FS2004 Screenshots Here!!!




I can imagine you need a break Ian. But I really appreciate the effort you (and others) are putting in the move of our library.


This small model was mentioned in one of the threads. It is the F9 version from Craig Richardson's Heinkel He51.

Still a nice model after all these years, although very simple compared with his FSX version of this aircraft.

Good evening Huub,
yes I agree
I once had this bird, bur lost her in a hd crash.
I never found where I could download the fs9 version anymore
On our site I found a lot of repaints but not the original.
Can you point me to where I can still download it
Best Regards
Michael, I have it in my FS2004 install. Both the land & sea version. I do not have the original zips, but it seems that the gauge is in the panel folder & it uses standard effects, I'm also not sure if it is Craig's plane.
I cannot find the FS9 version anywhere on the net.
Maybe this will work!


  • HE51.zip
    4.1 MB · Views: 7
I have the original still in my archives. The .zip file dates back to November 2006, which is most likely the date I have downloaded it.
The file is slightly larger than the file which is made available by Robin. (4.7 Mb against 4.1 Mb). And I do have a .cab file in the panel folder.

The wayback machine didn't give much. For the raravisa site, which was the last location of Craig's aircraft, was only one snapshot available from which most links didn't work.

There were more backups from the older classicwings.net site, but I wasn't able to find one still working, which contained the FS9 version of the Heinkel.

Attached the original version of the model.



  • he51.zip
    4.7 MB · Views: 17
Huub, our files are the same. The only difference is that yours has individually zipped files, & mine are zipped together.
I also tried the Wayback Machine, without any luck. I have a zipped file with all Craig's planes from the site, that I've had for ages, and the HE51 is not there.

Originally Craig removed the FS9 He51 from his site once the FSX model was finished. But after a while he placed the FS9 model back again. You must have downloaded the files when the FS9 model was down.

I hadn't realised that in your .zip file the model were not separated.

Developers get older and leave the hobby and the people still interested in FS9 are growing older and this group gets smaller every day. So it is logical site disappear.

Luckily some of these old sites are still preserved here at the SOH. But we can't save them all.

I knew I recently had seen a link to the He51. Look at the last post from this thread: https://sim-outhouse.org/sohforums/...-heinkel-he-111-doppelblitz-lufthansa.163210/

Obviously Wolfenbee89 has been able to find a working link with the Wayback machine!

Good morning Huub, Robin,
thank you a lot.
I' m realy happy.
I just ask about something and hop, all I wished comes.
Realy fine - a big difference to german sites.
Best Regards
Sometimes, i like to fly something more modern, i do enjoy this Alpha freeware Jaguar, with a UKMIL/Ben Hartman repaint. The afterburner's a bit pant's, any recommendations ?