: it is very advanced AI in FSX!? what software do this?
That is the TacPack version of the RAZBAM A-7E you're looking at.
All the skins for the earlier packages work with it - except that you have to change the texture.cfg to add the TacPack weapons skins. You can see what I mean above - the Mk82s on the Phantom have the standard TacPack skins, but the ones on the A-7 have RAZBAM's own skins.
It is indeed the Aerosoft Kitty Hawk.
Funny, the Razbam site still shows this as a Pre release product. So it is available publicly now? I don't see any mention of it on the VRS website either. Shame it's for FSX only, I only have the P3D version of TacPack. Guess I'll have to wait until they make an A-7 for DCS World.