FS2004 Kodiak Build 2.0 is now released

I need a nurse in the back lol:whistle:.

You know.. Since finishing the Kodiak, I havent tried to fit a nurse in the back yet. Now is the time as the model is basically finished. This will show if the limit can accept it.

But if Archisoft finds a way to get FSX models into FS9, then I 'can' add that nurse. :d

Lionheart, I just purchased the Kodiak, and after only a few moments, I'm already in love with this powerful bird. I especially liked the last page of your readme pdf, and it really was a blessing for me this morning. Thank you for continuing to use your seemingly endless talents to build these wonderful planes for those of us still flying FS9.:applause::applause::applause::engel016:
Hey Quicksand,

Many thanks Sir.

That is important to me to add a spiritual message. A helping light for those that cannot find the path.

I pray for the messages. This one finally came and was a blessing for Missionary pilots. The entire Kodiak aircraft and Quest aircraft company is born from MAF pilots, (Missionary Aviation Fellowship) that help out with Missions and churches in far reaches of civilization. They wanted a plane that was extremely rugged, best powerplant, using fuel readily available anywhere, best, yet simple avionics, and could cary either many people or much cargo. The design also had to have attach points built into the airframe for easy switchover to Amphib mode.

The MAF engineers went to work, and the Kodiak was the end result.

Right now, they are swamped with orders and have delivered many planes now to Missionaries. They are presently finishing 1 plane per 2 weeks, or 2 a month. Their assembly line is increasing speed and they are presently adding a sister assembly line next to the existing one to double output, which will then bring them to 4 units a month.

For every 10 standard sales of Kodiaks, Quest donate a Kodiak to a Missionary at 'cost only' (parts). Kind of like paying a tithe, on a huge industrial scale.


This is the
This truely is a remarkable plane, in many ways, if only other businesses took a leaf outta the same book, the world would be a sweeter smelling place.


PS. still loving it, my fav at the momment, currently trying to recreate some of the originals 'missions', guesswork and beer go a long way to making this fun, FSCargo also helps add to the fun. Many thanks Bill
PSS. very nice painkit, had a quick look earlier today, made me a black chrome one for fun, turned out quite bad, but that's my fault, lol. CFS2er who ain't got the hang of reflective alphas, overcooked it big style!!
OK, it seems that I am the only one having an fps issue. Anyone want to share their FS9 config settings that are using this bird on a low end machine. :help: I am not complaining as worse case, I'll just put her in a hanger until I get a new up to date machine one day as she does look pretty. :faint:

I installed the dxt textures I got from Bill's site and she was still unflyable as the fps were arounf 4 - 6 frames. :gossip: I think I may have my settings up pretty high for this machine but it seems to be OK in all my other aircraft. For example, my new Carenado Arrow averages around 20 fps for me but switching to the Kodiak is not good.

LouP :ernae:
Hey LouP,

What does it do when you have the MFD in 'sleep mode'? If you havent tried it yet, its the Map menu button, bottom middle, on the MFD.

If you have, then try this. Drag out the Panel folder and drop it on the Desktop, then drop in a copy of the stock Cessna panel folder in the Kodiak folder, boot up FS, and see what the frames are like.

This will tell me if its your panel (gauges) doing something to your sim.

Note; Before installing the new Kodiak 2.0, did you delete the older ones? If not, then you are most likely having 'sharing' issues with gauges and textures. Delete both Kodiak folders, delete the LHC_QK cab file/folder from the gauges folder, then re-run the Installer. This will give you a 'pure' Installation. Then lets see if frames are back to normal.

Hi Bill,

Ok just tested her out. Very strange as I had not noticed this before. But when I first load her up and jump into the cockpit, frame rates are OK but as soon as I start to move (taxi) the frame rates drop through the floor. I put the display into sleep mode and saw very little improvement. But when I swapped the panel out for the C172 panel, the frames stayed up in the high teens to mid twentys and she was very flyable. Kind of an option for now if all else fails, I guess. Very strange as never noticed this in any of my other aircraft.

Also, note that I am running FS9 from and external hard drive so I am wondering if that makes a difference with this bird for some reason.


PS. Never had the previous version of the Kodiak because of the fps fear.
This is something I am very concerned about; I have all of Bill's creations, including the Epic LT (one of my favorite aircraft) and they all run well. So before I purchase the Kodiak, I am curious how the VC framerates compare to the Epic? Lou's issues seem to be an anomaly, but....
I also have it, and she's a real beauty! My PC's not state of the art, but it's no slouch either. I did a comp. of frame rates between the stock C208B and the pax version of the Kodiak:

2D - 35-40
VC - 35-40
Tower - 50-55
Spot - 50-55

2D - 27-29
VC - 20-22 until tex's load (appx 3 sec), then 27-29
Tower - 31-33
Spot - 29-31

Bear in mind that my textures are Bill's 32-bit files. I also found it interesting that the frames are a little steadier with the Kodiak. I would have expected the opposite.

