FSX Screenshots Here!!

A 'What if'..

Cera's AS365 lends itself to 'what ifs' very well..




Still fiddling with it at the moment. I don't like how the top of the nose appears darker at some angles despite it being exactly the same colour as the rest of the model.

Hi Zsolt (and anyone else)

Think this is a more up to date version, here ; --- > http://www.mediafire.com/file/htno8wt5o45cj6h/Laayoune.rar

courtesy of

http://fs-telechargement.blogspot.com/2012/10/morocan-airport-scenery.html ; however this may not have all the textures; add it to the original beta from Libertysim.

SMARA (GMMA) is included in GMML (Laayoune) scenery pack, plus the elevation fix.



Hi Pete,

I use this update v.1.0 but the GMMA unusable!
Any idea?


I sincerely hope that this is not the only repaint of the FCS Wellington that Peter Watkins will do. Fantastic job Mr Watkins. Please do some UK based ones. I tried painting this model and ran out of talent, so I went back to my favourite Hurricane to console myself.


OK will be doing quite a few, as Dave has guessed! Have just uploaded this B.III to FlightSim.com.

If that Israeli bird is supposed to be a Kfir, it's missing the forward canards, and the bright yellow stripe around the middle of the pitot tube. About a foot long. I've watched a TV reporter walk right into it. Had the oddest mark in the middle of her forehead for a while... :D
I worked on them in Yuma for a couple of years. VMFAT-401 Snipers agressor squadron.

Have fun all!
It’s not missing anything. That’s a Mirage IIICJ, which entered IDF-AF service a decade before the Kfir came into existence.

Unfortunately, as a huge fan of all the Mirage and derivatives in general – and the Kfir in particular – the latter is not existent in FSX. The Skysim III/5/Nesher is the closest to a Kfir we have. I fly that one in a lovely Aggressor paint, likely my favourite 80s era military jet.
