FSX Screenshots Here!!

Call the ball!!

More like 'call the ship'!!





CTB continued..




ASN 'Live'
Skysim Sea Vixen
Flying Stations Victorious '64 plus additional ships

What zsoltquack said!

Great fleet action going on there to, Dave. One of these days I'll learn how to put a task group together. So much to do, so little time!

Zolt... wonderful paints for F86. especially the one with blue stripes

Steph... yes I suppose I can release that repaint for the Restauravia Mirage IIIc but it will have to be when I have time to check it and pack it up. I did it because in my mind I thought a lot of the French IIIc's had more of the nose painted black and I liked that. In reality I found only one picture of such an aircraft and so decided to do a paint of it myself. Its good enough for me but I cant tell you much about it... the caption mentioned something about 2/2 Dijon but I'm not sure what that means. Ill see what I can do. I may get Jan Kees to check it and release it because I used one of his paints as a starting point and edited it. Leave it with me... Ill see what I can do.


looks like should have a small 8 on the tail... I missed that



Hi MDIvey,
many thanks for your answer!
The first Mirage IIIC batch had an overall black nose before being fitted with their "Cyrano" radar.
The code you mention was used by EC (Escadron de Chasse= Fighter Squadron in French) 2/2 "Côte d'Or" (2nd squadron of the 2nd Fighter Wing based in Dijon).
I own the fantastic book serie (4 volumes) published by DTU in the 90's related to the Mirage III family ( a must have for all the Mirage fans!!!) and it states that the only Mirage IIIC who carried the 2-FB code and SPA94 "La mort qui fauche" flight insignia was Mirage IIIC N°8 (from May 28th 1968 to October 27th 1975).
Hope this helps...

Great pics of a difficult trap! Thanks for a wonderful post, sir!
With weather like that, they should give a "99 aircraft, light em up!" (all aircraft, turn on your landing lights so the LSO's can see you in the groove) from the LSO. Those guys may be mean and harsh (at least to me!), but they can be real life-savers when the weather is Case II or Case III!
Assuming that the British have similar LSO's to what the American's use, anyway :)

Thanks again!
:applause:Thunderous applause Mr.B.!:applause: Fantastic shots of the FAA in action!

(I'd have to put in a new title in with regard to my nautical flying prowess, it would read:- ' never mind call the ship, let's find the blooming thing first!')
Thanks again chaps:ernaehrung004:

You know me and the Vixen are like DaveH and the Lightning.. very nearly inseparable:) When I started to set that shot up.. in fact even as I hit the printscreen button, I couldn't see Victorious. It's only when I cropped the shot later I saw her in the murk!! No FLOLS on Vic as I didn't have RFN tuned in (or on). A leap of faith that she'd be where I expected her to be!!

Here's a completely different shot. I took it ages ago and liked it so much I kept it. Nothing particularly outstanding other than the fact it has a good element of realism about it. I've only ever seen B2's in the UK with F-15's nailed on each side. This shot taken from 'nearest airport' and zoomed..

[QUOTE I've only ever seen B2's in the UK with F-15's nailed on each side][/QUOTE]

reminds me of the old story, true or not, that a prominent British electronics company claimed it could pic up the B2's radar sig at a Farnbourough show some years back, from then on, the B2 always had a couple of F15's in attendance at British shows to hide further embarrassment, just want to add, thats just the story doing the rounds at the time,

cheers ian
More like 'call the ship'!!


Hi Dave,

I've been enjoying your taskgroup pics for a long time and these latest ones of Victorious really bring back memories of some good times I spent on exchange in Victorious in 1964 out of Singapore - the Buccaneers and Sea Vixens were very busy and very noisy - probably why I ended up in submarines! Certainly being on the equator and living five or six decks below the arrestor wires was good training for boats!
Keep up the good work.....
Sadly not mate. It disappeared along with the Hawk when Skysim shut up shop. Couldn't say if it will never be available though.. it's all down to who actually owns the model.. the author (Brian Franklin) or the publisher (Skysim).
