Zolt... wonderful paints for F86. especially the one with blue stripes
Steph... yes I suppose I can release that repaint for the Restauravia Mirage IIIc but it will have to be when I have time to check it and pack it up. I did it because in my mind I thought a lot of the French IIIc's had more of the nose painted black and I liked that. In reality I found only one picture of such an aircraft and so decided to do a paint of it myself. Its good enough for me but I cant tell you much about it... the caption mentioned something about 2/2 Dijon but I'm not sure what that means. Ill see what I can do. I may get Jan Kees to check it and release it because I used one of his paints as a starting point and edited it. Leave it with me... Ill see what I can do.
looks like should have a small 8 on the tail... I missed that