FSD freeware T-38A...first skin WIP

Another note on the skins for the T-38: Most of the planes have some sort of Air Force "shield" thingie on the tail. A lot of the pics I have are not clear enough to make out exactly which shield is on the plane....and I have not been able to find good clear images of a number of those that I can tell what they are. So, don't be surprised when you see that these skins have the wrong Air Force "shield" thingie on the tail. I am trying to be as accurate as possible, but when the unknown meets the unavailable, substitution and artistic license come into play.

Hey Bone

How's this for the Euro-Nato Joint Jet Pilot Training School? Still need to find the correct Air Force shield thingie for the tail.
here is the shield thingie (They are properly called crests) for the euro training command

View attachment 21738

If you know the units Tim, and you want to PM them to me I will see what I can dig up
Thanks for the links guys. Do any of you happen to have a link to a clear image of the low vis US insignia? I have one I made but it isn't right. The ones used now have the star outlined in the middle of the circle....like on the shiny black T-38 pictured in a couple posts up the page. I have looked and looked and only found one very blurry, jaggy image that was totally useless.

Only picture I have isn't of much help..



Only picture I have isn't of much help..




Now that is just about enough to break a fella's heart. All those super sleek aircraft just sitting there out in the middle of no where...awaiting their dates with the Chopper.

The low vis insignia that I am looking for is like this one...but I need a larger, crisper one that I can use and change the colors on. This one is too small and way too fuzzy.
The low vis insignia that I am looking for is like this one...but I need a larger, crisper one that I can use and change the colors on. This one is too small and way too fuzzy.

Shoot me a PM with your e-mail I believe I have one you can use. It's a layered PSD free of background ready to size and apply.

View attachment 21748
One sexy lady in Black and Red! Still have to do the wing markings and place the proper "low vis" insignia...won't really be low vis in that bright red color. Not 100% perfect, but close enough in my book.

And as always, colors in the red range don't show so well over the net for some reason...trust me, looks much much better in "person".

Another national user of the Talon has been added to the list of skins I will be doing. Turkey! Found several really nice pics of Turkish Talons on the IranDefence.NET site...which means that I have now been listed as a suspected terrorist and my house will be blown apart in a Predator strike at any moment.

And while continuing my search for pics of Talons in use by other nations, especially Germany, I got side tracked when I clicked a pic whose info said German T-38...and I ended up on a forum on which there was a 508 page thread on Women In Uniform..a Tribute to women in the armed forces around the world...which really was just an excuse to post a LOT of pics of really nice looking gals with firearms and camo. I spent a good hour going through that thread and did not find a single picture of a German T-38...but did find that there are a lot of HOT HOT HOT military babes.

New skins are up to 6. Have a few more USAF skins to go, then one for Taiwan, two for Portugal, one for Turkey. A couple civilian skins based on real planes. A couple fictional civilian skins. Still trying to find more pics of the Talon in use by other air forces....Germany being the big one.

Here are two more screen shots. Both in Black. One with the red/orange markings and one with white markings (49th Fighter Wing, Holloman AFB, used to train F-117 pilots).

If anyone has pics of the Talon in other national AF schemes, regardless of model (A, B, C...they all look the same to me) please post them and I will gladly deck this bird out in as many skins as I can find.


Oh forgot...also have three US Navy schemes to do as well. One is a very neat paint that will be a real chore to do but if I can execute it right will look amazing.

Oh forgot number 2: I just HAVE to do a couple or three bare metal skins....this bird just looks amazing in gleaming aluminum. Will most likely mimic some 1960s era ANG paints onto the T-38. Not accurate, but should be really striking.
Number 7 in the bag! I found this scheme on a model company site....it was for a model of the T-38C that, at the time the page was published, had not been released yet. A possibly fictitious C model skin on an A model. Perfectly reasonable to me!

Again, not 100% accurate in every detail...but close enough to add some enjoyment to this bird. The price is right in any case.

been looking and looking and have yet to find an image in luftwaffe livery, but you are doing great