I think I know what it is.

Put two Slash marks > // < in front of the special effect for Dirt in the Effects department in the Aircraft config file, then reboot a flight up in it and let me know how it goes.

I have a unique effect by the infamous FS guru Milton Shupe. The effect is designed to make alot of dust when on dirt runways. On my rig, if I am behind the plane, the dust will cause my computer to really slow down. Its this way with sea mist with the sea planes also.

If you are taking off on dirt runways, this is a major sign.

Try that test out and let me know how it goes.

I wasn't able to even get the Kodiak to load up. The splash screen would come up and before the selection screen appeared...CTD.
Thought maybe it was the large textures, so installed the lower res set. Same CTD.

Finally got the Kodiak to load after stopping the load of the PFD in the 2D section of the panel.cfg
//gauge34=LHC_QK!G1000PFD, 111,187,225,141

Have tried a dozen different combinations and scenarios and this, so far, is the only saving grace for me. I can open the zoom of the pfd and use it in the 2d panel. VC operates just great.

Here are some of the things I have tried, and found, along the way to trying to figure this out.

The [VIEWS] section of the panel.cfg has window calls that don't pertain:


changed to:

I had two of the orange wheeled Kodiaks named the same in the "title=" section. [fltsim.7] and [fltsim.8]

I don't have any of the smoke effects in my pkg that are called for in the [EFFECTS] or [SMOKESYSTEM] sections. The only two effects in my pkg are fx_Bolivian_Smoke.fx and fx_Bolivian_Village_Smoke.fx.

After loading the Kodiak in the sim I tried reinstating the pfd gauge and reloading while FS is active. CTD.

I've defragged, done a cold boot, temporarily eliminated most of the aircraft folders, turned off all sceneries from countries I'm not flying in, changed rendered lights, replaced my systems ntdll.dll file, to name a few.

I have WindowsXP pro service pack 2, an ATI Radeon 9800pro card, a single gig of ram. I pulled a huge amount of folders off the drive and moved them to an external, leaving the primary with 139 GB of free space.
I've shut down my virus protection, and nearly every unnecessary running app that I can think of.

This may be unique to me, but for some reason, all these calls of the pfd shut me down. I'm perplexed.

Don't get me wrong though, the Kodiak works great with that one pfd out of the way. And she looks beautiful and flies wonderfully. The VC is unaffected by my little change, so I am still happy with my purchase.
(I would like to figure this darn problem out though...just for the heck of it)
Hi Bill, no luck with the dust effects. I tried out dogknots suggestion and she flew well. I took it another step and marked out the mfd, also and the frames really shot up. For fun, I put in my RXP Jet Line 4 gauges and they seemed to work OK. At one point I started getting warning signs as the RXP JL4 was treating me as a large airliner :faint:and at that point my frames dropped a bit again ("too low", "pull up", "gear" ... blah blah blah :gossip:) . I really think its more my set-up than it is your plane. Don't fret cause my Eagsoft SR22 rarely gets out to play for this same reason. So, if any of you have a real hot set-up for the FS9.cfg, I would really like to explore that route :help:.

LouP :amen:
i want to ask a question about the sceneries.
i am getting blocky shadows from the trees, and i am getting building crashes a looong way away from buildings. for example, the river village, the one where you appear next to the land rover, i crash while loading. my computer is pretty low-end, maybe that is the problem, i don't know. any suggestions?
(besides building a new computer, i mean lol)
i want to ask a question about the sceneries.
i am getting blocky shadows from the trees, and i am getting building crashes a looong way away from buildings. for example, the river village, the one where you appear next to the land rover, i crash while loading. my computer is pretty low-end, maybe that is the problem, i don't know. any suggestions?
(besides building a new computer, i mean lol)

Hey CF,

Man, I have tried to figure that out. For some reason, I couldnt get my trees to be like the stock trees in FS9, and things 'invisible' seemed to be hitting the plane that I could never find.

The only thing I can advise is to run it with 'crash detection' off. I did note that in the readme. I wish I knew what in the world it was that was causing this. The runways are wide enough for the plane through the trees...

I wasn't able to even get the Kodiak to load up. The splash screen would come up and before the selection screen appeared...CTD.
Thought maybe it was the large textures, so installed the lower res set. Same CTD.

Finally got the Kodiak to load after stopping the load of the PFD in the 2D section of the panel.cfg
//gauge34=LHC_QK!G1000PFD, 111,187,225,141

Have tried a dozen different combinations and scenarios and this, so far, is the only saving grace for me. I can open the zoom of the pfd and use it in the 2d panel. VC operates just great.

Here are some of the things I have tried, and found, along the way to trying to figure this out.

