no result for UKMIL + Harrier!
I also found a nice retro schene for the Iris model, painted by Zsolt.

On which topic:
Zsolt I do like your A-10's!
Are these repaints uploaded?

Special Guest...:salute:

Sign of a great scenery... once the initial flush of excitement is over, and you find stuff that you just like to look at.
Textures in this case

Late for the party...

What a masterpiece in scenery creation.

This is what scenery design is all about.

Astounding work, Gentlemen!
This is truly one of the most impressive projects of its kind - and proves the levels of realism and excellence achievable in FS 9 by a dedicated team.

Many, many thanks for sharing the fruit of your labour. :applause:
Okay, after a long time absent, now some few more shots of the upcoming Harrier Hides additional pack. Now a lot of stuff has been added - for example GSE, barriers, groundcrew and cars. Some of the models time-tweaked. Release date unknown, please stay tuned...

At day, hides and barriers open for operations...

...hides mostly empty and barriers closed at dusk/dawn/night.....

John Youngs AI Harriers able to touch down vertically, also some of them depart vertically....

...also high resolution camouflage for trucks and landies....

Atmosphere like in the real 80s "camp site"....
