FSD freeware T-38A...first skin WIP

Number 7 in the bag! I found this scheme on a model company site....it was for a model of the T-38C that, at the time the page was published, had not been released yet. A possibly fictitious C model skin on an A model. Perfectly reasonable to me!

Again, not 100% accurate in every detail...but close enough to add some enjoyment to this bird. The price is right in any case.


That paint scheme is traditionally used on IFF jets (Intro to Fighter Fundamentals), as they reflected combat aircraft in the "real Air Force". This was when many of the UPT T-38s were white. IFF jets have been painted in various camoflauges as well (my favorites), although these days, almost all IFF jets are the same dark/light/dark grey as all the others.. I have been patiently waiting a good release of a T-38, I have about 115 hoursflying this wonderful airplane.