The [VIEWS] section of the panel.cfg has window calls that don't pertain:


changed to:

I had two of the orange wheeled Kodiaks named the same in the "title=" section. [fltsim.7] and [fltsim.8]

I don't have any of the smoke effects in my pkg that are called for in the [EFFECTS] or [SMOKESYSTEM] sections. The only two effects in my pkg are fx_Bolivian_Smoke.fx and fx_Bolivian_Village_Smoke.fx.

After loading the Kodiak in the sim I tried reinstating the pfd gauge and reloading while FS is active. CTD.

I've defragged, done a cold boot, temporarily eliminated most of the aircraft folders, turned off all sceneries from countries I'm not flying in, changed rendered lights, replaced my systems ntdll.dll file, to name a few.

I have WindowsXP pro service pack 2, an ATI Radeon 9800pro card, a single gig of ram. I pulled a huge amount of folders off the drive and moved them to an external, leaving the primary with 139 GB of free space.
I've shut down my virus protection, and nearly every unnecessary running app that I can think of.

This may be unique to me, but for some reason, all these calls of the pfd shut me down. I'm perplexed.

Don't get me wrong though, the Kodiak works great with that one pfd out of the way. And she looks beautiful and flies wonderfully. The VC is unaffected by my little change, so I am still happy with my purchase.
(I would like to figure this darn problem out though...just for the heck of it)

Hey Brent,

Man.. This is what I didnt want to hear. I am sorry man. I made those screens as super simple as possible, and Dwight was able to really refine them and increase their performance. They 'should' be running as fast as 'normal' gauges.

So, with your computer, its the PFD. Wild... Well, I'll dig through the code and see what I can find. I do not have any interactions going on with modules. Nothing exotic. No weather, no traffic, nothing... Its almost 'rubber band' powered, lol... Anything I could do to make it run as fast as possible.

Let me know if you get weary with it and want a refund. I cant expect you to keep a plane you cannot fly on your computer.

We hope to have a new update out on Friday. The screens have been revised with some new little bits and polishes, adjustments, etc.

I would like to know what this is too. Please let me know if you find out.

thanks mr. bill, i will turn off the crash detection when i use those sceneries.
i have been having alot of fun flying around that area. originally i was exploring it a westland wessex. i crashed a bunch of times not knowing it was a glitch, because my heli skills are that bad :costumes:
I was amazed today to see a Kodiak fly overhead as I was driving towards the Bremerton airport. Immediately I thought of this topic. The plane overhead was headed straight for the airport (I thought) I mashed the gas in hopes that when I got to the airport, it would be there for me to get a closer look. I was going about 70mph. As I turned of the highway headed in the right direction, the airport came in sight. I was anxiously scanning the tarmac hoping it was in fact a Kodiak. As I pulled into a parking space near the FBO, there it was (no camera) The pilot and three passengers just walking away from it. It was HUGE!! Granted I cruised Lionhearts web site and saw the men standing below it in the pictures he had posted, but I never thought for a second it was really THAT big. I asked the pilot if I could go walk around it and look. He said, "Oh sure. Take all the pictures you want." Figures...LOL. I told him Thanks....but I forgot my camera. He then told me I could open the doors and look that way also. "Just don't get in or touch anything" He said. OH BOY!!!

Talk about spacious and comfy. That thing was laid out like a Cadillac. I'm almost 6ft tall. The Kodiak seemed like it was roughly 12' - 14ft tall. All I could say was .......wow as I walked around it. Awesome airplane!! And a great job modeling it Lionheart:ernae:
I was amazed today to see a Kodiak fly overhead as I was driving towards the Bremerton airport. Immediately I thought of this topic. The plane overhead was headed straight for the airport (I thought) I mashed the gas in hopes that when I got to the airport, it would be there for me to get a closer look. I was going about 70mph. As I turned of the highway headed in the right direction, the airport came in sight. I was anxiously scanning the tarmac hoping it was in fact a Kodiak. As I pulled into a parking space near the FBO, there it was (no camera) The pilot and three passengers just walking away from it. It was HUGE!! Granted I cruised Lionhearts web site and saw the men standing below it in the pictures he had posted, but I never thought for a second it was really THAT big. I asked the pilot if I could go walk around it and look. He said, "Oh sure. Take all the pictures you want." Figures...LOL. I told him Thanks....but I forgot my camera. He then told me I could open the doors and look that way also. "Just don't get in or touch anything" He said. OH BOY!!!

Talk about spacious and comfy. That thing was laid out like a Cadillac. I'm almost 6ft tall. The Kodiak seemed like it was roughly 12' - 14ft tall. All I could say was .......wow as I walked around it. Awesome airplane!! And a great job modeling it Lionheart:ernae:

Lucky person!!

I havent seen one. But from seeing the scale of people next to them, I can see they are giants... Look at one on floats, sitting on the tarmac. They are buildings then.. lol..

Ok...frustrated. Tried to download from Lionheart's site, Flight1 wrapped...first try---antivirus intervened; 2nd try---disabled antivirus---and it STILL intervened....on to my third try now but paid first using the paypal setup....we shall see....