FSX Screenshots Here!!

How much would it cost to clone Lazarus and let him loose on this one and the IRIS MIG-27 and 29?

Thank you - it took me a long time to find a still active download site to get it...

I get the same nice view for GMML, but the other airports don't play nicely with ORBX Global and Vector :(
I am a real newby to scenery manipulation - any clue to keep only the GMML area and exclude GMMA and GMMH (or may be some advice to fix the problems ...)

Thanks for any help - Gérard

I sincerely hope that this is not the only repaint of the FCS Wellington that Peter Watkins will do. Fantastic job Mr Watkins. Please do some UK based ones. I tried painting this model and ran out of talent, so I went back to my favourite Hurricane to console myself.

Get out of it!!:biggrin-new:

Yup.. it gives the old girl a new lease of life doesn't it. I've a feeling this won't be the only one he does;)
Ten Tors from days gone by.


This weekend saw the 57th Ten Tors Challenge on Dartmoor.
These shots show how things were a few years ago, when Westland Sea King HC.4's performed an assortment of tasks throughout the weekend.
Ranging from ferrying stores to outlying support teams, to rescuing injured participants.
Always, late on the Sunday; an aircraft would fly the routes taken by the walkers to 'clear the moor' and bring safely home any stragglers!
Here, we see HC.4 serial ZN, carrying out the final sweep., and passing North Hessary Tor Radio mast at Princetown.



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I use all ORBX here no probleme!
Do not forget to activate the Scenery/Afri/Scenery GMML_install.bat

In the file I downloaded there was not such folder...

I found another source with this extra files. It looks much better, but I have still strange "kerns" (4 in total) at GMMA - have played excluding some GMMA related ORBX Vector files with no luck :banghead:


I really like this scenery.

Could a scenery expert give me some clue ?

Thanks a lot
