You're using the ORBX textures, is that right? Your install almost makes me want to install FS9 again! (if only for the C9 Phantom)
This is Golden Wings by Lynn and Bill Lyons. In combination with the high density of autogen it looks very nice. I have replaced the Golden Wings trees with HD-simulation trees. I have the ORBX textures (vector, base pack and open LC Europe) in my FSX install and like them over there. In FS9 somehow Golden or Silver wings just fits better.
A while back I asked people here why they still fly FS9, most enjoyed the simplicity compared with FSX and the huge amount of available freeware. Although I have a quite sweet running install from FSX as well, I mainly fly and tweak in FS9. Models in FSX are often further developed, but for somebody like me, who like to hop in a plane and fly away, FS2004 is often just what I need

. (There are also models in FSX which I really wouldn't like to miss)
And there is much FS9 scenery which is definitely as good as what FSX has to offer. You only need to find it, which is why we opened the thread in the stickies section.
When you want to fly your Phantoms, just try Silverwings, make the changes as described in the move in the sticky section and install the scenery by MAIW, ACG and Manschy. You will absolutely love it!
Still very much a work in progress, but already my favorite touring aircraft, especially when flying over the aforementioned Cliffs of Dover.......
Very very nice Paul, especially the shape of the nose looks very good!