FSX Screenshots Here!!

: it is very advanced AI in FSX!? what software do this?

Though I'm pretty sure such a software can be developed, I do it in Mission
System and is actually quite simple what I do :
- AI changes randomly aileron position every few seconds, while elevator is a bit
upwards. Thus, AI changing constantly & unpredictably the plane of it's flight for not
permitting user's guns resolution.
- For decreasing (but not avoiding) the chance of AI to crash on surface, there is a 25%
chance of reseting AI's flight to straight & level flight (AI bank and pitch to 0). When this
happens (eg, 0:44 of video), kills the "fluency" of the AI flight but after all it's an AI...

347SQ : F-16 engaging over Limnos island - Aegean Sea...

That is the TacPack version of the RAZBAM A-7E you're looking at.
All the skins for the earlier packages work with it - except that you have to change the texture.cfg to add the TacPack weapons skins. You can see what I mean above - the Mk82s on the Phantom have the standard TacPack skins, but the ones on the A-7 have RAZBAM's own skins.

It is indeed the Aerosoft Kitty Hawk.


Funny, the Razbam site still shows this as a Pre release product. So it is available publicly now? I don't see any mention of it on the VRS website either. Shame it's for FSX only, I only have the P3D version of TacPack. Guess I'll have to wait until they make an A-7 for DCS World.

Funny, the Razbam site still shows this as a Pre release product. So it is available publicly now? I don't see any mention of it on the VRS website either. Shame it's for FSX only, I only have the P3D version of TacPack. Guess I'll have to wait until they make an A-7 for DCS World.


It was called "Pre-Release", true. I expect that RAZBAM wanted to expand it out to the full range of their A-7 packs, but events decided otherwise.
Anyway, that version is all there is - or ever will be until we all migrate to DCS (never going to happen).

I haven't tried this in P3D (I have P3Dv2), but I can't see why it can't work there.

For those interested, there are two main TacPack directories for the A-7, as follows:

One for the A-7E, which contains 4 models and 4 panels.
One for the A-7D, with 2 models and just the 1 panel.

SOH Falcon 50 Redux

Testing the Dassault Falcon 50 the last few nights around it's home. I have added the Rex/Milviz Weather radar as a pop up and to the VC. Was the old one functional? It didn't seem to be.





A Couple of Hercs...

.....over South Carolina. The one in the lead is wearing the paint scheme of the E models assigned to the 76th ATS back in 1964 when I was assigned as a loadmaster.
Fifty Two years ago guys.:running:


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Flight Line at Cairns AAF...

....during the height of training :US-flag: helicopter pilots for Vietnam.



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Out puttering around in the GAS Curtiss-Wright Junior. The detail on the little Szekely radial is outstanding.
