FSX Screenshots Here!!

How would anybody at CBFS know your mothers maiden name?

It would be one of many questions to choose from, like other sites use for the same purpose... to make sure you're not a 'bot'. You'd select the question from their roster and then type in an answer. That answer goes into their (CBFS) database as an identifier for you. So in effect, you're GIVING CBFS the answer to their question, like the RAF Bedford question.
I reckon if you're a resident of Britain, and somewhat of a British aircraft authority, then you'd know what the registration number of the specific Vickers VC-10 that wore the RAF Bedford paint. I am not, (not out of ignorance but I have way too many planes in FS to try and keep up with everyone's history). :topsy_turvy: Sorry, mate.

I'm a member here, and I registered just a user name and password. Did the same on about 10 more sites, FS related and others. The only site that asked for personal information, were Banks and Credit Card facilities.

I accept that there is sometimes a difficulty in knowing details about foreign aircraft and indeed locations. There is an old saying that the USA and the UK are nations divided by a common language. I've found that to be true when I've visited your country.

Still, we remain friends, and that's the main thing.


The white bomber reminded me of James Bond movie :) :)

Curious to know if those white bombers ever saw any military action????


Yeah, you're right...The movie was "Thunderball" (original name of a VERY famous Israeli military operation too, I might add). There was a Vulcan in that where the bad guys stole a nuclear weapon.


The white bomber reminded me of James Bond movie :) :)

Curious to know if those white bombers ever saw any military action????



we wouldn't be here if they did, the scheme was called anti flash, same as the white hood and gloves used by navies, the anti flash schemes where singled out as nuke bombers

i believe the only anti flash vulcans ever to drop a nukes was during the blue steel trial in central australia

the regular schemes (conventional bombers) only saw combat service in the Falklands
Nail on the head Matt:encouragement:

The white scheme was in service but thankfully.. never used in anger. After the Russians built SAM's with range enough to hit it the V Bombers.. their operational roll changed (nuclear responsibility went to the RN) and they started picking up the camo upper scheme with variations below following (white lower/grey lower/camo lower). The Vulcan in 'Thunderball' was camo upper and white lower as I remember (not that I haven't seen it a dozen times):biggrin-new:
Rick has released these 2 Apollo paints for the Jetstream 200..



They're available on the original Jetstream release post at CBFS;)
Nail on the head Matt:encouragement:

The white scheme was in service but thankfully.. never used in anger. After the Russians built SAM's with range enough to hit it the V Bombers.. their operational roll changed (nuclear responsibility went to the RN) and they started picking up the camo upper scheme with variations below following (white lower/grey lower/camo lower). The Vulcan in 'Thunderball' was camo upper and white lower as I remember (not that I haven't seen it a dozen times):biggrin-new:


Oh, yes please, I'll have one of those! This model is really terrific. Better than many payware. And an unfinished beta - sheesh!:dizzy:

I'm not familiar with the upload process here but if you PM me an email addy I can get the textures to anyone that wants them.
Lighthouse Hattrick


G-DAAN's been busy; visiting SW Lighthouses. L-R Wolf Rock; Longships and Eddystone.
Nemeth Designs EC135.


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Spitfire around Camarillo. It's fun to have an ORBX regional scenery for a section of the world I've actually been to - from Camarillo, to Van Nuys, to Chino, Palm Springs, and as far south as Borrego Springs, it brings back a lot of memories.




Thanks DaveB!

John Terrell I can always tell when I'm looking at one of your screens. I generally view this forum on my phone and so names are usually hidden from view but itshe always a treat to this kinda I'm looking at one of your screens and then find that I'm correct in my assumption! You've got your own look for sure which most photographers are trying to find in real life...to be recognized! Great job!