I wasn't able to even get the Kodiak to load up. The splash screen would come up and before the selection screen appeared...CTD.
Thought maybe it was the large textures, so installed the lower res set. Same CTD.
Finally got the Kodiak to load after stopping the load of the PFD in the 2D section of the panel.cfg
//gauge34=LHC_QK!G1000PFD, 111,187,225,141
Have tried a dozen different combinations and scenarios and this, so far, is the only saving grace for me. I can open the zoom of the pfd and use it in the 2d panel. VC operates just great.
Here are some of the things I have tried, and found, along the way to trying to figure this out.
The [VIEWS] section of the panel.cfg has window calls that don't pertain:
changed to:
I had two of the orange wheeled Kodiaks named the same in the "title=" section. [fltsim.7] and [fltsim.8]
I don't have any of the smoke effects in my pkg that are called for in the [EFFECTS] or [SMOKESYSTEM] sections. The only two effects in my pkg are fx_Bolivian_Smoke.fx and fx_Bolivian_Village_Smoke.fx.
After loading the Kodiak in the sim I tried reinstating the pfd gauge and reloading while FS is active. CTD.
I've defragged, done a cold boot, temporarily eliminated most of the aircraft folders, turned off all sceneries from countries I'm not flying in, changed rendered lights, replaced my systems ntdll.dll file, to name a few.
I have WindowsXP pro service pack 2, an ATI Radeon 9800pro card, a single gig of ram. I pulled a huge amount of folders off the drive and moved them to an external, leaving the primary with 139 GB of free space.
I've shut down my virus protection, and nearly every unnecessary running app that I can think of.
This may be unique to me, but for some reason, all these calls of the pfd shut me down. I'm perplexed.
Don't get me wrong though, the Kodiak works great with that one pfd out of the way. And she looks beautiful and flies wonderfully. The VC is unaffected by my little change, so I am still happy with my purchase.
(I would like to figure this darn problem out though...just for the heck of it)