[FS2004] Freeware RAF Gutersloh - PREVIEW

Okay, some more to see how the hides fit into the surrounding area. New the fields around with tree lines in between...

Eastern approach...

Western approach...



Hi Navtech,

great shots of RAF Gutersloh. May I ask what landscape addon you are using? The surrounding area fits perfect with the airbase!
I had a question, is the Harrier Hides part of the Gutersloh package or is it separate? If it is part of the package where are they?

Hi Sean,

no, the Harrier Hides will be a separate addon - two packages of areas nearby RAF Gutersloh, EHNS Senne-Range and EHNR Riege around my living town. They currently progress well and hopefully, we can do first betas soon. So be a little patient, it is worth waiting :jump:
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Latest shots: Harrier approaches above spotter street and taxiing afterwards behind first grass in between the fields...

I am happy to wait. I will be flying my GR9 into it as a ode to what might of been. Im a huge fan of the Harrier even though I have never worked on one or flown in one (I was an F/A-18B hornet guy many moons ago, along with some other aircraft). I have always thought the idea of stopping then landing to be an interesting idea. So I wait for the hides. Ill even break out the 'snoopy' GR3 for a more accurate flight.

Cant wait,
Okay, over 2 month of intermission, I am glad to inform you we started the BETA this week.

Added some latest shots.

I decided to give you some additional gimmicks, some days before manouvre shows the construction of the Hides: You can use this time for helicopter operations with Chinooks for troup or cargo support - or using Gazelles or Lynxs flying the chiefs for inspection ;-)

The main operation period now shows GSE and almost ready groundcrew. They are time tweaked, so you will have a lot of live by differently appearing crew members...

Finally, you'll get a scene with departing troups, also for helicopter support action...

Looking real good Manschy.
Zsolt, there is the DSB/Iris Harrier, and I want to say that ukmil did one for fs9 (could be wrong)
